Django: constraint with nullable multiple field conditions - sql

I have a model in Django/PostgreSQL project and want to add following constraints to three nullable fields: either all fields are NULL, either all of them aren't.
Here's code (simplified):
class SomeModel(models.Model):
a = models.IntegerField(nullable=True)
b = models.DateTimeField(nullable=True)
c = models.DateTimeField(nullable=True)
class Meta:
constraints = [
(Q(a__isnull=True) & Q(b__isnull=True) & Q(c__isnull=True)) |
(Q(a__isnull=False) & Q(b__isnull=False) & Q(c__isnull=False))
If I understand correctly, I've just described two possible states of those three fields. First is "all three are NULL", second is "none of them are NULL".
But what I got, actually, is "none of them can be NULL". Django admin panel insists on filling all of the fields, they all are mandatory. How can I fix this behaviour? Thanks!

This is not due to the constraints, you should specify blank=True [Django-doc] when you want to allow to leave form fields blank, and thus default to None/NULL:
class SomeModel(models.Model):
# …
a = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
b = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
c = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
class Meta:
constraints = [
check=Q(a=None, b=None, c=None) |
Q(a__isnull=False, b__isnull=False, c__isnull=False),


Marshmallow - Sort field values by declared order

I've read the docs and searched this site but cannot seem to find a solution to sorting field values by the order in which they are declared. The docs state that adding ordered = True to the class Meta will solve this problem -
class MySchema(Schema):
class Meta:
ordered = True
However, I am not using class Meta in my schema. My schema simply looks like -
class MySchema(Schema):
id = fields.Integer()
name = fields.Str()
category = fields.Str()
So in this situation, how and where would I set ordered = True? Thanks!
I solved the issue by changing my schema class to -
class MySchema(Schema):
class Meta:
ordered = True
id = fields.Integer()
name = fields.Str()
category = fields.Str()
and then also adding JSON_SORT_KEYS=False to my app's file.

Querying GenericRelation field DJango
class Contact(models.Model):
attributes = GenericRelation(
class AttributeValue(models.Model):
attribute = models.ForeignKey(Attribute, related_name="attribute")
# the object instance we are associating this attribute to
target_content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name="attribute_value_target_content_type",
on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True, null=True)
target_object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True, db_index=True)
target = GenericForeignKey('target_content_type', 'target_object_id')
class Attribute(models.Model):
name = CHarFIeld()
I want to get all the contacts that follow both the conditions below
Have an AttributeValue model object in attributes field with
attributes__attribute__name = 'crop_name' and
Have an AttributeValue model object in attributes field with attributes__attribute__name = 'crop_season' and attributes__value='winter'
One way to achieve this is mentioned as follows:
Contact.objects.all().filter(Q(attributes__attribute__name='crop_name') & Q(attributes__value='groundnut')).filter(Q(attributes__attribute__name='crop_season') & Q(attributes__value='winter'))
The above mentioned query works fine. But I want to construct a single such query that can be given into .filter()
i.e. something like
I tried doing something like
Contact.objects.filter(Q(Q(attributes__attribute__name='crop_name') & Q(attributes__value='groundnut'))& Q(Q(attributes__attribute__name='crop_season') & Q(attributes__value='winter')))
Expecting that query would respect the braces, but it doesn't like that i guess
P.S. I am using django(1.11.4) + postgres(9.5.7) combination

Django Rest Framework - Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using view name "field-detail"

