Selenium IDE Chrome extension - selenium

I am new to the Selenium IDE Chrome extension and trying to verify (not check, but VERIFY!) that variable a is less than variable b.
My current solution:
if a < b: { result=PASSED } else { result=FAIL }
assert: ${result} PASSED
When running the log says looking for ${result}.


GEB :One class Test cases are not opening in separate browser

I imported an old project from that has a class named "TestGebSpec". The test cases of it were running on the same browser so I added a "CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver()" to gebConfig.groovy file. Still, test cases were running on the same browser so I create a new groovy test case file "Login TC"
Now the problem is the test case of Login TC are running on a separate browser i.e for each test case a new driver is initiated but for file "TestGebSpec" somehow TC runs on the same browser
Any suggestions???
Code of "TestGebSpec" file
#SuppressWarnings(["GrUnresolvedAccess", "GroovyAssignabilityCheck", "UnnecessaryQualifiedReference"])
class KohlerSanityTestGebSpec extends GebReportingSpec {
public static final String USER_EMAIL = "test_user." + UUID.randomUUID() + ""
public static final String USER_PASSWORD = "pass123Word"
def setupSpec() {
def setup() {}
def cleanup() {}
def cleanupSpec() {}
// Utility methods start here.
/** Using javascript runner to scroll an element into view so selenium can work with it. */
protected void scrollIntoViewJS(NonEmptyNavigator element) {
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
protected void scrollUp(int distance) {
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("scroll( 0, ${-distance});");
protected void scrollDown(int distance) {
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("scroll( 0, ${distance});");
protected void hoverTest2(NonEmptyNavigator element) {
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
protected void hoverOver(String path) {
org.openqa.selenium.WebElement element =
protected void hoverOver(NonEmptyNavigator element) {
org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions builder = new
/** click, when the click() method does not work. */
protected void clickElement(NonEmptyNavigator element) {
org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions builder = new org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions(driver)
protected void moveElement(NonEmptyNavigator handleElement, NonEmptyNavigator trackElement, int xPercent) {
org.openqa.selenium.WebElement handle = handleElement.getElement(0)
org.openqa.selenium.WebElement track = trackElement.getElement(0)
org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions builder = new org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions(driver)
int width = track.getSize().getWidth()
int moveLength = width * xPercent / 100
builder.dragAndDropBy(handle as org.openqa.selenium.WebElement, moveLength.intValue(), (int) 0).build().perform()
protected void closeSurveyPopup() {
if ($("#IPEbgCover")) {
$("area", alt: "close").click()
// End of utility methods. Start of feature methods.
def "Create project in bCC TESTCASE1"() {
browser.baseUrl = "URL"
when: "I log in to the BCC"
to BccLoginPage
loginForm.login = "data"
$("input", type: "submit").click()
at BccHomePage
at BccNewCaProject01Page
when: "I name and describe the new project."
def newProjectName = "gebtest-" + randomString(16, ('A'..'Z') + ('0'..'9'))
println "Creating BCC project \"$newProjectName\"."
at BccCaProjectDetailsPage
code of "Login TC" file
class LoginTC extends GebReportingSpec{
def setupSpec() {
//driver.manage().window().size = new org.openqa.selenium.Dimension( 1200, 1200 )
} // run before the first feature method
def setup() {} // run before every feature method
def cleanup() {} // run after every feature method
def cleanupSpec() {} // run after the last feature method
void "login tc2"(){
to HomePage
final String searchString = "string data"
searchInput = searchString
at waitFor{ ProductDetailPage }
sku.text().toLowerCase().contains( searchString.toLowerCase() )
void "login tc3"(){
to HomePage
final String searchString = "string data"
searchInput = searchString
at waitFor{ ProductDetailPage }
In short problem is why features on "TestGebSpec" file runs on same browser
Flow is as below
