Createjs tweens execute once per window session and never run until page refresh - createjs

I'm trying to run code that tweens a stage child at the end of every minigame. I have several minigames with different tweens. The idea is that when you complete some goal with said minigame, a tween will run that plays some kind of animation. Unfortunately, when one tween runs, the rest in any minigame never execute. This also goes for the initial minigame: when one tween from minigame A runs, all the tweens in minigame A don't run. The only way to get tweens working again is to refresh the page, but even then, the problem will still continue.
I have these lines of code running globally in a file called universalDeclar.js that's read before any other js file besides the createjs cdn
createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.TIMEOUT;
createjs.Ticker.framerate = 24;
When I instantiate the new game, I give a specific child (for this case, a Sprite named professor) a tween animation before its added to the stage but don't play it until some condition is met in a later function, to which I write stupidTween.paused = false;
stupidTween = createjs.Tween.get(professor, {paused: true}, true)
.to({x: 700 }, 400, createjs.Ease.linear)
After running stage.update() in the initialize function, I always reset the ticker (since I plan on implementing time limits for each minigame) and call on a new function to run every tick
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", fillTick);
Any guidance or help on this problem would be really appreciated since a lot of my games rely on tweenable animation

Fixed the problem myself. Apparently calling createjs.Ticker.reset(); prevents any other tweens from reoccurring despite functions being initialized with every new minigame load. I had to create some new variables to manage time differences between games but everything works now


watchOS background refresh not accessing CoreData?

I have a watch companion app that accesses CoreData through CloudKit and then chooses a random string from the data.
It works perfectly, all of that is setup exactly as needed. So I know all of that is working.
The issue now is I am wanting the Watch complication to update sporadically with an updated random string from that data.
Here is what I have confirmed is working:
the complication can update with the assigned variable correctly
this variable can be assigned manually by opening the app and pressing a button
background scheduling and refreshing is confirmed to work, I tested with print statements.
The issue now is that the goal is to make the function run with the background refresh. This function takes that data from CoreData, picks a random string, and assigns it to the variable. That variable is then displayed on the watch face complication and in the app.
The function has an if statement that says
if (the fetched coredata) .isEmpty {
(Variable) = “No Data” }
And the watch complication is showing “No Data.”
This indicates that this function is running with the background refresh but is not accessing the CoreData and is staying empty. This exact same function works fine when manually called inside the app.
TL;DR I have isolated and confirmed that CoreData is not being accessed when running a function in the background schedule on watchOS.
How do I fix this?

How to change variables between scripts in UnityScript?

I made a game have two objects in the hierarchy panel. One called GameScreen and another called Clock I set up. Each has its own script attached. GameScreen uses game.js and the other uses clock.js.
When I win the game a popup box appears and says, "You've won!" This is caused by the game.js script. However, the clock.js is still running, so my clock is still counting down. When the time is up the clock.js makes a popup box saying, "you lose!"
This causes for a "you win" screen to pop up when you win and then later a you lose screen to appear. As you can probably guess, this is super annoying. If there was a way I could change variables in one script from another,, I could get the clock to stop when you won or I could get the game to stop when the time ran out.
Is there some way to do this??
For example here are two javascript files one on clock and the other on GameScreen . I want the first one to change the variable changeMe in the second to two.
function start(){
var changeMe:int;
When you win the game, you can change clock's variable from game.js this way:
GameObject.Find("Clock").GetComponent("clock.js").variable_name = new_value;
, where [variable_name] and [new_value] obviously depend on your project. variable_name has to be an exposed variable.
You can simply use SendMessage() it will make you able to call a function from another object easily.Basically you need to write a function to destroy the clock after wining the game,let's say your function is called destroyClock so you should add that to your game.js script:
gameobject.Find("here goes the name of your clock obj").sendMessage("destroyClock")

wxWidgets: is it possible to nest two different wxTimers?

