How do I best use data objects for React Google Charts so I can access more information than just the 2 co-ordinates values.
The data object is just an array with x/y values: price and mileage.
export const data = [
["mileage", "price", { role: "style" }],
[5000, 12700, "green"],
[10000, 11200, "red"],
[15000, 9800, "red"],
[20000, 9200, "green"],
[25000, 8000, "red"],
[30000, 7200, "green"],
[35000, 5400, "green"]
The real object I would like to use would have the same x/y values, but a number of more key/value pairs, e.g.:
export const data = [
["mileage", "price", 'status', 'url', 'age'],
[5000, 12700, 'sold', '', 13],
[10000, 11200, 'sold', '', 13],
[15000, 9800, 'sold', '', 13],
[20000, 9200, 'sold', '', 13],
[25000, 8000, 'sold', '', 13],
[30000, 7200, 'sold', '', 13],
[35000, 5400, 'sold', '', 13]
First of all sth. likle this throws an error because the values are not all of the same type, numbers and strings in this case.
Secondly I would like to be able to access these additional values in my chart event function. E.g. Click on a node and not only access price and mileage but also display all the other data associated with this node.
Obviously I could filter my original data array, split it into two, then fit the pieces back together again when I need a bit of data. But is that really the way to go?
I have use Nivo Charts before. There you could have complex objects and simply define which keys should be used to paint the nodes and still access all other keys/values associated with a data object. So I would use "mileage" and "price to paint the dots" but still have all the other key/values accessible as part of the data object for anything else I may want to do with it. I have not been able to figure out how to do sth. similar with React Google Charts.
Also d3-shape allows you to draw a line specifying 2 key/value pairs as the coordinates from a data object that can have any number of key/value pairs, not just x/y, e.g.:
const lineGenerator = line()
.x((d) => xScale(
.y((d) => yScale(
Thank you!
I was expecting to just say something like
ma.zeros(my_shape, mask=my_mask, hard_mask=True)
(where the mask is the correct shape) but ma.zeros (or ma.ones or ma.empty) rather surprisingly doesn't recognise the mask argument. The simplest I've come up with is
ma.array(np.zeros(my_shape), mask=my_mask, hard_mask=True)
which seems to involve unnecessary copying of lots of zeros. Is there a better way?
Make a masked array:
In [162]: x = np.arange(5); mask=np.array([1,0,0,1,0],bool)
In [163]: M =,mask)
In [164]: M
masked_array(data=[--, 1, 2, --, 4],
mask=[ True, False, False, True, False],
Modify x, and see the result in M:
In [165]: x[-1] = 10
In [166]: M
masked_array(data=[--, 1, 2, --, 10],
mask=[ True, False, False, True, False],
In [167]:
Out[167]: array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 10])
In [169]:
Out[169]: array([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 10])
The is a view of the array used in creating it. No unnecessary copies.
I haven't used functions like, but
In [177]:
Out[177]: < at 0x1d84a052af0>
_convert2ma is a Python class, that takes a funcname and returns new callable. It does not add mask-specific parameters. Study that yourself if necessary., the function that actually subclasses ndarray takes a copy parameter
copy : bool, optional
Whether to copy the input data (True), or to use a reference instead.
Default is False.
and the first line of its __new__ is
_data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype, copy=copy,
order=order, subok=True, ndmin=ndmin)
I haven't quite sorted out whether M._data is just a reference to the source data, or a view. In either case, it isn't a copy, unless you say so.
I haven't worked a lot with masked arrays, but my impression is that, while they can be convenient, they shouldn't be used where you are concerned about performance. There's a lot of extra work required to maintain both the mask and the data. The extra time involved in copying the data array, if any, will be minor.
I'm trying to make a chart like with c3.js.
For the bubble size I create an array for each "continent" holding the population as a factor to increase the bubble size. Also the country name is stored in the same manner.
When adding the data points to the chart as well as when adding the bubble sizes/country names to the array, the indices are the same. E.g. col_2[0] in the bubbleInfo array is "China". Also in the data columns col_2[0] and col_2_x[0] are 76 and 12000 which are the values for China.
However, in the section where I dynamically get the bubble radius/country name, the index I get from the function parameter is not the one of the col_2 arrays. Instead I get the index in the order in which the dots are spead along the x-Axis.
E.g. I add for x-Axis China (12000), India(5800), Indonesia(9000) in this order.
I'd expect to get index 1 for India, but I get index 0, because 5800 is the lowest of the x values.
Because of that I cannot properly map the indices on the bubble sizes/country names, since the indices are wrong.
