I wanted to start learning about Twitter API V2 so, I created a developer account and created my first app. I saved the api key, api key secret and my Bearer token.
But when I tried the example in the documentation in my terminal it didn't work.
what I am doing wrong ?
error I got
Remove the < and > characters from the bearer token string value. They are there to denote that the whole value should be replaced with your bearer token.
I am using google ads api, I have generated Access Token, Refresh Token, I have CustomerId of my Ads Manager account, my developer token still getting this error. **My ultimate goal is to generate Keyword ideas using google ads api **
You have to put your generated token inside your request-header. With that token inside the header, every request to your API is authorized.
You can see that you have an "Authorization"-Token with the empty value "Bearer". There you have to put in your token, that your API can check the token and validate it. Same thing with the developer-token. Your requests sends empty header values.
Using the set up above in the images, I am trying to make a rest call to LinkedIn to recieve my Oauth token following this guide: https://medium.com/#ellesmuse/how-to-get-a-linkedin-access-token-a53f9b62f0ce
However I am getting the error:
The redirect_uri does not match the registered value
Any ideas?
I had to set up the localhost url for my callback instead of using the random google link
I am trying to work with IAM token based authentication. I am able to generate 'access token' and could do operations using the 'access token'. Now I am having issue while generating 'refresh token'. I am following this link https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/watson?topic=watson-iam.
I am using below command to generate refresh token. Here Authorization header value obtained using username as 'apikey' and value as my key. {refreh-token} value I am using which I received while generating 'access token'.
curl -k -X POST --header "Authorization: Basic Yng6Yng=" --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" \ --data-urlencode "refresh_token={refresh-token}" "https://iam.bluemix.net/identity/token"
I expect to get refresh token but get error {"context":"requestId":"021c3482...""},"errorCode":"BXNIM0507E","errorMessage":"For OpenID Connect related APIs, you need to send your client credentials as basic authorization header"}
Can some one help me in understanding what is going wrong
The description in https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/watson?topic=watson-iam is incorrectly describing the refresh case. I will follow-up with the docs team to update that section.
This is the generic description how to get tokens for API keys:
For API usage, IBM Cloud allows you to generate access token's without providing a client id / secret. In this case, a default client id is assumed which is only allowed to create tokens for API keys, but not authorized to use any other grant type - including the grant_type refresh_token. Therefore, simply dismiss the refresh token from the response of the API key grant in the first call - you won't be able to use it.
In the API key use case, there is no benefit of using the grant_type refresh_token over getting a new access token with the API key grant type anyway - all validation steps that are done internally (does the user stil exist / is the user still in the account / ...) are identical. But the refresh token eventually will expire - the API key not.
So I generated access token and access token secret on Twitter
However's every time I make a GET request on Postman I get bad authentication data:
I copy & paste the access token after "Basic" in the Value so I don't know why it's not working?? I would be so grateful if anyone helped!!!
PS I didn't put anything in the authorization tab on Postman. Not sure if that's relevant:
You should be getting GET not POST for statuses/user_timeline as per Twitter API User Timeline
GET statuses/user_timeline
I am migrating from API v1 to API v2 and have this problem here.
First i receive the token with this request:
Then i call
adding "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxx" header to get user's display name, but it fails every time with this message:
{protocol=http/1.1, code=400, message=Bad Request, url=https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/users/get_current_account}
The same code with API v1 calls worked just fine. Is there anything i missed? Thanks
Why don't you use a SDK like CloudRail? Then it would be just a function call like documented here