I know that this inconvenient is very presented, may be that I need learn more about of serializer relationships
I have the following model:
class Field(models.Model):
FIELD_TYPE_NATURE = 'Grama natural'
FIELD_TYPE_ARTIFICIAL = 'Grama sintetica'
(FIELD_TYPE_NATURE, u'Grama natural'),
(FIELD_TYPE_ARTIFICIAL, u'Grama sintetica'),
MODALITY_11 = 'Fútbol 11'
MODALITY_8 = 'Fútbol 8'
(MODALITY_11, u'Fútbol 11'),
(MODALITY_8, u'Fútbol 8'),
name = models.CharField(
field_type = models.CharField(
verbose_name=('Tipo de material/grama de la cancha')
modality = models.CharField(
photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='fields', blank=True, null=True)
location = models.CharField(max_length=150, blank=False)
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s %s' % (, self.field_type, self.location)
My serializer is the following:
class FieldSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
#url = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='field-detail',)
class Meta:
model = Field
fields = ('url', 'name','field_type','modality','photo','location')
My viewset is:
class FieldViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Field.objects.all()
serializer_class = FieldSerializer
This is my router:
router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'fields', FieldViewSet)
And my url:
url(r'^api/', include(router.urls)),
When I go to the http://localhost:8000/api/fields/ url I get the following message:
File "/home/bgarcial/.virtualenvs/fuupbol2/lib/python3.5/site-packages/rest_framework/", line 386, in to_representation
raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % self.view_name)
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Could not resolve URL for **hyperlinked relationship using view name "field-detail". You may have failed to include the related model in your API, or incorrectly configured the `lookup_field` attribute on this field.**
[11/Nov/2016 16:39:53] "GET /api/fields/ HTTP/1.1" 500 187477
When I use HyperlinkedIdentityField in my FieldSerializer class:
class FieldSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
url = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='field-detail',)
class Meta:
model = Field
fields = ('url', 'name','field_type','modality','photo','location')
I follow getting the same error.
Althought when I go to the url http://localhost:8000/api/fields/ I want get is a list of my objects, then is possible that I should put:
url = serializers.HyperlinkedIdentityField(view_name='field-list',)
I use HyperlinkedIdentityField according to:
This field can be applied as an identity relationship, such as the
'url' field on a HyperlinkedModelSerializer. It can also be used for
an attribute on the object.
I put the field-list in my view_name attribute and I get the error related
Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using view name "field-list". You may have failed to include the related model in your API, or incorrectly configured the `lookup_field` attribute on this field.
I don't understand the situations when I should use view_name attribute in relation to if I wnt get a list objects, a object detail and so ... although here explain something about it.
When I should use HyperlinkedModelSerializer and ModelSerializer

django-grappelli Autocomplete Lookups with multiple foreign key fields

I have a model with two fields that are foreign keys to other models.
class Homepage(models.Model):
featured_user = models.ForeignKey('auth.user')
featured_story = models.ForeignKey('site_stories.story')
def autocomplete_search_fields():
return ("featured_user__icontains", "featured_story__icontains",) # Is this right?
class HomepageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
raw_id_fields = ('featured_user', 'featured_story',)
autocomplete_lookup_fields = {
'fk': ['featured_user'],
'fk': ['featured_story'] # <====== What should this be???
}, HomepageAdmin)
After reading the admin docs and trying a few things, it became clear that you literally need to use the label "fk" for grappelli to apply the autocomplete lookup formatting to a field. So... how can I do this with this model, where there are multiple foreign key fields?
class HomepageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
raw_id_fields = ('featured_user', 'featured_story',)
autocomplete_lookup_fields = {
'fk': ['featured_user','featured_story'],

how to create an index in mongoengine to be unique=True and sparse=True

I am using mongoengine with flask. I have a db.Document class called profile in which i want a field to be nullable and unique, i understand the way to do this is to make an index of that field that is both sparse=True and unique=True, how do i go about doing this?
You will have to declare the index in the meta definition eg:
class BlogPost(Document):
date = DateTimeField(db_field='addDate',
category = StringField()
tags = ListField(StringField())
meta = {
'indexes': [
{'fields': ['-date'], 'unique': True,
'sparse': True, 'types': False },
In case of unique constraint you can set it with the field declaration as:
email = mongodb.EmailField(required=True, unique=True)
We can directly mention it in the Field parameters. Example:
email = db.EmailField(sparse=True, unique=True, required=False)