I am writing an application that stays in the traybar and do some checks every some minutes.
When it performs this checks, I would like the traybar icon to be animated.
That is why I have a first wxTimer triggering checks. In its OnTimer call I tried to manage the second wxTimer to handle the animation.
The issue is that timers work in the mainloop, so the icon is not updated when the second timer updates the icon index.
Is there a way to overcome this problem?
Thank you!
Your description of the problem is unfortunately not clear at all but if you mean that you don't get timer events until you reenter the event loop, this is indeed true and, moreover, almost tautological -- you need to return to the event loop to get any events.
This is the reason why your event handlers should always execute quickly and return control to the main loop. And if they take too long, the usual solution is to use a background thread for the real work and just schedule it in your event handler, but not wait until it is done.
Basing on Ryan G's comment
It is possible to incorporate wx.Yield() into the main loop. This is usually used to temporarily release the global lock to allow the widgets to update.
It is also possible to create a separate thread to update the animation independently from the main thread.
Using wx.Yield() should be easier to implement.

pygtk vlc player does not play next track

I'm writing a small custom player based on libvlc. I've used much of the code from that plays a single track just like I need.
Now I want to swtich to another track after previous has finished. To do that I catch callback "EventType.MediaPlayerEndReached" and in callback handler I write code:
<------>def endCallback(self,event):
<------><------>fname = vlc_controller.GetNextTrack()['url']
<------><------>self.w.set_title('after set_mrl')
<------><------>self.w.set_title('after play')
Now when this code gets executed it stucks on self.vlc.player.set_mrl(fname) and does not go any further and as a result I see NO NEXT TRACK.
I've tried different variations of this code using (vlc.stop(), vlc.set_media instead of vlc.set_mrl) but nothing works
I think the best choise is to make multi threaded application on python
2 Threads:
Main thread - gtk.loop and displaying video an some other thinks
Additional thread that makes media switching.
For some time I was afraid of multithreading but now I know that this was the best way to do this task
For those facing similar issue in C# (Xamarin), per VLC documentation, calling the VLC object from an event tied to the object may freeze the application. So they said to use the code below inside the trigger event.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => PlayNext());
An example would be calling the code above inside the EndReach event.
Where PlayNext() is your own custom method to handle the next action you want to execute.
I struggled with this for about a day before seeing that portion of the documentation.


I have made like an "Asteroid" copy, that works pretty well! I made it with different modules (enemies, controls and background). Now I have also made like a starting screen, where the player can choose to play the game, view highscores etc.
The problem is that I have no clue how to implement this into a storyboard.. I might have misunderstood the use of modules.
I am starting in a Scene1, which is the intro+buttons to start the game. Next, I want to move to scene2(when player presses start button), and that seems to be no problem, and scene 1 gets purged. But when I die, I want to move to scene1 again. Problem is that some listeners dont get removed, and the game crashes shortly after scene switch.
I guess the main problem is that in my scene2, I have put in require("background"), enemies and controls in my enterscene, which I dont know how to remove when it should be purged.
Ive entered all of the modules and put them in the same group that gets purged on exitscene, but not everything gets removed.
How do you think I would fix this the easiest way? I am very new to Corona and still in a early learning stage.
Display objects, like display.newImageRect()'s and display.newText() that are created in the createScene() function and added to the "group" display group will be automatically removed when the scene is purged.
Any timers, transitions, or audio.plays that have onComplete handlers, as well as network requests and any event handler that attaches to the Runtime must be removed by hand. If you're various object you are creating are doing any of these things, their remove functions should undo these actions so that removing them will clean them up.
I find it best if I'm adding runtime handlers, timers, etc. to do it in enterScene() and make sure I undo them in exitScene(). Then if its something that is done in createScene() it should be cleaned up in destoryScene().
modules are kind deprecated to start.
Second, putting stuff in other files and calling them with "require" is supposed to be used to call libraries, not code that will run. "require" is not a dofile, or a eval, it will run once, and only once (when the first "require" of the file is made).
If you still want to put things in other files, like loading your background, you need to do a "background.lua" file that has a "background.load()" function and a "background.unload()" function, and call them in appropriate places.