1.Open browser
2.Feature 1 run
3.Feature 2 run
final point. Browser close
What I except browser
2.Feature 1 run
3.Close browser
4.Open browser
5.Feature 2 run
6.Close browser
Actually an error on your web page should not be a problem if the next feature opens the initial URL it needs afresh. Also cookies should not be a problem because you can delete them manually or automatically. Over-using #Stepwise is a source of problems for many users, too. You should avoid it whenever possible. I even see you use it in a specification with only one feature (or maybe you only showed me one and actually there are more). Using many browsers is a huge resource waste and just makes your tests slow. The Book of Geb (manual) is an excellent source of information.
Take a look at implicit lifecycle with regard to clearCookies() andclearWebStorage(). Auto-clearing cookies and/or web storage might also be helpful. The same chapter also explains that if you just use CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver() at the end of a feature method (or in cleanup() if you need it in every feature), the next method will get a new browser instance automatically.
Of course you can quit the browser via quit() (quits the browser) and close() (closes current browser window) if you want to start the new browser manually. But implicit driver management is easier to use IMO, so I am just mentioning it for completeness' sake.
Now for a very special case: You can even use something like resetBrowser(); CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver() in the middle of a single feature method like this:
package de.scrum_master.testing
import geb.driver.CachingDriverFactory
import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
class RestartBrowserIT extends GebReportingSpec {
def "Search web site"() {
when:_ "download page is opened"
go ""
report "welcome page"
then:_ "expected text is found on page"
$("h2").text().startsWith("Herzlich Willkommen bei")
when:_ "browser is reset"
and:_ "download page is opened again in new browser"
go ""
report "download page"
then:_ "expected text is found on page"
$("h2").text().startsWith("Scrum on a Page")
Then on the console you see something like this:
download page is opened
07:49:49.105 [main] INFO i.g.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager - Using chromedriver 83.0.4103.39 (since Google Chrome 83 is installed in your machine)
07:49:49.146 [main] INFO i.g.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager - Exporting as C:\Users\alexa\.m2\repository\webdriver\chromedriver\win32\83.0.4103.39\chromedriver.exe
Starting ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 (ccbf011cb2d2b19b506d844400483861342c20cd-refs/branch-heads/4103#{#416}) on port 3302
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Jul 03, 2020 7:49:53 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFORMATION: Detected dialect: W3C
expected text is found on page
browser is reset
download page is opened again in new browser
07:49:57.387 [main] INFO i.g.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager - Using chromedriver 83.0.4103.39 (since Google Chrome 83 is installed in your machine)
07:49:57.413 [main] INFO i.g.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager - Exporting as C:\Users\alexa\.m2\repository\webdriver\chromedriver\win32\83.0.4103.39\chromedriver.exe
Starting ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 (ccbf011cb2d2b19b506d844400483861342c20cd-refs/branch-heads/4103#{#416}) on port 27426
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Jul 03, 2020 7:50:00 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFORMATION: Detected dialect: W3C
expected text is found on page
P.S.: Just in case you are wondering why I write when:_ "label" instead of just when: "label", I use this SpockConfig.groovy file in order to help me print labels in my test, as you can also see in the console log above:
import spock.lang.Specification
* Use like this in order to print Spock/Geb labels:
* given:_ "foo"
* when:_ "bar"
* then:_ "zot"
class LabelPrinter {
def _(def message) {
println message
Specification.mixin LabelPrinter
The Spock configuration file should be in src/main/resources/SpockConfig.groovy if you use a standard Maven directory layout.

