How to use Vue components with Mapbox IControl - vue.js

I want to use Vue in MapBox Controls instead of playing with good old DOM APIs.

<span :id="id" class="mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group">
<button type="button">
<FitFeaturesIcon class="mapboxgl-ctrl-icon" aria-hidden="true" />
import FitFeaturesIcon from './FitFeaturesIcon'
const id = 'FitFeaturesControl'
export default {
components: { FitFeaturesIcon },
data: () => ({
export class CFitFeaturesControl {
onAdd(map) {
this._map = map
this._container = document.getElementById(id)
return this._container


Show on click / hide on blur wrapper component

I have several widgets that I'd like to toggle on click/blur/submit.
Let's take a simple example with an input (Vue 2 style)
export default {
props: ['value'],
methods: {
input() {
this.$emit("input", this.$refs.text.value);
close() {
<div #click="open = true">
<div v-if="open">
<slot #close="open = false"></slot> <!-- Attempt to intercept the close event -->
export default {
data() {
return {
open: false,
Final usage:
<Input v-model="myText" #submit="updateMyText" />
So when I click on ToggleWrapper it appears, but if I close it, it doesn't disappear because it's not getting the close event.
Should I use scoped events ?
How can I intercept the close event by adding the less possible markup on the final usage ?
I think it makes sense to use a scoped slot to do this. But you can also try this kind of solution.
export default {
props: ['value'],
methods: {
input() {
this.$emit("input", this.$refs.text.value);
close() {
<div #click="open = true">
<div v-if="open">
<slot></slot> <!-- Attempt to intercept the close event -->
export default {
data() {
return {
open: false,
created() {
this.$on('close-toggle', function () { = false
In a Vue3 style, I would use provide and inject (dependency injection). This solution leaves the final markup very light and you still have a lot of control, see it below :
Final usage :
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import ToggleWrapper from './ToggleWrapper.vue'
import Input from './Input.vue'
const myText = ref('hi')
const updateMyText = ($event) => {
myText.value = $event
<Input :value="myText" #submit="updateMyText" />
<p>value : {{myText}}</p>
<div #click="open = true">
<div v-if="open">
<span v-else>Open</span>
<script setup>
import { provide, inject, ref } from 'vue'
const open = ref(false)
provide('methods', {
close: () => open.value = false
<script setup>
import { inject, ref } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps(['value'])
const emit = defineEmits(['close', 'input', 'submit'])
const methods = inject('methods')
const value = ref(props.value)
const input = ($event) => {
value.value = $
emit("input", $;
const close = () => {
const submit = () => {
emit('submit', value.value)
See it working here

How do I use the mounted function in VueJs 3 composition api?

I am trying out the composition api in vueJs 3. Unfortunately I don't know how to include my mounted code in the setup(). When I put the code into the setup, the javascript tries to access the not yet rendered DOM. Can anyone tell me how I have to rewrite this?
Option api sytle (works)
export default {
name: "NavBar",
data() {
return {};
methods: {},
mounted() {
const bm = document.querySelector('#toggle');
const menu = document.querySelectorAll('nav ul li');
const overlay = document.querySelector('#overlay');
// ...
bm.addEventListener('click', () => {
<div class="button_container" id="toggle">
<span class="top"></span>
<span class="middle"></span>
<span class="bottom"></span>
<div class="overlay" id="overlay">
<nav class="overlay-menu">
<!-- ... -->
First of all, this not a good practice to get a html element via document.querySelector(), see how to bind events in vue3
// bad
<div class="button_container" id="toggle">...</div>
mounted() {
const bm = document.querySelector('#toggle');
bm.addEventListener('click', () => {
// good
<div class="button_container" id="toggle" #click="toggleContainer">...</div>
methods: {
toggleContainer() {
If you really want to document.querySelector() in setup(), you can use onMounted
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
onMounted(() => {
const bm = document.querySelector('#toggle');
bm.addEventListener('click', () => {
// or inside <script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
onMounted(() => {
But, just as #kissu commented, ref is a better way if you have to handle the html tag directly in vue
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
const toggler = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
console.log(toggler.value) // <div></div>
But none of the above follow the concept of Vue, which is Vue is driven by data.
Since you seem to create a click event listener which will effect the class in html, here is the Vue way:
'active': isActiveBm
<span class="top"></span>
<span class="middle"></span>
<span class="bottom"></span>
'open': isOpenOverlay
<nav class="overlay-menu">
<!-- ... -->
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const isActiveBm = ref(false);
const isOpenOverlay = ref(false);
const toggle = () => {
isActiveBm.value = !isActiveBm.value;
isOpenOverlay.value = !isOpenOverlay.value;

