Bigquery how to change the workplace style or GUI - google-bigquery

Seems BigQuery has released the new interface, not really like it.
Does anyone know how to change back to the typical style?
Thank you so much
More prefer to change back to below

At the moment, you can by clicking disabling editor tabs > Opt out without feedback. This will switch you back to the old UI.
Note: This feature will be permanently remove after this month. I suggest you to open an issue tracker feature request and provide feedback about the new ui and its differences with the old UI.


How can I switch back to the BigQuery features preview?

I've been using the preview mode of Bigquery for a couple of months and have gotten quite used to it (the tabs, the autocomplete, etc). I've also updated about 20 or so scripts to use the new comment character (# rather than --) so that I can use the shortcuts to comment/uncomment big blocks of queries.
This afternoon, I was suddenly reversed back to the old Bigquery and I cannot find a way to use the preview features again. I don't really want to change my scripts all over again... Is there something I'm missing? The "show preview features / hide preview features" option is not visible (it was to the right of the "Shortcut" button).
This page seems to indicate the preview mode should be the default:
Nevermind, this seems to have been a temporary glitch in the matrix, it's back now.

How to generate Domino dialogboxes on traditional (non-xpages) webforms

I want to have a popup/dialogbox with an "OK" button on it that will close the dialogbox...after someone performs a task on a Domino webform. I know I used overlays in xpages before, but the current application I am maintaining was built with traditional Domino forms (lots of pass-thru HTML) and my initial attempt to build an overlay effect did not work.
I have tried using javascript code of:
var window =, windowName, [windowFeatures]);
...but this has not been successful. No errors in debug, yet my url page does not pop up. I am hoping someone might be able to provide a snippet of what you use so I can see where I am going wrong.
The url parameter I am passing is correct, as I used an alert to show me what was going in there, but I am doing something basic wrong.
If I can answer any questions for you I can do that as well.
Thank you
The only way I know to display a dialog box in a classic Domino web application is to do just like you would on any HTML-based webpage. Either you create your own popup functionality, or you use one of the many plugins available.
When I work with classic Domino web applications, I have often added Bootstrap to it, to make things look a bit better. Then I can use either the native Bootstrap dialog boxes, or a plug-in called Bootbox.js. But there are many other ones.

Template 10:Using MasterDetail along with Hamburger Template

I am using template 10 for developing a UWP app and i'm using hamburger template so when a user clicks on a particular category i would like to navigate him to a event list in a master detail view where on left is complete event list in that category and on right selected event details.There is a sample provided and its difficult to understand and don't know how to use the sample in my app along with hamburger navigation.Also as an extra feature if the user clicks on a particular category the hamburger panel should hide and masterdetail view of event should come.And when user click on back button the panel should appear again with that page.
If anyone could help me it would be of great help.Thanks in advance.
There is a really detailed sample in the repository. It has 2 examples in total. 1 a control being developed by a community member. The other is a design based around using basic XAML with visual states along with responsive triggers for screen sizing.
I've implemented the response non-usercontrol variant and it works very well. The other control based scenario has some good features and is being updated often for feature additions and corrections.
Master Detail Sample
I think what you might be looking for here is a slightly simpler thing that we are able to give you. Master/Detail is certainly not splitting the atom. That being said, it's not just a drag and drop thing either. Your are going to need to take a look at the sample. Try to reproduce it exactly into a blank project. It's a great resource, but it's not a control for you to use as much as a sample for you to refer to. I certainly wish I had a simpler answer for you, but this is going to take a little effort on your side to understand the mechanics and implement it. In the end, once you pass that "ah ha" moment, I think you will look back and realize it's simpler than you thought. But until you understand how it works at a fundamental level, it's just going to continue to confuse you. I agree with #mvermef that the visual-state approach (the primary approach) is the easiest and uses the skills you will want to learn for future development, too. But, to that end, please recognize there are TWO approaches in that sample. One uses view-states and the other uses a custom user control. If I were you, don't pick the second approach. The first approach will be easy to understand, easy to implement, and wonderfully helpful to understand for other things later down the road.

Undo functionality in Dojo

I'm using an enhanced grid in Dojo and I would like to implement "Undo" functionality .
For example after editing a cell, adding/deleting a row the user should be able to revert that action.
Any pointers how to get started?
Well maybe you could get inspiration from this Comand History pattern :
About the actions on DataGrid I assume you know what to do and you were just asking about some "undo mechanism" :)
I hope this will help. I've been using it for a while and it works well
Fetch and save the grid store in some variable before editing . Upon clicking the undo button/link set the grid store with the saved old store.

Refresh designer in Blend

Either I'm not as intelligent as I once believed or the UI in Blend is really this bad.
Is there any way to 'refresh' changes I've made to an XAML file in the designer? Something simple like changing 'Fill="Red"' to 'Fill="Blue"' does not show up in the designer unless I close and re-open the file.
Google and SO were sadly and surprisingly not helpful. Thanks!
I can't say I've ever had this problem. The only time I've had the designer not refresh was if I was tinking in code view, or if I had changed some code and not rebuilt.
Does it always do this? Do you have issues with any other WPF apps or any other UI glitches? I'm assuming this is Blend 2 or 3?
Changes in xaml are reflected on the Blend design surface for me. Preferably, you would change the fill using the properties panel.