Google Adsense API don't return reports - api

I created a django app that uses adsense data and this week it stopped returning the data. In Api explorer, the parameters are validating, but when it goes to the application, nothing is executed.
I basically use the same structure as the example
Accounts are listed, but this line result = service.accounts().reports().generateCsv() just stopped working.
if you know how to indicate another way than to test this api or how to debug, can you share it here please?


How to bypass hCaptha with accessibility

Hi I have a rails application built for web scraping our results from the site by entering register ID. But they have updated the site by including hCaptcha so I would like to know how to bypass and fetch the results from the site by looping roll calls( register IDs). Can anyone help me with that, please?
Roll calls range : 219f1a0501..219f1a0599
I have seen this cookie setting which works but I need it in the form of a script.

Sharepoint error: Likes are not supported in this item

I'm trying to create a Sharepoint iOS app and using the rest api I get the error "Likes are not supported in this item." after doing a POST to'pages')/items('1234')/like.
Anyone knows more about this kind of error?
The Rating settings seems to be set correctly on the Sharepoint server, because the like option works correctly on the website, and also in the app I can see the likesCount properties on the response for the Rest API call'pages')/items('1234').
I don't think there is something wrong with the client app implementation, but it is something related to the Sharepoint configuration, although I haven't seen any more settings in regards to the Rating settings including the Sharepoint access for the mobile app.
The web seems to handle this using the Microsoft.Office.Server.ReputationModel.Reputation.setLike function which again works correctly on the web parts, but I couldn't find a way to do it from the mobile app.
To set Likes for the list item, we need use the API below with POST request.'pages')/items('1234')
And pass the data of the POST request as below.
var item = {
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.PagesItem"},
"LikedByStringId": {"results": ["11"]},
"LikesCount": 2
Before set Likes for the item, we need get the "LikedByStringId" and "LikesCount" value of the list item using API below with GET request, then set the new one.'pages')/items('1234')
Check the article here: Demonstrates how to like/unlike resource via SharePoint REST API

Updating FBSDKGraphRequest GET for iOS

I am updating the FBSDKGraphRequest and the API Upgrade Tool says I have 2 calls to update. I have updated the SDK to current version (4.31.1) and it says the current Graph API I am using is v.2.11 so I updated that in my app settings on the Facebook Dashboard as well. It says I have to update:
GET {user-id}4.0 =
Starts enforcing the app's restrictions (such as
country or age ) on API calls made without the application's '
appsecret_proof'in the request.
GET {user-id}4.0 =
GET /{user-id}/conversations and GET
/{page-id}/conversations will return fewer fields by default. Use the
'fields' param to explicitly ask for the set of fields you want. If
you ask for an explicit set of fields, the response will not contain
any extra fields that you did not ask for
This is the part that is confusing. I am only using Facebook for login and to post photos to a user's Facebook wall, with:
[[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:parameters:];
The only parts I access are:
I'm not sure how I update the GET call in Objective-C. Is it just telling me I need to ask for more permissions or do I need to add /v.2.11/ to the Graph Request path? These are the current permissions I have granted:
I really don't spend a lot of time using Facebook's SDK so I just need a little help in how I am supposed to update the GET calls. To me it looks like maybe I'm supposed to turn on appsecret_proof and start using that. Also, I am using fields:id in one of my requests already.

