Find invalid image paths in vue project - vue.js

In my Vue 3 project, all images are located in public/assets/image then in .vue files I refer to these images like assets/image/image.png.
Sometimes I might make a typo in a path or a path might not be correct anymore.
Is there any automated way to find and fix all incorrect paths in a project?
I am using "VS Code" and "IntelliJ IDEA" might be there are any plugins to handle this.

In VS Code there is an extension called Image preview
If the path is right it shows the image at the left side of the import.


In UWP app, where should html assets be stored in the assets directory?

In a UWP app using cppwinrt I want to use WebView to display contents of a book kept in the Assets folder. I read that it is necessary to reference an html asset this way for use as a Uri argument to the Navigate method in web view:
This produces an empty view, while
crashes. Msdn says that for files "that will be loaded into the web compartment" one must use ms-appx-web, and I've seen mention that this is a security issue. But does that mean the files are in a special location within the project - i.e. not merely in the Assets folder - or does it only mean that the path must begin with ms-appx-web independent of the file's location? "Web compartment" is not explained but seems to be not a location but rather a classification of the type of resource. At any rate, neither of the above approaches works, so I'm curious to know the recommended way to store and access a collection of html files in the package. In the assets folder? A special folder within assets? In Solution Explorer the html file is listed, "content" is True, and the file is Included In Project. Thanks.
My mistake: ms-appx-web does not point to the assets folder, but to its parent. The correct path for content of this type would be ms-appx-web///Assets/SampleBook/PageOne.html. The reference to material to be "loaded to the web compartment" apparently is just a way of saying: stuff to be loaded with WebViewer.

Windows 10 Phone Store Logo Error

I created my app in Unity and after publishing for Android and iPhone, i'm trying to get the Windows 10 Phone version published.
I added my image assets to Unity, but when I open the generated project in Visual Studio, I get the following error in the Visual Assets tab:
A mixture of mages with and without the "scale" or "targetsize" qualifiers exists in the project for the logical name "Assets\StoreLogo.png" for the "Scale 100 50x50 px" image. All the other images are importing correctly.
The only related question I see on SO is:
Adding all images to the Package.AppXManifest results in a compiler warning
but in my case it is an error instead of a warning
The image with the correct scale does exist in my Assets folder, even though I had to add it manually:
Just wondering if anyone knows how to debug/fix this? rename the image, create a new image etc? ie: Why the 50x50px scale 100 image is not working as expected.
My Unity version is 5.3.4, Visual Studio 2015
It's basically saying that StoreLogo.png will be ignored since there is a file with same name plus the scale qualifier: StoreLogo.scale-100.png.
When packaging the two files are considered the same, but to prevent unexpected behavior you should delete one of them. It basically means that if you change StoreLogo.png, but not StoreLogo.scale-100.png, the output will not change since the packaging process will always ignore the StoreLogo.png file.
I would rename the StoreLogo.png file to just Logo.png and keep them both. But you can also delete one of them and get rid of the warning.
Seems that the order of adding the PNG to the project matters. So, for the StoreLogo you would need to add the 50x50 resolution PNG first.
And if you are using version control, make sure it is checked-in.

Empty theme.css when trying to use original Bootstrap 3 files

I tried to adopt the Air theme insinde the current IP.
The problem is that the resulting theme.css stays empty, Ithink due to a compilation error.
I have replaces the original less files of the theme inside the assets/less-subfolder by the twitter Bootstrap less files.
As soon as I include more than ipContent.less and variables.less (for example the original Bootstrap grid.less) the resulting css file becomes empty.
Does anybody have an idea? It's not a file permission issue that's sure.
Something about missing variables I suppose.
Thank you and cheers from Hamburg,

Where should I put my custom widget files in Yii framework?

From this page,
It seems it suggests that we should put the files in the component folder. But if my widget contains javascript and css files, where should these files be placed?
By the way, is this a good idea that I create it as an extension? If I go this way, all widget files are more self-contained in a folder inside the extension folder. But since the widget I am going to work on is very customized, it's unlikely that it will be useful to other people or my other projects. Making it an extension seems a little bit strange.
I understand that it does not really matter where I put these files as long as the paths I am using in the codes are correct but I would like to know the common practice.
I think the common practice is to put the widget in extensions folder with js & css files in an folder named asset. In the php class file, you do initialization first by publishing the asset with yii asset manager.
The file structure may be like
I would join the recommendation to put the widget under /protected/extensions.
I put the assets in a slightly more detailed manner: /protected/extensions/WidgetClassName/assets/ and the widget view files in /protected/extensions/WidgetClassName/views/...
Don't forget to edit your /protected/config/main.php and add a row in the 'import' section (for autoloading of the widget): 'ext.WidgetClassName.WidgetClassName.*'

ZXing barcode iphone error

i'm trying to import the zxing into my project but i am getting the following :
can't open -exported_symbols_list file: /zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList
Anyone know how to fix this?
Which guide dou you use to import the framework? I reccoment this one.
Answer taken from here:
Ultimately you need to make a tweak so that ZXing actually decodes
barcode. In target section, double
click on your project target, and go to the build tab. Look for
the "Exported Symbols Files" and
double-click on it. Att the relative path to the exportList files
in "/zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/exportList".
This will tell the linket to actually link with some key classes
so that this code registers the necessary