Enable Stytch Google OAuth flow with Cloudflare Pages & Functions - cloudflare

I need help figuring out how to setup Stytch Google OAuth with Cloudflare Pages & Functions. Stytch has a guide on how to do this in a general case. However, the flow from steps 5 & 6 is not clear to me. Specifically:
Where do these redirects go to in a JAMStack application? Do I have to add new routes?
How does the interaction with Pages functions happen?
Any sample Javascript / HTML code would really help.


Rest API integration with joomla

I have to integrate this API (http://api.iqrez.com/documentation/) in a template of joomla 3.0. Do you know if there is an extension that can permit me to integrate this API? Or please can you give me technical infos for integrate it?
Thank you in advance
A Joomla Template provides a theme or style mechanism for the website.
The API you've pointed to is described as "Online Booking Engine"
The Joomla Extension Directory (JED) has a section on Bookings & Reservations
Searching the JED for "iqrez" reveals no hits.
None of these are questions suitable for StackOverflow, which is why you're getting downvoted.
To integrate a Joomla site with a 3rd party API you will need to create an extension, the Docs website has a Developer portal. Depending on the exact functionality you want and the degree of integration you will need to create either a "component", "module" or "plugin". Or a combination of all three.

Sign In With Twitter

Looking at this site http://www.thefancy.com/ and clicking the Sign up button followed by the Twitter option it brings up a window for Twitter Login.
I assume this is the JS approach to Twitter login in a similar fashion to Facebooks.
On my site I have already implemented Connect With Facebook (using JS) and to keep my site consistent I would like to know how to do this using Twitter's Sign On service.
Does anyone have any useful advice or links to help me with this - I can only find guides that take the user to Twitter's website during login and then back again to mine which is not what I want.
Many thanks
I did notice this on Twitter's site:
"Reminder: It is strongly discouraged to use OAuth 1.0A with client-side Javascript."
Why do Twitter recommend against using JS with OAuth while Facebook and Google are happy to go with it?
tHave you looked into Twitter OAuth? In order for Twitter to grand your site details, it has to redirect your users momentarily to twitter for them to verify this access. This link explains it a bit better: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/overview/3-legged-oauth
Temboo simplifies the process of developing Twitter sign up (via OAuth). See here for details: https://live.temboo.com/library/Library/Twitter/OAuth/
Temboo doesn't have a JS library though, so you will have to use the REST API.
Full disclosure: I work at Temboo.

Create wordpress website Reader for an iOS device i:e showing notification/Reading content only if the site content/feed is updated

I have an idea to develop iOS App which update user if any feed is updated on wordpress website. Please tell the way/steps how i can achieve the same.
I have tried and searched on google but didn't got solution for my problem. This is one thing i got on youtube about web site reader : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk0d1npGoq4 But, I doesn't have to developer such app which reads web site content, i would like to show notification as soon as feed on the web is updated.
This is the website ( http://www.webhostingbreak.com/ ) whose reader i want to developer.
Please suggest me some solutions or logic which can help me to complete my task.
You've got several way to access the content of a Wordpress blog.
First and easiest solution is to use the basic RSS feed which is available on any Wordpress, and which is compatible with other kinds of websites.
With Wordpress, more specifically, you can use the XML-RPC API embed by the CMS.
This API need to be enable on the Wordpress website and every request will have to be authenticated with a real user to the Wordpress website (you can implement the registration process in the app or use a generic user in every installed app).
You have several library which handle the XML-RPC calls such as https://github.com/corristo/xmlrpc

Google Plus API - Retrieve code programmatically

I'm using Java with Google Plus API. I'm using OAuth 2.0. When a user is authenticated, an access code is returned in a browser. Now, given that the code must accompany a call to the Google Plus API, I currently have to manually copy the code and use it in making calls to the Google Plus API. What I wish to do, however, is to programmatically retrieve this code; eliminate the manual copying.
Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you're writing a command line or some other non-web application that uses the Google+ API. This throws a little bit of a wrench into the token delivery via HTTP redirect. Without the redirect there's no way for the OAuth web pages to communicate with your code and hence you must copy and paste it.
There is one work around that seems to work pretty well. You can set up a local web server, such as an embedded Jetty, and complete the OAuth flow by redirecting the user back to their locally running web server.
You can see an example of this implemented in oacurl which is hosted here: http://code.google.com/p/oacurl/

Does anyone know of a simple tutorial for Googles Federated Login

Im looking for a step by step tutorial that covers Google's Federated Login process using php and cURL. All needs to get dumped into codeIgnitor so it really needs to be easy to follow.
I don't know of a tutorial, but there's at least one existing library that is specifically targeted at this; perhaps looking at its code is a good place to start?
See the Google Federated Login API group for more discussion about this class.
At its core, the Federated Login API is OpenID, and there are lots of libraries that will do OpenID. You might want to start with one of those. I clicked on the first listed PHP library; it has a demo site which I've verified works with Google's Federated Login (by manually supplying https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id as the URL; or by supplying http://google.com/profiles/<<username>>)
(StackOverflow's login page provides a big "Google" button - all that does is fill in https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id as the OpenID url and then submit the form)