Convert YYY-MM-DD to MON DD, YYYY in PostgreSQL - sql

I am having difficulty converting dates in a column from YYYY-MM-DD to Mon DD, YYYY
I think I first need to reorganize the dates and then use a case when statement to specify 01 = Jan and so on? Is that correct?
SELECT to_date(column_name, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
FROM table
gives me some incorrect dates
i.e. previous = 2012-01-29 and
result from query = 0197-06-26
Any suggestions? Thanks

I figured it out!
SELECT to_char(date(column_name), 'Mon dd, yyyy')
FROM table
gives me exactly what I need without the need of a case statement.


Date_Trunc and To_Date Questions SQL

Can we use date_trunc for a date (not date-time) that we are trying to "truncate" (not sure if the term can be applied here) to e.g. the start of the week? So if I have date_trunc(week, 28/10/2020) and I want to get the start of the week that 28th of October lies in (so 26th of October)? I tried this in my SQL command line but I get error messages.
If I am doing: SELECT to_date ('02 Oct 2001', 'DD Mon YYYY'); How can I ensure the resulting format is in a date format I specify (rather than the default date format)? For example if I want it in format DD-MM-YYYY?
select to_char(date '2017-06-02', 'MM') < in this example, why do we need "date" for this to work? The general format for to_char should be TO_CHAR (timestamp_expression, 'format'). I don't see in this general format that we need "day".
if I have a WHERE filter like to_char(order_date, '20-10-2020'), and there are indeed some rows with this order date, will these rows still show in my results (after running query) if these rows are in DATE format (so 20 Oct is in date format) as opposed to string (which is what I am filtering by as I am doing to_char). I know there would be no need to use to_char in this case but just asking..
yes, you can use date in text form but you have to cast it to a correct type
these queries will work
select date_trunc('week', '2020-10-28'::date);
select date_trunc('week', '10/28/2020'::date);
-- as well as
select date_trunc('week', '2020-10-28'::datetime);
and return timestamp 2020-10-26 00:00:00.000000
note, next query
select date_trunc('week', '28/10/2020'::date);
will fail with error date/time field value out of range: "28/10/2020";
You can use to_char, it returns text, if you need a date format you have to case it again
select to_char( to_date ('02 Oct 2001', 'DD Mon YYYY'), 'DD-MM-YYYY')::date;
select to_char('02 Oct 2001'::date, 'DD-MM-YYYY')::date;
'2017-06-02' is a text and it can't be automatically converted to timestamp. Actually I don't know a text format which can.
No, you need to explicitly cast into date type to use it as a filter
where order_date = date_stored_as_a_text::date
I am answering the questions in a different order as there are some wrong assumptions:
Question 3
There is a general difference between '2017-06-02' and date '2017-06-02' - the first one is just a varchar, a string, NOT handled as a date by Redshift, the 2nd one tells Redshift to handle the string as date and therefore works.
Question 2
A date data type column has no format - you may an sql client that can display date columns in different formats, however, this is not a functionality of redshift. SELECT to_date ('02 Oct 2001', 'DD Mon YYYY'); tells redshift to convert the string '02 Oct 2001' to date.
Question 1
DATE_TRUNC('datepart', timestamp) also supports week as datepart - see Date parts for date or timestamp function (Also shown in the example of AWS). You should also be able to provide a date instead of a timestamp.
Question 4
to_char(order_date, '20-10-2020')is not a filter and you are using it wrong.
TO_CHAR converts a timestamp or numeric expression to a character-string data format.
I guess you are rather looking for:
where to_char(order_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = '20-10-2020'

DB2 interpret poorly formatted date

I have a tool which is populating a merge field I am using as part of generated SQL. The format is 113 (04 Aug 2020) and I cannot change it. What is the best way to make DB2 interpret this as a date?
If your date is in the format DD MON YYYY (I don't know what "113" is supposed to mean), then you can use to_date():
to_date(merge_field, 'DD MON YYYY')
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Postgresql - convert DATE into a specific DATE format

