Limit Infinispan File Store Size - infinispan

I would like to cache very large amounts of data in an Infinispan 13 cache that uses passivation to the disk. I've accomplished this with the following configuration:
<persistence passivation="true">
<file-store purge="true"/>
<memory storage="OFF_HEAP" max-size="1GB" when-full="REMOVE"/>
However, now I would like to set the maximum size for the file-store to i.e. 50GB and have the cache delete overflowing entries completely.
Is there a way to do this? I could not find any option to limit the size of a file-store in the documentation.
Thank you!

There is no way to specifically limit the total size of the files stored. Depending upon your use case setting the compaction-ratio lower which should help free some space. under file-store
You can use expiration though to remove entries after a given period of time. This will remove those entries from the cache, which in turn would hit that compaction-ratio sooner to clean up old files.


Storing 30M records in redis

I'm wondering the most efficient way to store this data.
I need to track 30-50 million data points per day. It needs to be extremely fast read/write, so I'm using redis.
The data only needs to last for 24 hours, at which point it will EXPIRE.
The data looks like this as a key/value hash
"statistics:a5ded391ce974a1b9a86aa5322ea9e90": {
xbi: 1,
bid: 0.24024,
xpl: 25.0,
acc: 40,
pid: 43,
cos: 0.025,
xmp: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
clu: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I've replaced the actual string with a lot of x but that IS the proper length of the string.
So far, according to my calculations.... this will use hundreds of GB of memory. Does that seem correct?
This is mostly ephemeral logging data thats important, but not important enough to try to support writing to disk or failovers. I am comfortable keeping it on 1 machine, if that helps make this easier.
What would be the best way to reduce memory space in this scenario? Is there a better way I can do this? Does redis support 300GB on a single instance?
In redis.conf - set hash-max-ziplist-value to 1 more than the length of the field 'xmp'. Then restart redis, and watch your memory go down significantly.
The default value is 64. Increasing it increases cpu utilization when you modify or add new fields in the hash. But your use case seems to be create-only, and in that case there shouldn't be any drawbacks of increasing the setting.
this will use hundreds of GB of memory. Does that seem correct?
Does redis support 300GB on a single instance?
Is there a better way I can do this?
You can try the following methods:
Avoid Using Hash
Since you always get all fields of the log with HGETALL, there's NO need to save the log as HASH. HASH consumes more memory than STRING.
You can serialize all fields into a string, and save the log as a key-value pair:
SET 'statistics:a5ded391ce974a1b9a86aa5322ea9e90' '{xbi: 1, bid: 0.24024, and other fields}'
#Sripathi Krishnan's answer gives another way to avoid HASH, i.e. config Redis to encode the HASH into ZIPLIST. It's a good idea if you don't share your Redis with other applications. Otherwise, this modification might cause problem to others.
Compress The Data
In order to reduce memory usage, you can try to compress your data. Redis can store binary strings, so you can use gzip, snappy or other compression algorithm to compress the log text into binary string, and save it into Redis.
Normally, you can get better compression when the input is bigger. So you'd better compress the whole log, instead of compress each field one by one.
The side-effect is that the producer and consumer of the log need to cost some CPU to compress and decompress the data. However, normally that's NOT a problem, and also it can reduce some network bandwidth.
Batch Write and Batch Read
As I mentioned above, if you want to get better compression, you should get a bigger input. So if you can write multiple logs in a batch, you can compress the batch of logs to get better compression.
Compress multiple logs into a batch: compress(log1, log2, log3) -> batch1: batch-result
Put the batch result into Redis as a key-value pair: SET batch1 batch-result
Build an index for the batch: MSET log1 batch1 log2 batch1 log3 batch1
When you need to get the log:
Search the index to get the batch key: GET log1 -> batch1
Get the batch result: GET batch1 -> batch-result
Decompress the batch result and look up the log from the result
The last method is the most complicated one, and the extra index will cost some extra memory. However, it can largely reduce the size of your data.
Also what these methods can achieve, largely depends on your log. You should do lots of benchmark :)

Aerospike %age of available write blocks is less when hard disk space is available