Vuejs 3 props are Proxy

I am passing array as a prop to another component, and when I want to read this on mounted in that component, I got Proxy {}. How to read data from this prop? You can see in example when I want to console log prop, result is Proxy {}. I can see all values in HTML structure, but not in the console on mounted.
<div class="custom-select-container">
<div class="selected-item" #click="openSelect">
<span class="selected-items-text">{{ }}</span>
<span class="icon-arrow1_b selected-items-icon" :class="{ active: showOptions }" />
<transition name="fade">
<ul v-show="options.length && showOptions" class="custom-select-options">
<li v-for="(option, index) in options" :key="index" class="custom-select-item">{{ }}</li>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
export default {
props: {
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
setup(props) {
let showOptions = ref(false);
let selectedItem = ref(props.options[0])
const openSelect = () => {
showOptions.value = !showOptions.value
onMounted(() => {
console.log('test', props.options)
return {
Parent component where I am passing data:
<div class="page-container">
<div class="items-title">
<h3>List of categories</h3>
<span>({{ allCategories.length }})</span>
<div class="items-container">
<div class="item" v-for="(category, index) in allCategories" :key="index">
<span class="item-cell size-xs">{{ index + 1 }}.</span>
<span class="item-cell size-l">{{ }}</span>
import CustomSelect from '../components/Input/CustomSelect'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
setup() {
const store = useStore()
const allCategories = computed(() => store.getters['categories/getAllCategories'])
return {
That's how reactivity works in Vue3.
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
to show the content of proxies in console