I'm trying to convert the dates in my date column from:
Month dd, yyyy
So far i've tried the below:
SELECT To_char(sq2.date_column, Month DD, YYYY)
but get the below error, despite my pattern aligning to the documentation
ERROR: syntax error at or near "DD"
I noticed in the documentation that To_char isn't explicitly referenced for date conversion (only time). Also, i'm not necessarily trying to alter the DATE type to VARCHAR. I would be happy to keep the data in the date_column as DATE type and just change the pattern.
You were damn close. Just missed the ' at the second parameter.
SELECT To_char('2018-01-20'::date, 'Month DD, YYYY')
Using your table column:
SELECT To_char(sq2.date_column, 'Month DD, YYYY')
you have to use single code before month and end of the YYYY.
you can use fallowing query for your required result
SELECT To_char(sq2.date_column, 'Month DD, YYYY')

How to format date in DD-MMM-YYYY format eg 29-JAN-2015?

I want the date in DD-MMM-YYYY format eg 29-JAN-2015.
I have tried with:
I got result as: 29-JAN-15
But I am expecting: 29-JAN-2015 in date format not in char format
Im assuming Oracle DB:
select to_char(SYSDATE, 'dd-Mon-yyyy') from dual
Thanks for answers.
I got the solution. First we need to alter the session as below:
alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MON-YYYY';
then run the query:
Now I got result as:29-JAN-2015
What you are doing is take the string '29 Jan 2015' and make it a date using the format 'DD MON YY'. This should fail of course for '2015' not matching 'yy', but Oracle is lenient here.
Then you use TRIM on the date. But TRIM is for strings. What happens is that you get shown '29 Jan 15'. I am getting shown '29.01.15' instead of the usual '29.01.2015'. However the behavior: Don't use TRIM on dates, its behavior is nowhere specified as far as I am aware. Use TO_CHAR to format a date in output.
If you only select a date without TO_CHAR you get the date shown in some standard format, which can be '29 Jan 2015' or '29 Jan 15' or '29.01.2015' or '01/29/2015' depending on the app you are using and possibly some setting therin.
For completeness sake:
TO_DATE takes a string ('29 Jan 2015' in your case) and converts it to a date. If the string contains names, make sure that you specify the appropriate language setting:
TO_DATE('29 Jan 2015', 'dd mon yyyy', ''NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN')
To get a formatted string from a date, use TO_CHAR:
Usually you don't do that, however. You select a date as is and have your app (written in PHP, Java or whatever) care about how to display it appropriately to the user's computer's settings.
In SQL Server the query
select CONVERT(nvarchar, GETDATE(), 106) as [Converted Date]
29 Jan 2015
Manu is correct. Oracle publish a full list of date format specifiers.
See detailed explanation here:
Can you try:
YY will only show 2 ciphers, instead of YYYY that will show 4.

Issue in removing time stamp in PL/SQL

I want to convert 12/8/2006 12:30:00 to 12/8/2006
I tried -
1. trunc(TO_DATE (effective_date_time,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS'))
2. TO_DATE (effective_date_time,'DD/MM/YYYY')
But all these are returning values as 12/8/0006.
Why Oracle is returning year 0006 instead of 2006.
If effective_date_time is a date column using to_date() is totally useless.
It will first (implicitely!) convert the date to a varchar (based on the NLS settings, just to convert it back to a date again.
If you want a specific format for your date column use to_char()
to_char(effective_date_time,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS')
Never use to_date() on date or timestamp columns!
Try this:
It's a date, you don't need TO_DATE
When you're using TO_DATE(effective_date_time, 'format') on a DATE column, effective_date_time is converted to a char using NLS params. I suppose your NLS settings is something like 'dd/mm/yy'. That's why you get a wrong year.
A simple example:
alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd/mm/yy';
select trunc(TO_DATE (sysdate,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS')) from dual;
November, 22 0014 00:00:00+0000
alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
select trunc(TO_DATE (sysdate,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS')) from dual;
November, 22 2014 00:00:00+0000
Your NLS_DATE_FORMAT has year as 'YY' in year.. And then you specify the format at YYYY again in to_date, so 2006, first interpretted as 06 again ended up as 0006.
Sincere advice, dont do To_DATE() on a date. Just TRUNC(yourdate) is what you need.
Try this:
Trunc will directly remove the time stamp from the date format