We found ourselves this problem. Config is as follows :-
Aerospike version : 3.14
Underlying hard disk : non-SSD
Variable Name Value
memory-size 5 GB
free-pct-memory 98 %
available_pct 4 %
max-void-time 0 millisec
stop-writes 0
stop-writes-pct 90 %
hwm-breached true
default-ttl 604,800 sec
max-ttl 315,360,000 sec
enable-xdr false
single-bin false
data-in-memory false
Can anybody please help us out with this ? What could be a potential reason for this ?
Aerospike only writes to free blocks. A block may contain any number of records that fit. If your write/update pattern is such that a block never falls below 50% active records(the default threshold for defragmenting: defrag-lwm-pct), then you have a bunch of "empty" space that can't be utilized. Read more about defrag in the managing storage page.
Recovering from this is much easier with a cluster that's not seeing any writes. You can increase defrag-lwm-pct, so that more blocks are eligible and gets defragmented.
Another cause could be just that the HDD isn't fast enough to keep up with defragmentation.
You can read more on possible resolutions in the Aerospike KB - Recovering from Available Percent Zero. Don't read past "Stop service on a node..."
You are basically not defragging your perisistence storage device (75GB per node). From the snapshot you have posted, you have about a million records on 3 nodes with 21 million expired. So looks like you are writing records with very short ttl and the defrag is unable to keep up.
Can you post the output of few lines when you are in this state of:
$ grep defrag /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log
$ grep thr_nsup /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log ?
What is your write/update load ? My suspicion is that you are only creating short ttl records and reading, not updating.
Depending on what you are doing, increasing defrag-lwm-pct may actually make things worse for you. I would also tweak nsup-delete-sleep from 100 microseconds default but it will depend on what your log greps above show. So post those, and lets see.
(Edit: Also, from the fact that you are not seeing evictions even though you are above the 50% HWM on persistence storage means your nsup thread is taking a very long time to run. That again points to nsup-delete-sleep value needing tuning for your set up.)

what will happen when .aof file will be very large?

I am using Redis 2.8.4. Enabled append only in configuration. It is working fine as per my requirement but the prob is this file will be getting more larger so it may create memory shortage in future? Is there any solution?
Redis has a way to compress the aof file by removing useless operations.
For example, if you are incrementing a counter 100 times, you'll end
up with a single key in your dataset containing the final value, but
100 entries in your AOF. 99 of those entries are not needed to rebuild
the current state.
It is a automatic job in Redis 2.8.4, see redis.conf for auto-aof-rewrite-percentage and auto-aof-rewrite-min-size. You can also start it with BGREWRITEAOF command, see

camel split big sql result in smaller chunks

Because of memory limitation i need to split a result from sql-component (List<Map<column,value>>) into smaller chunks (some thousand).
I know about
and i also know
.split().tokenize("\n", 1000).streaming()
but the latter is not working with List<Map<>> and is also returning a String.
Is there a out of the Box way to create those chunks? Or do i need to add a custom aggregator just behind the split? Or is there another way?
Additional info as requested by soilworker:
At the moment the sql endpoint is configured this way:
SqlEndpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("sql:select * from " + lookupTableName + "?dataSource=" + LOOK_UP_DS,
// returns complete result in one list instead of one exchange per line.
endpoint.getConsumerProperties().put("useIterator", false);
// poll interval
endpoint.getConsumerProperties().put("delay", LOOKUP_POLL_INTERVAL);
The route using this should poll once a day (we will add CronScheduledRoutePolicy soon) and fetch a complete table (view). All the data is converted to csv with a custom processor and sent via a custom component to proprietary software. The table has 5 columns (small strings) and around 20M entries.
I don't know if there is a memory issue. But i know on my local machine 3GB isn't enough. Is there a way to approximate the memory footprint to know if a certain amount of Ram would be enough?
thanks in advance
maxMessagesPerPoll will help you get the result in batches

What is the maximum value size you can store in redis?

Does anyone know what the maximum value size you can store in redis? I want to use redis as a message queue with celery to store some small documents that need to be processed by a worker on another server, and I want to make sure the documents aren't going to be too big.
I found one page with a reference to 1GB, but when I followed the link on the page for where they got that answer the link wasn't valid anymore. Here is the link:
All string values are limited to 512 MiB. This is the size limit you probably care most about.
EDIT: Because keys in Redis are strings, the maximum key size is 512 MiB. The maximum number of keys is 2^32 - 1 = 4,294,967,295.
Values, on the other hand, can vary in size depending on their type. For aggregate data types (i.e. hash, list, set, and sorted set), the maximum value size is 512 MiB for each element, although the data structure itself can have up to 2^32 - 1 elements.
Article about Redis Memory Usage can help you to roughly determine how much memory your database would take.
It's in the order of the amount of RAM you have, at least, so unless you plan on puting multi-gigabyte objects in there I wouldn't worry. I've had sets that were hundreds of megabytes big without a problem, but I don't know the exact limits.
A String value can accommodate the size of max 512MB. But according to this link, the size can be increased.