Vue 3 how to get information about $children

This my old code with VUE 2 in Tabs component:
created() {
this.tabs = this.$children;
<Tab title="tab title">
<Tab title="tab title">
VUE 3:
How can I get some information about childrens in Tabs component, using composition API? Get length, iterate over them, and create tabs header, ...etc? Any ideas? (using composition API)
This is my Vue 3 component now. I used provide to get information in child Tab component.
<div class="tabs">
<div class="tabs-header">
v-for="(tab, index) in tabs"
:class="{'tab-selected': index === selectedIndex}"
{{ tab.props.title }}
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent, reactive, provide, onMounted, onBeforeMount, toRefs, VNode} from "vue";
interface TabProps {
title: string;
export default defineComponent({
name: "Tabs",
setup(_, {slots}) {
const state = reactive({
selectedIndex: 0,
tabs: [] as VNode<TabProps>[],
count: 0
provide("TabsProvider", state);
const selectTab = (i: number) => {
state.selectedIndex = i;
onBeforeMount(() => {
if (slots.default) {
state.tabs = slots.default().filter((child) => === "Tab");
onMounted(() => {
return {...toRefs(state), selectTab};
Tab component:
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
name: "Tab",
setup() {
const index = ref(0);
const isActive = ref(false);
const tabs = inject("TabsProvider");
() => tabs.selectedIndex,
() => {
isActive.value = index.value === tabs.selectedIndex;
onBeforeMount(() => {
index.value = tabs.count;
isActive.value = index.value === tabs.selectedIndex;
return {index, isActive};
<div class="tab" v-show="isActive">
Oh guys, I solved it:
this.$slots.default().filter(child => === 'Tab')
To someone wanting whole code:
<div class="tabs">
<li v-for="tab in tabs" :class="{ 'is-active': tab.isActive }">
<a :href="tab.href" #click="selectTab(tab)">{{ }}</a>
<div class="tabs-details">
export default {
name: "Tabs",
data() {
return {tabs: [] };
created() {
methods: {
selectTab(selectedTab) {
this.tabs.forEach(tab => {
tab.isActive = ( ==;
<style scoped>
<div v-show="isActive"><slot></slot></div>
export default {
name: "Tab",
props: {
name: { required: true },
selected: { default: false}
data() {
return {
isActive: false
computed: {
href() {
return '#' + /g, '-');
mounted() {
this.isActive = this.selected;
created() {
<style scoped>
<Tab :selected="true"
<Tab :name="'b'">
<Tab :name="'c'">
If you copy pasted same code as me
then just add to the "tab" component a created method which adds itself to the tabs array of its parent
created() {
My solution for scanning children elements (after much sifting through vue code) is this.
export function findChildren(parent, matcher) {
const found = [];
const root = parent.$.subTree;
walk(root, child => {
if (!matcher || matcher.test(child.$ {
return found;
function walk(vnode, cb) {
if (!vnode) return;
if (vnode.component) {
const proxy = vnode.component.proxy;
if (proxy) cb(vnode.component.proxy);
walk(vnode.component.subTree, cb);
} else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 16) {
const vnodes = vnode.children;
for (let i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
walk(vnodes[i], cb);
This will return the child Components. My use for this is I have some generic dialog handling code that searches for child form element components to consult their validity state.
const found = findChildren(this, /^(OSelect|OInput|OInputitems)$/);
const invalid = found.filter(input => !input.checkHtml5Validity());
I made a small improvement to Ingrid Oberbüchler's component as it was not working with hot-reload/dynamic tabs.
in Tab.vue:
onBeforeMount(() => {
// ...
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
In Tabs.vue:
const selectTab = // ...
// ...
() => state.count,
() => {
if (slots.default) {
state.tabs = slots.default().filter((child) => === "Tab")
I had the same problem, and after doing so much research and asking myself why they had removed $children, I discovered that they created a better and more elegant alternative.
It's about Dynamic Components. (<component: is =" currentTabComponent "> </component>).
The information I found here:
I hope this is useful for you, greetings to all !!
I found this updated Vue3 tutorial Building a Reusable Tabs Component with Vue Slots very helpful with explanations that connected with me.
It uses ref, provide and inject to replace this.tabs = this.$children; with which I was having the same problem.
I had been following the earlier version of the tutorial for building a tabs component (Vue2) that I originally found Creating Your Own Reusable Vue Tabs Component.
With script setup syntax, you can use useSlots:
<script setup>
import { useSlots, ref, computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
perPage: {
type: Number,
required: true,
const slots = useSlots();
const amountToShow = ref(props.perPage);
const totalChildrenCount = computed(() => slots.default()[0].children.length);
const childrenToShow = computed(() => slots.default()[0].children.slice(0, amountToShow.value));
v-for="(child, index) in childrenToShow"
A per Vue documentation, supposing you have a default slot under Tabs component, you could have access to the slot´s children directly in the template like so:
// Tabs component
<div v-if="$slots && $slots.default && $slots.default()[0]" class="tabs-container">
v-for="(tab, index) in getTabs($slots.default()[0].children)"
:class="{ active: modelValue === index }"
#click="$emit('update:model-value', index)"
{{ tab.props.title }}
<script setup>
defineProps({ modelValue: Number })
const getTabs = tabs => {
if (Array.isArray(tabs)) {
return tabs.filter(tab => === 'Tab')
} else {
return []
And the Tab component could be something like:
// Tab component
<div v-show="active">
export default { name: 'Tab' }
<script setup>
active: Boolean,
title: String
The implementation should look similar to the following (considering an array of objects, one for each section, with a title and a component):
<tabs v-model="active">
v-for="(section, index) in sections"
:active="index === active"
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const active = ref(0)
Another way is to make use of useSlots as explained in Vue´s documentation (link above).
Based on the answer of #Urkle:
* walks a node down
* #param vnode
* #param cb
export function walk(vnode, cb) {
if (!vnode) return;
if (vnode.component) {
const proxy = vnode.component.proxy;
if (proxy) cb(vnode.component.proxy);
walk(vnode.component.subTree, cb);
} else if (vnode.shapeFlag & 16) {
const vnodes = vnode.children;
for (let i = 0; i < vnodes.length; i++) {
walk(vnodes[i], cb);
Instead of
this.$root.$children.forEach(component => {})
walk(this.$root, component => {})
Many thanks #Urkle
In 3.x, the $children property is removed and no longer supported. Instead, if you need to access a child component instance, they recommend using $refs. as a array

