Getting an error while trying to run dbt under a venv - dbt

I have created a venv for my project. I have installed the dbt package. When I try to dbt run, I get this error.

what is outputted when you run dbt --version? My guess is your project is dbt-core>=1.0.0 and the venv version of dbt-core is <1.0.0. or vise versa

Seem like a version mismatch.
model-paths and seed-paths were renamed after v1.0.0.


Running software build in MSYS2 MINGW32 shell

I'm trying to run a piece of software I built in MSYS2 MINGW32 shell. The software is 32bits (don't have time to port it to 64bits) and there is one statically linked executable. Here is how I setup the build environment:
Installed a fresh copy of MSYS2;
$ pacman -Syu
Installed the following packages: git mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-SDL mingw-w64-i686-SDL_mixer mingw-w64-i686-zlib mingw-w64-i686-libpng mingw-w64-i686-make
Git checkout the repo
Run the build in CMake
Build runs fine and the exe is generated.
Now the problem starts: the executable can't run and displays an error message about missing DLLs. I copied the missing DLLs to the same folder of the executable, and them another error message pops up complaining about error 0xC000007B, which I tracked down to be missing dependencies. After a while I figured out that the problem was that some of the DLLs is missing a dependency itself. Copied this last dependency to the folder.
Now, the big question: I can run the exe perfectly fine in the MINGW32 shell but I can't run it neither in cmd.exe nor by double-clicking in Windows Explorer and this is a problem (I can't ship a software this way). Is there any way to produce a binary that is able to run from explorer and from cmd.exe? What is the cause of this problem? Can it be mitigated?
I solved my problem!
After a lot of research, I realized that nothing was wrong with my MSYS2 build/setup/dependencies. The real problem was that CMake hide one parameter for the linker: -mwindows. Actually, the CMake find_package routine from one of the libraries I'm using (SDL) added this parameter to the linker command line parameters.
Adding a -mconsole to the linker parameters (using add_link_options("-mconsole")) solved the problem. The CLI now works as expected.
Thank you all for your help.

Error in dbt compile with a local package

We are setting up a new dbt project which will probably have several engineers working on it. To reduce merge conflicts I'm playing with creating "sub" projects per data subject area and then referencing those as local or git packages in a master project that runs the whole pipeline.
I created one simple "sub" project with some models and schema tests and referenced this as a local package in a master project. dbt deps installed it ok, but when I run "dbt compile" I get an error like the below, does anyone have any ideas please? dbt version 0.19.0 running on ubuntu 18.04 against a snowflake target
Runtime Error
Compilation Error in test not_model_column_one (models/package_name/package_metadata.yml)
'test_not' is undefined
Turns out it was a simple typo, how embarassing. Somehow when I was moving files around into sub-projects an underscore got removed from "not_null" in one of my metadata files. The project previously worked fine so not sure how it happened, must have been fat fingers.

Cannot configure QtCreator using CMake on Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to setup a project based on CMake with QtCreator.
In Projects I defined the Build Steps I need.
In the Build setting I get constantly the error message:
Failed to activate protocol version: "CMAKE_GENERATOR" is set but incompatible with configured generator value
I tried to browse on the Internet for this problem but I could not get rid of this error.
If now I however try to build my project specifying a target, my compile steps are not executed, instead, I get the following message:
Running "/usr/local/bin/cmake -E server --pipe=/tmp/cmake-W2VOXm/socket --experimental" in xxxx/.Build/release.
CMake Project parsing failed.
Parsing of CMake project failed: Connection to CMake server lost.
Restarting QtCreator does not help, each time the project is opened the message happens again.
Make sure the build directory it's in the same directory than your projects is, like this:
I got a similar error and have fixed it.
Try to reinstall cmake in Ubuntu by follwing
Configurate Tools - Options - build & run regarding "cmake" and "kits". Make sure that one of the configurations (auto-detected or maunal) is corrected.
restart qt creator, open project and "run cmake" again.
I have seen and resolved this issue previously by just deleting the build folder, reloading qtcreator and rerunning cmake.

Compiling caffe

I'm trying to compile caffe using cmake on a Linux machine. I get this complaint when running cmake:
Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARIES PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.7")
I later get this error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:85 (add_dependencies):
The dependency target "pycaffe" of target "pytest" does not exist.
What am I doing wrong? I tried setting an environment variable for PYTHON_LIBRARIES but that didn't help. I'm using my locally installed version of python (2.7.13), so I think that might be causing the problem, but I don't know how to get past this.
I was able to "fix it" by editing the file build/CMakeCache.txt and manually setting these
I don't know if that's the correct way to resolve this. If not, what is the right way to resolve this?
I had the same error while installing caffe on Ubuntu 14.04; I solved this by installing boost-python:
sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev
Check carefully through the installation instructions. There's a variety of dependencies to install (python-devel, glog-devel, ...) and some environment variables to set. Using a local Python installation isn't a problem, as long as you have that properly in your paths. Remember to check your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables as well.
You might check with
env | egrep -i "py"
to see what variables do have Python references. If you suspect a version problem with an executable, use
ldd <executable>
To see what objects and versions get loaded. Among other things, it's vaguely possible that something got compiled against an older Python in the system directories.
You need to install numpy
Try pip install numpy

FireBreath: unknown CMake command "find_firebreath_X11_deps"

After successfully installing firebreath (git clone, git update, python) I wanted to run
prep2010.cmd projects build
But I always get an error:
Generating plugin configuration files in G:/firebreath/build/projects/red/gen
CMake Error at src/PluginAuto/CMakeLists.txt:28 (find_firebreath_x11_deps):
Unknown CMake command "find_firebreath_x11_deps".
What could be the reason for that?
This only happens with the 1.7 branch. 1.6 works perfectly!
This was a bug. It's fixed now; pull the latest.
Sorry about that, we're in the middle of prepping for the 1.7 release and that bug slipped by us.