Is this a bug and if so, how can I properly map the bubble sizes/country names then?
Here is the JSFiddle:
var chart_3_bubbleSize = {
"col_2": [10.0, 9.0, 3.9, 2.5, ],
"col_1": [3.0, 2.5, ],
"col_3": [2.5, 5.5, ],
var chart_3_bubbleInfo = {
"col_2": ["China", "India", "Indonesia", "Japan", ],
"col_1": ["Russia", "Germany", ],
"col_3": ["Mexico", "USA", ],
columns: [
['col_2', 76, 66, 71, 86],
['col_2_x', 12000, 5800, 9000, 36000],
['col_1', 72, 80.4],
['col_1_x', 25000, 40000],
['col_3', 76, 78],
['col_3_x', 16000, 50000],
r: function(d)
/*d.index gives the index according to the order along the x-axis, which leads to wrong result, when trying to map to country names/bubble sizes*/
return 2 * chart_3_bubbleSize[][d.index];
The first green bubble in the lower left corner should be India, but it has the label "China" and the bubble size of China, because China is at index 0 in the bubbleInfo and bubbleSize arrays.
There is an not documented attribute data.xSort = false, which keeps the original index, which makes it possible to map more dimension e.g. for scatter charts.
More info here:
relatively new to pandas, I have a json and python files:
"id": 123,
"data": [["2015-10-16",1,2,3,4,5,6],
import pandas
x = pandas.read_json('sample.json')
y =
print x.dataset
Printing x.dataset and y works fine, but when I go to access a sub-element y, it returns a 'buffer' type. What's going on? How can I access the data inside the array? Attempting y[0][1] it returns out of bounds error, and iterating through returns a strange series of 'nul' characters and yet, it appears to be able to return the first portion of the data after printing x.dataset...
The data attribute of a pandas Series points to the memory buffer of all the data contained in that series:
>>> df = pandas.read_json('sample.json')
>>> type(df.dataset)
>>> type(
If you have a column/row named "data", you have to access it by it's string name, e.g.:
>>> type(df.dataset['data'])
Because of surprises like this, it's usually considered best practice to access columns through indexing rather than through attribute access. If you do this, you will get your desired result:
>>> df['dataset']['data']
[['2015-10-16', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
['2015-10-15', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
['2015-10-14', 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]]
>>> arr = df['dataset']['data']
>>> arr[0][0]
I'm new here and I've one question about the Manipulate function i Mathematica: I need to plot some data of a nested list where the first coordinate selects a category (of stocks, like banks, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, ...) and inside every category there are years and months coordinates, so it should be something like
In:= list[[cat]][[yr]][[mnth]]
Out= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
which are sorted stock prices belonging to category cat.
Now I'd like to plot this with an dynamic index in Manipulate with a PopupMenu which allows to select the category i need to plot: I already have a vector sect which at position cat has the sector referring to cat in list (which is to say sect[[i]] is the category of list[[i]]), but results are poor.
I've tried to use Manipulate[...,{index,sect}] and it seems to be the right way since there actually is a popup menu in the output, but it still gives error about syntax in the control cycle I need to plot only the right sector, something like
If[ sect[[j]] == index, Plot[ list[[j]] ] ].
So I'm stuck here, thanks to anyone will help!
I'm not convinced your data structure is optimal, but here's a sample set of data:
data2 = {
Range[6], Range[6, 12],
Range[12, 18]
Range[18, 24], Range[24, 30],
Range[30, 36]
Table[Range[i, i + 5], {i, 1, 18, 6}],
Table[Range[i, i + 5], {i, 18, 30, 6}]
and the Manipulate:
Manipulate[ListPlot[data2[[cat, year, month]]],
{{cat, 1, "Category"}, {1 -> "stock", 2 -> "bank"},
ControlType -> PopupMenu},
{{year, 2, "Year"}, {2 -> "2010", 3 -> "2011"},
ControlType -> PopupMenu},
{{month, 1, "Month"}, {1 -> "Jan", 2 -> "Feb", 3 -> "Mar"},
ControlType -> PopupMenu}]
I am using this code for making a geo chart and I am getting the country and popularity on mouse over ,
I want to display additional fields or string along with these values but in new line next to them..for example
Country : India
Popularity :100
How can I achieve this ? please help regarding this.
google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geochart']});
function drawRegionsMap() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Country', 'Popularity'],
['Germany', 200],
['United States', 300],
['Brazil', 400],
['Canada', 500],
['France', 600],
['RU', 700]
just go thorough this link