Updated IntelliJ, can't find shelf? - intellij-idea

I updated my IntelliJ to 2021.3.3, now I can no longer find my shelf tab. It's no longer showing up on the Git tab, and I don't see it under View > Tool Windows. I previously had stuff in it I now need to unshelve. Where has it gone?

You can find the shelf in Git > Uncommitted Changes > Show Shelf. From then on it should show up as a tab in the commit tool window as well.


Diff in commit toolbar IDEA

I have commit toolbar (⌘+0 for mac) with a list of changed files and i want to see the diff (⌘D). Currently diff is displayed in editor tab or i can switch it to show in a separate window, no more choice.
But I want to show it next to changelist at the bottom instead of text area with Commit Message and commit button. I know it's possible, but cannot find it anywhere. How can I put it there?
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.2 (Ultimate Edition)
The reason is that Local Changes have been moved to a separate Commit tool window. To return it back you can change this in your
Settings -> Version Control -> Commit -> Use non-modal commit interface.
This is should be on Git toolbar (⌘+9), not Commit toolbar (⌘+0)
See more on corresponding thread at intellij-support.jetbrains Version control local changes tab missing in 2020.1

How do I undo my last discard of 2 uncommitted files?

I accidentally discarded 2 uncommited files from my project. Is there any way to undo these changes/bring those files back. I use IntelliJ and VS Code simultaneously. MAybe some kind of editor cache or history where I can view last hour or so changes and copy those??
I found the answer. There seems to be no way to do this using just GIT. But an Editor like IntelliJ really helps. IntelliJ maintains a local history of changes you did (even uncommitted) and you can revert to any point in time (caveat it keeps history only upto few Days).
How To Revert
IntelliJ Project tab -> rt click there -> select Local History -> Show History. Just select the point in time you want to go and revert.
This Post will also be helpful for detailed steps
If you created the file using IntelliJ, you're in luck since IntelliJ will track local history of edits and allows restoration. Right click the project in the project view, and select Local History. You'll be able to find the step in which the file was deleted, and will be able to roll it back with a right-click.

How to fix a window in intellij instead of pupping up

How to fix the window of git changed files somewhere in intellij? In Git History when I click on "Show all affected" icon a new window pops up how to make it fix in intillij?
Show all affected files is intended to open in a separate dialog, and it could not be docked.
As I understand, you want File history to show affected files in the same way as the Log tab. it is not possible, unfortunately. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-168152
As a workaround, you could use Select in Git log action to display the commit in the Log tab, where all the details are available.

How to do a svn compare between local code base and latest from repository like in Eclipse

In Eclipse, when click Synchronize view it will show up a tree structure of diff comparison from local to svn repo. Click on each file will pop up view to show code diff.
Is there a similar feature in Intellij and how to activate it? I am on latest Intellij Ultimate btw.
Click on the Version Control button on the bottom, click on the Incoming tab. Hit the refresh button (circle with arrows). First time it will ask you if you want to set up automatic refresh. It will then show any changes pending from the repository. You can click on files and get a diff. (You may have to right click on a revision and select "Show Affected Files".)
There is no exact same view in IDEA. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119596
You can use Subversion -> Compare to the Latest repository version from a file's context menu.
There is also the Incoming tab that shows changes from the server not yet applied to your working copy. You could invoke Show Diff with local from the Details pane of the Incoming change

IntelliJ and Mecurial: Viewing Locally Committed Changes Before Push

Does anyone know how to view your locally committed changes in IntelliJ for Mecurial before pushing them? It seems that I can only commit them and then Push through the Mecurial context menu.
In IntelliJ, modified files are blue, deleted (and sometimes untracked) files are red, and new files are green. After you add them to a commit the color coding should reset itself because it is looking at the latest commit for differences.
Alternatively you can right click on the file, move to git (and presumably mercurial) and click any of the "compare" options