Appium v1.17.1 unable to switch WebView context in iOS

Previous version (1.15.1) I was able to perform this code.
Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
for (String contextName : contextNames) {
System.out.println(contextName); //prints out something like NATIVE_APP \n WEBVIEW_1
driver.context((String) contextNames.toArray()[1]); // set context to WEBVIEW_1
However after updated to the latest version (1.17.1), it encountered this error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
The syntax you are using is wrong.
This is for Python:
If you know the context:
driver.switch_to.context['NATIVE_APP] #appium chrome driver
driver.switch_to.context['WEB_VIEW_chrome] # selenium chrome driver
Return all available context in list:
So you can use this like:
NOTE: web_view is always the last key in list, so you can always change the context to webview (FireFox,Chorme,Safari) with this:
contexts = driver.contexts
Return the current context:

WebDriverWait times out when run through Continuous Integration

I use the following code to check if an element is visible for my automated tests before interacting with them (Selenium/C#).
public bool ElementVisible(IWebDriver driver, IWebElement element, int secondsToWait = 30, bool doNotFailTest = false)
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsToWait));
wait.Until<IWebElement>(d =>
if (element.GetCssValue("display") != "none" && element.Size.Height > 0 && element.Size.Width > 0)
return element;
return null;
return true;
catch (Exception)
if (!doNotFailTest)
return false;
The tests that use this method work every time, when I run tests on my PC. However, when I trigger the tests to be run on our build machine from TFS's Continuous Integration, only then does this method time out when called by my tests. Another point that might be worth noting is: this method works on other websites we test (both locally and through the CI). Just not this one website for some reason...
I have tried:
Running the tests locally on the build machine, cutting out the CI = no issue.
Increased the time out several times to greater values = method times out at the greater values.
Added Thread.Sleep wait before the above try/catch block (my reasoning for this stems from an issue I found on Browserstack whereby an AJAX injected element would not be found by this method alone without first adding an arbitrary wait before the WebDriverWait... which doesn't make sense to me because WebDriverWait is apparently the only thing I need to use to find AJAX injected elements (from what I've read anyway)).
As an aside, the reason I've made this method a bool is because not all of my tests should fail if certain elements aren't found. For example, our website rarely has the terms and conditions updated. When it does, a modal is presented to the user when logging in. We've left this as a manual test, but to prevent this modal from breaking the daily runs, we look for it and accept the terms if it's there (suppressing exceptions).
This timeout error relates to an element of the test we do actually want to find, it is the condition to pass our LogIn test by finding an element on our website that is only present when logged in. This element is injected with AJAX.
Better colleagues than me at CI can't pinpoint why this issue is occurring. Theoretically, the trigger from the CI is simply to initiate the test run - it has no other involvement in the running of the tests...?
I have observed that when triggering the test run from the CI to the build machine, when I VPN to the build machine, I expect to see the browser load up and the tests being conducted, but this is not the case. Maybe this is a factor? Perhaps I'm wrong but this behaviour seems like the tests are running on a headless browser? Yet we have not specified any settings to use a headless version of Chrome (v75).
If it was the case that testing through a headless browser throws timeout errors related to AJAX elements, other tests have passed after logging in - using other AJAX injected elements. It is only when any test calls this method, does it time out, when the run is triggered from the CI, on this specific website.
Very confusing!
I created a JavaScript version of the WebDriverWait, added some debugging (Console.Error.WriteLine()) to output the element's computed styles. The display property was 'none'... however, when I log in manually, in Chrome's developer tools, it is 'block'. Weird.
The element I was looking for was a DIV container that has the class 'loggedin'. I instead passed through an element inside this container that would also only be displayed when logged in (a piece of text). This worked.
My WebDriverWait doesn't work with either of the elements, so I have to stick with this JavaScript alternative. One thing to note, however, is that the evaluation of the element's properties takes 5 seconds, so I've omitted setting an interval between checks.
public bool ElementVisible(IWebDriver driver, By locator, int numberOfPolls = 10, bool doNotFailTest = false)
bool elementVisible = false;
int pollCount = numberOfPolls;
while (!elementVisible && pollCount > 0)
// Takes 5 seconds to compute, bear this in mind when setting an interval or increasing the pollCount
elementVisible = (bool)js.ExecuteScript("var display = window.getComputedStyle(arguments[0]).display; var height = window.getComputedStyle(arguments[0]).height; var width = window.getComputedStyle(arguments[0]).width; return (display != 'none' && height != 0 && width != 0);", driver.FindElement(locator));
catch (Exception)
if (elementVisible)
if (!elementVisible)
if (!doNotFailTest)
throw new Exception("ElementVisible(): - element not visible.");
return elementVisible;

How to leave the browser open when a Behat/Mink test fails

I'm using the selenium2 driver to test my Drupal site using Behat/Mink in a docker container.
Using the Selenium Standalone-Chrome container, I can watch my behat tests fail, but the problem is that as soon as they fail, the browser is closed, which makes it harder for me to see what the problem is.
I'm running my tests like this:
behat --tags '#mystuff' --config=behat-myconfig.yml --strict --stop-on-failure
Is there a way to leave the remote-controlled browser open even when a test fails?
By default it is not possible.
Maybe you could find some hack to do it but it is not recommended, since each scenario should be isolated and this is not a good solution at least when running some suite with multiple tests.
For one time only see if you can use the logic for printscreen and use a breakpoint instead.
Anyway, you should use a verbose (-vvv for Behat 3) output + ide debugger to debug your code.
Finally I found a good solution for this: behat-fail-aid.
Add the fail aid to your FeatureContext and then run behat with the --wait-on-failure option:
the --wait-on-failure={seconds} option can be used to
investigate/inspect failures in the browser.
You can take a screenshot whenever an error occurs using Behat hook "AfterStep".
Consider having a look at the Panther Driver or DChrome Driver.
Here you are a shortened example considering also non javascript tests (which are faster):
use Behat\Mink\Driver\Selenium2Driver;
/** Context Class Definition ... */
* #AfterStep
public function takeScreenShotAfterFailedStep(AfterStepScope $scope)
if (99 !== $scope->getTestResult()->getResultCode()) {
private function takeAScreenShot($prefix = 'screenshot')
$baseName= sprintf('PATH_FOR_YOUR_SCREENSHOTS/%s-%s', $prefix, (new \DateTime())->format('Y_m_d_H_i_s'));
if ($this->supportsJavascript()) {
$extension = '.png';
$content = $this->session->getScreenshot();
} else {
$extension = '.html';
$content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getOuterHtml();
file_put_contents(sprintf('%s%s', $baseName, $extension), $content);
private function supportsJavascript()
return $this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof Selenium2Driver;

