react-native appcenter-crashes does not log issues - react-native

I currently using react-native 0.65.
But crashes does not show on ms appcenter
I followed these instruction
I build an APK throwing an error
Then installed it on a device.
The app crashed but no item log registered on appcenter.
Any solutions for this?
Thank you


Where can I source help for native crashes of an expo EAS apk build

I am building an app using react-native on Expo and making sure to build with EAS every few days or whenever I add a new dependency.
After every build, I install the apk on an Android device and run the ios build on a simulator.
On my latest build, the build completes successfully but after installing the apk on android 10, the app opens and crashes once I navigate to a certain page.
It works fine on 3 other android phones.
The code difference between the last successful build that doesn't crash to the current one is minimal however very necessary for the app.
How can I see logs from the native crash in order to find the cause of the problem and hopefully find a fix?
I tried to install sentry but at the bottom of the page, it explains it only follows js issues and is not native.
Any ideas will be helpful

info Installing the app... FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. in react native

I am new in react native, I have followed all the instruction as in react native getting started guide. When i enter the 'npx react-native run-android' command. The metro server starts and gives an error.
Metro server error image
Visual Studio Code terminal error
My node and jdk version are the same as mentioned on their website.
node and jdk version
Android sdk versions are also same.
android sdk
I have also tried it on my physical device same error occurs every time.
environment variable is also added.
[Environment variable] (

Library linking issue after upgrading to React Native 0.70.3

We upgraded the mobile development project we are working on to React Native v0.70.3 from 0.66.4 and our build starting to give all sort of issue in our build server after that. Both iOS and Android builds are failing with following error messages.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':react-native-camera-kit:verifyReleaseResources'.
A failure occurred while executing$Action
Android resource linking failed
ERROR:/Users/jenkinsoffshore/CICDBuilds/workspace/Mobile-Service-Android/node_modules/react-native-camera-kit/android/build/intermediates/merged_res/release/values/values.xml:2784: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.
iOS build ends in success and we can upload to testflight as well. but getting the following error in email and the app crashes in devices.
ITMS-90863: Apple silicon Macs support issue - The app links with libraries that are not present on Mac:
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App Store Connect
We upgraded the MacOS version to Ventura and Xcode along with in the build machine. In developer machine both builds work fine.
Do we have to do anything specifically after upgrading to React Native 0.70.3?
Downgrade to atmost react-native 0.69
Rebuilding the server completely solve the issue. We had to setup everything from scratch. There must be a simple solution that that but project deadlines made us to go for a full re-inttall.

react native invalid hook call in release build

I tried to build my react native app and got the error below.
it works totally fine in debug build while app crashes in release build.
I got this by logging my android device with the command adb logcat '*:E'
Thanks in advance.

React-Native App giving and error while loading in my physical device

I build up a simple app with react native and its nicely work in my emulator. Then i tried to run it in smartphone using USB debug option. I can see the app in my phone under apps list, but when i try to open it for further developments its shows this error. Any idea what i am missing for react-native run-android in a physical device? I am working in a windows PC
"Unable to load script from assets ''. Make sure your bundle is packaged correctly or you're running packager server"