Is there a way to make text editable in Jetpack Compose Desktop? - kotlin

Is there a way to make text editable in Jetpack Compose Desktop without the use of TextField maybe with some kind of modifier?


Jetpack compose canvas - how to fetch element by text on Android test

I'ld like to fetch element draw into a jetpack compose canvas with drawText.
My usual composeTestRule.onNodeWithText does not found any elements, even when I used useUnmergedTree parameter
Thanks for your help

Input Service for Jetpack Compose

I'm building my own soft keyboard for my app.
I was wondering if there was a way of popping open my custom keyboard instead of the default android soft Keyboard.
For example, when clicking on a TextField, I would like my custom keyboard to be the input source.

How to achieve the layering effect of one Composable on top of another when showing a dialog using Jetpack Compose

I'm hoping to understand how I can achieve this behavior using Jetpack Compose in Android when displaying a dialog on top of the current Composable view.
Desired State:
Animation when clicking on the Filter button at the bottom. This is from the app Culture Trip on iOS.
I currently have a dialog like below. If you notice, my content is still visible but I would like to have it appear as if it's a page layer that's in the background.
Notice the red arrow in the desired state picture. I can mimic that behavior by having a row and setting the background color with padding but looking for a more elegant solution or wondering if there is standard behavior that I don't know about.
Actual State:
For displaying your dialog above, you need to use Box and call dialog at the very bottom of this Box.

Android Jetpack Compose Coordinator Layout Equivalent

What is the best way to get the functionality of a CoordinatorLayout in Jetpack Compose?
I know that a Box is essentially a FrameLayout and CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout but is there a super-powered Box layout?
I guess we need to use nestedScroll modifier.
There is a Collapsing Toolbar Example on documentation page.

How to make customized keyboard in react-native?

I am making an app. To access this app I need to create an app pin.
I have to make a customized keyboard, so when I press keys on keyboard, text (pin) should be filled in these 4 circles (for this I am using react-native-confirmation-code-input library).
I have used many customized keyboard libraries but none worked out.
If I make this keyboard without using any library, then I get stuck.
I am not able to make focus on second textinput when first textinput finish its text editing .
This is the image of the layout I need for my app: