I cant do TransitionGroup to current elemnet.
For some reason remove the bottommost element.
if you enter any value to input than delete row you will see error
I have a list with several rows and columns. Each row has a button called "Show Trail Details".
During the test, i click twice on the "Date" column title, to have the latest entry in the list in the first row.
I need to get the ID of the button inside the first row.
The IDs are changing all the time. So its either:
//tbody/tr[1]/td[6]/button[1]/span[1] or //tbody/tr[1]/td[4]/button[1]/span[1] and so on.
I tried to copy the HTML, but it looks weird when i run the html code.
The inspect looks like this:
Is there any way how to get that ID?
I need to get the ID of the button inside the first row.
But there's no "id" attribute on either the td, button, or span elements?
Or do you mean the '_b1_685ddfc4-de...' attribute?
If the id is just a means of getting access to the first button then you could just use something like:
WebElement firstShowTrailDetailsButton = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("td[style='text-align:right'] button.mud-button")).get(0);
I have an html element code and here it is
Now I have choose the div with class = 'ui-widget-content slick-row even row_43'.
The 43 th row is the last row so next time when the application runs again the last will
be 44 beacuse one more row will be added and I have to choose 44. How Can I choose the last row?
(//div[#class='slick-viewport'])[position() = 4]
above is the element of the highlighted part
I tried using
(//div[#class='slick-viewport'])[position() = 4]//following-sibling::div
but it didn't help
How can i get the element such that always the last div is selected.
Instead of position use last()
I would like to known if it's a bug on datepicker, or I must to write my handler for this (to reproduce use the first example from http://ngx-bootstrap.surge.sh/#/datepicker):
click on input (value is 12/08/2017),
the datepicker is shown
encode something like "bla-bla-bla" and click outside the input
result: input value is empty
click on input (the datepicker is shown),
encode the same "bla-bla-bla" and click outside the input
result: input value is not empty, but "bla-bla-bla"
Fixed in rc.0
There are were such issue, but it was fixed
I have a simple question. I have a listbox called listbox1. I want to add a button that removes the last item on the bottom whatever it maybe, when the button is clicked.
But I don't know how to finish it. something simple like listbox1.removeitem(some number?)
What could I add to remove whatever item that is on the bottom on the list?
This will remove the last item in your ListBox. Using the RemoveAt method.
ListBox1.Items.RemoveAt(ListBox1.Items.Count - 1)
Using the RemoveAt method, we remove the item at the Index provided. Since we get the full length of items in your current ListBox (and subtract 1 because it is zero based) we get the last item.
Use the RemoveAt method and get the last element by it's count - 1 since it's zero based array.
Listbox1.Items.RemoveAt(Listbox1.Items.Count - 1)
I have this dropdown menu, and all i want to do is upon firing the onmouseenter event, to change the border-left of the targets next sibling to white. So far i can address the currentTarget's border-left with ease, but i cant find a way to do the same for the next sibling. Any ideas ?
please try this
The DOM node attribute nextSibling can be used to get the next sibling. See https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Node.nextSibling.
If you want to apply some filtering when getting next sibling, e.g. get the next sibling with a certain CSS class name, try to use dojo.query. For example,
returns a node list of siblings of node with class name myClass.