Browser Restart Using Geb & Spock within same test

I would like to be able to restart my browser session mid test using Geb and Spock Framework. I no howto close the browser and update after test compltion etc, but when i close during the test and try and re use the browser object i get a session error thrown by selenium. Below is the base outline i am trying to execute. NB never allows me to navigate to the new StoreHome and if i try and use just Browser i get error thrown.
def "TC1: Verify Browser Restart"() {
when: "On my StoreFront HP wait until title displayed"
to StoreHomePage
waitFor { homepagetitle.displayed }
then: "Update your site picker"
waitFor { myNewHomePageTitle.displayed }
when: "Close the browser and insure on restart new page is loaded"
def nb = new Browser()
then: "Validate on New HP"
asset myNewHomePageTitle.displayed
It's as simple as doing the following in your spec:
After that any code that tries to access browser will trigger automatic creation of new WebDriver and Browser instances.
This is how you force a new driver:
I tested it, it works beautifully. This hint can also be found in the Geb manual.
Update 2017-02-07 15:10 CET: Thanks for the follow-up question. Well, my brief answer was made under the assumption that the command is issued at the end of one feature method and the next feature method starts with a new browser session. In order to do this mid-test you would have to create a new WebDriver instance manually and somehow trick Geb into updating its browser session.
Because this is tricky at least and I do not know how to do it, I recommend using two separate feature methods for testing what should be tested before and after quitting the browser. You can share state between them via #Shared members, if necessary. This also had the advantage that if you let Geb create the new WebDriver and browser session for you, everything configured in GebConfig.groovy, such as browser type and capabilities, will automatically be considered. If you would create a driver manually, you would have to parse the Geb config by yourself - ugly!
But the main problem with this approach is: How to assure that the feature methods are executed in the (lexical) order of declaration? Normally tests should be runnable in any order, so you cannot and should not rely on a specific execution order. Spock offers the Stepwise annotation to adress the rare case in which you want to enforce execution order, but this would lead to the same problem as in the mid-test situation because Geb implicitly assumes that it should continue to test in the same session. I.e. we need a trick to enforce lexical execution order without using #Stepwise.
Another problem is that if your spec extends GebReportingSpec because you want to take screenshots, Geb fails to take the last screenshot at the end of the feature method with the browser gone. Now you can configure Geb not to take screenshots if the test succeeds via reportOnTestFailureOnly, but that still leaves us with failed tests. So I added an override for the report method with some additional exception handling.
The full solution looks like this, derived from one of my real-life tests:
package de.scrum_master.tdd
import geb.driver.CachingDriverFactory
import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys
import org.spockframework.runtime.model.FeatureInfo
import spock.lang.Shared
class SampleGebIT extends GebReportingSpec {
void report(String label = "") {
// GebReportingSpec tries to write a report (screenshot) at the end of each feature
// method. But because we use 'CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver()',
// there is no valid driver instance anymore from which to get a screenshot. Geb is
// unprepared for this kind of error, so we handle it gracefully so as to keep the
// test from failing just because the last screenshot cannot be taken anymore.
try {
catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Cannot create screenshot: ${e.message}")
// We cannot use 'specificationContext' directly from 'setupSpec()' because of this
// compilation error: "Only #Shared and static fields may be accessed from here"
// Okay then, so use we a #Shared field as a workaround. ;-)
def currentSpec = specificationContext.currentSpec
def setupSpec() {
// Make sure that feature methods are run in declaration order. Normally we could
// use #Stepwise for this, but because #Stepwise implies staying in the same
// browser session, it would not work in connection with
// 'CachingDriverFactory.clearCacheAndQuitDriver()'. This is the workaround for it.
for (FeatureInfo feature : currentSpec.features)
feature.executionOrder = feature.declarationOrder
def "Search web site"() {
def deactivateAutoComplete =
"document.getElementById('mod_search_searchword')" +
".setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')"
def regexNumberOfMatches = /Insgesamt wurden ([0-9]+) Ergebnisse gefunden/
go ""
report "welcome page"
$("h2").text().startsWith("Herzlich Willkommen bei")
$("form").searchword = "Product Owner" + Keys.ENTER
waitFor { $("form#searchForm") }
report "search results"
def searchResultSummary = $("form#searchForm").$("table.searchintro").text()
def numberOfMatches = (searchResultSummary =~ regexNumberOfMatches)[0][1] as int
numberOfMatches > 0
println "Closing browser and WebDriver"
def "Visit download page"() {
go ""
report "download page"
$("h2").text().startsWith("Scrum on a Page")
BTW, I tested this successfully with several browsers on my Windows 10 machine:
HtmlUnit (with activated JavaScript)
Internet Explorer