Google+ .Net API - Getting Authenticated and retrieving profile

I'm trying to get a users profile information for google+ via the .NET API but am having trouble.
Does anyone know if they have changed how the special ID "me" works?
In the documentation it says this can be used as a special ID to get the currently authenticated users information however this throws a 404 from both the API in my code and on Google's own test page I was logged in when trying this.
Does anyone know how to get the user ID as I would happily use that instead of me but it isn't returned after the user authenticates as far as I can see (just an authcode)?
I also tried using user IDs returned when using the standard .net Oauth stuff but it isn't the correct ID, I assume it is for something else.
As for my method of getting to this stage, I first downloaded the example files here:
They don't have a plus example so I took the Tasks.ASP.NET.SimpleOAuth2 example and swapped out tasks (which worked fine) for the plus equivalent.
I also tried rolling this into my own project.
Neither worked. I get the user forwarded to Google where they give me access fine and then when I return they are authenticated successfully as far as I can see, however when I call service.People.Get("me") it returns a 404.
If anyone could help with the above questions (using me, or gettign the user ID) I would appreciate it.
To the moderator who closed the initial version of this question, I have tried to make this as direct a question as possible so please don't close it. This is a legitimate question I would really like help getting to he bottom of.
This is now out of date given recent platform updates. Although the scope still exists and this code will work, you should be using the plus.login scope for retrieving profile data in C#. For a great way to get started with retrieving and rendering profile information, please start from the Google+ C# quick start available here:
First off, the 'me' id still works and is unchanged. The way that it works is:
You authenticate the user using a standard OAUTH2 flow
You use the library to perform a People.get with the special value 'me'
The 404 error code is a little troubling, this means that the client isn't finding the endpoint. To debug this, you might want to use a packet sniffer like fiddler to see what the actual URL it's querying is.
Anyways, how about some C# code. The following example shows how to use the plus service to get the currently authenticated user (assuming you have authenticated someone). What's different from your snippet is that you need to form a get request for the API call, then run fetch on the get request. I've included the following example, for getting 'me', and the following code works:
var auth = CreateAuthenticator();
plusService = new PlusService(auth);
if (plusService != null)
PeopleResource.GetRequest prgr = plusService.People.Get("me");
Person me = prgr.Fetch();
All of the configuration of the server and getting a client working is pretty hard and pasting all of the code here would be less helpful than just giving you a sample.
And so... I have written a sample application that demonstrates how to do this and also includes a wrapper that makes it easier to develop using the Google+ API in C#. Grab it here:
Google+ C# Server-Side demo and library
Seems you need to use:
Person test = service.People.Get("me").Fetch();
and not
req = service.People.Get("me");
Person test = req.Fetch();
Even though they seem to be identical the first works and the second doesn't.
Still not sure why google's own page doesn't work though. Now to find out how to add things to the scope like birthday.

Script to download Google web history

How does one write a script to download one's Google web history?
I know about
but they fail when called programmatically rather than through a browser.
I wrote up a blog post on how to download your entire Google Web History using a script I put together.
It all works directly within your web browser on the client side (i.e. no data is transmitted to a third-party), and you can download it to a CSV file. You can view the source code here:
My blog post has a bookmarklet you can use to easily launch the script. It works by accessing the same feed, but performs the iteration of reading the entire history 1000 records at a time, converting it into a CSV string, and making the data downloadable at the touch of a button.
I ran it against my own history, and successfully downloaded over 130K records, which came out to around 30MB when exported to CSV.
EDIT: It seems that number of foks that have used my script have run into problems, likely due to some oddities in their history data. Unfortunately, since the script does everything within the browser, I cannot debug it when it encounters histories that break it. If you're a JavaScript developer, use my script, and it appears your history has caused it to break; please feel free to help me fix it and send me any updates to the code.
I tried GeekLad's system, unfortunately two breaking changes have occurred #1 URL has changed ( I modified and hosted my own copy which led to #2 type=rss arguments no longer works.
I only needed the timestamps... so began the best/worst hack I've written in a while.
Step 1 - - Using chrome disable ALL security protocols.
Step 2 -
Using contentscript.js and manifest.json, make a chrome extension, host ransack.js locally to whatever service you want ( PHP, Ruby, Python, etc ). Goto after installing your contentscript extension in developer mode ( unpacked ). It will automatically inject ransack.js + jQuery into the dom, harvest the data, and then move on to the next "Later" link.
Every 60 seconds, Google will force you to re-login randomly so this is not a start and walk away process BUT it does work and if they up the obfustication ante, you can always resort to chaining Ajax calls and send the page back to the backend for post processing. At full tilt, my abomination script collected 1 page a second of data.
On moral grounds I will not help anyone modify this script to get search terms and results as this process is not sanctioned by Google ( though not blocked apparently ) and recommend it only to sufficiently motivated individuals to make it work for them. By my estimates it took me 3-4 hours to get all 9 years of data ( 90K records ) # 1 page every 900ms or faster.
While this thing is going, DO NOT browse the rest of the web because Chrome is running with no safeguards in place, most of them exist for a reason.
One can download her search logs directly from Google (In case downloading it using a script is not the primary purpose),
1) Login and Go to
2) Just below your profile picture logo, towards the right side, you can find an icon for settings. See the second option called "Download". Click on that.
3) Then click on "Create Archive", then Google will mail you the log within minutes.
maybe before issuing a request to get the feed the script shuld add a User-Agent HTTP header of well known browser, for Google to decide that the request came from that browser.