VueJS display dynamic modal component

I have posts and replys s.t. replies belong to posts via the attribute reply.posts_id.
I am attempting to show the reply form as a modal for the user to enter a reply. However, I want to create a generic Modal component that I can use everywhere with content that is specified in another component built for a specific context.
Reply to post is the first place I woul like this to work.
Currently, the Vuex correctly returns Modal visible:true when the reply button is clicked, but the modal does not render and I get the error message showing that the Modal component is not found:
Unknown custom element: <ModalReplyForm> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
I am using vuex to manage the visibility of the modal. Here are the relevant files:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import axios from 'axios'
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
status: '',
modalVisible: false,
modalComponent: null
mutations: {
showModal(state, componentName) {
console.log('showing the modal')
state.modalVisible = true;
state.modalComponent = componentName;
hideModal(state) {
console.log('hiding the modal')
state.modalVisible = false;
actions: {
getters: {
isAuthenticated: state => !!state.user,
authStatus: state => state.status,
user: state => state.user,
token: state => state.token,
posts: state => {
return state.posts;
<div id="app">
<NavigationBar />
<div class="container mt-20">
<router-view />
import AppModal from '#/components/global/AppModal';
import NavigationBar from '#/components/layout/NavigationBar'
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
body {
background-color: #f7f7f7;
.is-danger {
color: #9f3a38;
Post.vue (houses the button to call the reply modal):
<div class="row ui dividing header news">
<!-- Label -->
<div class="m-1 col-md-2 ui image justify-content-center align-self-center">
<img v-if="post.avatar_url" :src="post.avatar_url" class="mini rounded"/>
<v-gravatar v-else :email="" class="mini thumbnail rounded image rounded-circle z-depth-1-half"/>
<!-- Excerpt -->
<div class="col-md-9 excerpt">
<!-- Feed footer -->
<div class="feed-footer row">
<div class="small"> {{ post.created_at | timeAgo }}</div>
<button type="button" flat color="green" #click="showModal('ModalReplyForm')">
<i class="fa fa-reply" ></i>
<div v-show="postOwner(post)" class="">
<button type="button" flat color="grey" #click="deletePost(">
<i class="fa fa-trash " ></i>
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
import PostsService from '../../services/PostsService'
import RepliesService from '../../services/RepliesService'
import Replies from '#/components/Reply/Replies'
import ReplyForm from '#/components/Reply/ReplyForm'
export default {
name: "Post",
props: {
post: {
type: Object,
required: true
components: {
computed: {
me() {
return this.$store.getters.user
methods: {
AppModal.vue - generic Modal component
<div class="c-appModal">
<div class="c-appModal__overlay" v-if="visible"></div>
<div class="c-appModal__content" v-if="visible" #click.self="hideModal"></div>
<div class="c-appModal__innerContent">
<component :is="component"></component>
import Vue from 'vue';
import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: 'AppModal',
data() {
return {
component: null
computed: {
visible: 'modalVisible',
modalComponent: 'modalComponent'
methods: {
watch: {
modalComponent(componentName) {
if (!componentName) return;
Vue.component(componentName, () => import(`#/components/modals/${componentName}`));
this.component = componentName;
created() {
const escapeHandler = (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Escape' && this.visible) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', escapeHandler);
this.$once('hook:destroyed', () => {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', escapeHandler);
ModalReplyForm - specific reply modal content
<div class="c-modalReply">
<label for="reply">Your comment</label>
<div class="field">
<textarea name="reply" v-model="reply" rows="2" placeholder="Compose reply"></textarea>
<button class="c-modalReply__cancel" #click="hideModal">Cancel</button>
<button class="c-modalReply__post" :disabled="!isFormValid" #click="createReply">Reply</button>
import RepliesService from '#/services/RepliesService'
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
name: "ModalReplyForm",
// props: {
// post: {
// type: Object,
// required: true
// }
// },
data() {
return {
reply: ""
computed: {
isFormValid() {
return !!this.reply;
currentGroup() {
return this.$store.getters.currentPost;
methods: {
async createReply () {
let result = await RepliesService.addReply({
reply: {
body: this.reply,
Unknown custom element: - did you register the
component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide
the "name" option.
This message says that you never imported/defined ModalReplyForm, which you have not.
In my own generic modal, I ended up having to import all the components that might appear within the modal itself.
If you add a:
import ModalReportForm from ...
and a:
components: {
to AppModal.vue, the modal should then do what you expect.