Shopify Store Filtering - shopify

We are using Filter app for store filter at now. We did tried shopify default filtering document and did setup filter based on it but no more helpful. ( I want both Storefront and Tag filter option in store. You can only use one filtering method at a time.
If i am using filter app, i need to be dependent on app support team if any changes require on collection page. If i am use shopify filter it is limited and can't use all method at a time.
I want to know, what other developers are using for filter? What is best?


Searching through big DataList from API

I have an app in which I want to show a list of around 19000 products. You can search this list and you can filter it by categories. I added paging for my API where the data comes from and I plan on using LoadMore for React FlatList. Now, when I type a search-query inside the search-bar, I want to search within all the data, not the filtered data. Where should I perform the search then? Should i either load all 19000 Items from the API, store them locally and search it? Then the paging would be kind of unnecessary.. Or should I send the search-term to the API and handle the search there? The latter also seems kind of inperformant, because It would send an API-Request every moment I type a letter to the search-bar. Or is there a third approach? What would be the proper way for this?
Thanks in Advance.

Shopify custom forms using liquid

I would like customers to complete a custom survey so we can gauge which product is most right for them.
My idea is to use a form to collect the customers answers and run a function to determine the product they need.
Is this possible using a shopify theme?
I am very confused on integrating custom logic into a theme
If the logic for the survey is written in Javascript and the function that determines the product is written in Javascript it will be possible.
To be more precise if you don't use the Shopify forms logic, but custom code everything it will be possible but it will require a lot of configuration depending of the survey length.
But things like sending a custom email to the customers or something in those line will not be possible with Shopify (only if you use a third party App for custom forms logic).

Can the List component be used in an edit form?

I want to be able to bring a dataset into an edit/create form because I need the respective resource in order to associate it to the main model.
Say, a store has many employees. I want , from an ui perspective, to be able to add employees to the store.
I am able to to this via a custom component, however I want to know if I am able to use the List component to fetch a certain resource, ,because I have a feeling that I'm not doing this properly now. Adminonrest has the tools to render a paginated list of resources, so how can I make better use of these tools ? Then make a custom iterator to represent the model anyway I want to (maybe even use the datagrid component). I can then attach custom actions.
What would the best pattern for this situation be ? Thanks.
No, this feature is not supported. You can display employees, using the ReferenceManyField but we don't support creating them from the Edit page.

How to get the list of all User stories including child stories using /slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement API

I am using this rally API to get the list of all the stories:"My_Parent_Project")&order=OrderString
My_Parent_Project actually do not have any user stories, but its children projects (my_child_1 and my_child_2) has user stories.
Is there any specific field, which I can mention to get all the user stories including child projects.
I can see Rally UI has option to get the data from Child project. So I believe there must be an option to get this data using above API. (They use projectScopeUp=false&setScopedDown=true which doesn't seems to be working with
"hierarchicalrequirement" API.
You're really close.
It seems like you've already found the project scoping docs:
I think if you just swap your (Project.Name = "My_Parent_Project") query to instead use the project=/project/12345 query string parameter and include projectScopeDown=true you should be all set.

eBay API - filter items by store/custom categories

My scenario: I have a client with an eBay store with custom categories. On their website, they would like to list the items they have for sale. They would like this list to be filterable by custom category.
I've been searching for a couple days now, and I'm still a bit unsure about the best way to proceed.
From what I can gather, the only way to get a list of categories defined in a store is through the GetStore call in the Trading API. This seems to be supported, though I need to get a user token from my client's eBay account. I will assume this works.
I do not, however, see any method of filtering items based on custom categories. I've looked through the documentation of both the Trading and Finding APIs, but all I see are filters on pre-defined eBay categories.
Is it possible to filter on custom/store categories?
I had a task to link seller products to custom categories and the only way I found is to retrieve a list of custom categories with "GetStore" from Trading API, retrieve all seller items with "findItemsAdvanced" call form Finding API, and loop through all retrieved items and get details with "GetItem" call from Trading API.
After that I could find custom categories under $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategoryID and $xml->Item->Storefront->StoreCategory2ID.
After digging through and posting in the eBay forums, I found out that no, it is not possible to filter on custom/store defined categories via the API. The only way to filter on custom/store defined categories is on the eBay hosted store.
This is apparently eBay's way to make the store hosted on their site more feature rich than anything you can do via the API.
Even though this question is old, I believe it interesting to give a more recent answer. As stated above, you cannot directly filter items sold by a store using custom store categories (StoreCategoryID). The easiest way to work around this is using the GetSellerList API using a coarse granularity level, which allows you to get the storeCategoryID of each Item on sale within a starting time range or an end time range. You can then filter the items yourself. Here's a link to a forum answer:
Yes no way to get items by Custom categories.
It sounds like either getCategoryInfo or GetCategories might help you.