How do you parameterize the read function in karate - karate

How do you parameterize the read function in karate?
For example:
* def testcases = read("../TestCases/TestCases.csv")
* def wflowjson = '<wflowjson>'-- wflowjson is coming from TestCases.csv
* def expectedResponse = read(wflowjson)
* print 'expectedResponse--->' expectedResponse

There is no such thing as parameterizing a read of a JSON or CSV file.
But when variables are defined, they can get substituted within the file using embedded expressions:
Note that you can use variables for the file-name when you read for example:
* def myJson = read(someVar + '/foo.json')


Karate - Variable to access request just like response

Is there a variable like response for request in karate. I tried to look at the github issues and found the below example, but this does not seem to work for me.
* def temp = (karate.lastRequest)
* print '==============>' +(temp.body)
Its karate.prevRequest
* def temp = karate.prevRequest
* def requestMethod = temp.method
* def requestBody = temp.body
please find more example here

as for 'replace' usage, does it support to replace the placeholder with value in place (I mean "over-write"))?

I need to upload a file to the server side, however, before doing that I need to replace a placeholder in the file with a dynamic value. does it support to get the placeholder replaced in place dynamically?
I noticed that I can replace the placeholder with ease using the 'replace' keyword. The following is my script:
Given path 'common/upload'
And multipart fields read('classpath:mainFlow/labresultUpload.json')
* def filename = 'PKU.A22backup'
* def someString = read('PKU.A22backup')
* print someString
* replace someString
* print someString
* multipart file file = { read: "#(filename)", filename: "#(filename)"}
When method post
Then status 200
* def result = response[0].result
However, I need to replace the placeholder in place (here, I mean over-write) dynamically and then upload the file to the server side.
You have the option to supply a value instead of the file-name:
* multipart file file = { value: "#(someString)", filename: "#(filename)" }

How to call a feature file using a for loop. The feature file being called will also accept parameters from the feature file calling it

example :
Contents of FooGetRequest.feature file
* eval for (var i=0; i<foobarInDB.length; i++) call read('../features/BarGetRequest.feature') { foo_code:'#(foo_code)' , bar_code:'#(foobarInDB[i])'}
This is how BarGetRequest.feature file looks like :
* url baseUrl
Given path
When method get
Then status 200
When I execute FooGetRequest.feature file i get the following error
[java.lang.RuntimeException: javascript evaluation failed: Expected ; but found read
you can use driven data driven feature in karate for loop over feature multiple times
Assuming foobarInDB is an array of bar_code and foo_code will always be same
* set foobarInDB[*].foo_code = foo_code
* call read('../features/BarGetRequest.feature') foobarInDB
refer Data driven feature
I wrote a small java script to return me a map like { foo : bar}
* def fun = function(x){return {foo :x }}
* def fooBarMap =,fun)
* def validateResponse = call read('../features/BarGetRequest.feature) propertySkuMap
and in the BarGetRequest.feature I read the values accordingly.

How to call a Javascript function with arguments from .js file in karate feature file

Lets say I created javascript functions in functions js file.
function getReviews(reviews){
var length_reviews = reviews.length
return length_reviews
function getReviewsLength(reviewLength){
return reviewLength
Here in function getReviews argument reviews is an array.
Now how will I call getReviews function in one feature file.
When I tried below code
* def jsFunction = call read('functions.js')
* def review = jsFunction.getReviews(reviewFromFeatureFile)
I am getting an error of
Cannot read property "length" from undefined
I already printed reviewFromFeatureFile and its coming correctly in print statement.
As Peter mentioned above you can keep you js inline on your feature
* def reviews = [{"r1":2},{"r1":3},{"r1":4}]
* def getReviews = function(reviews){ return reviews.length }
* def getReviewsLength = getReviews(reviews)
* print getReviewsLength
In this example, it should print 3.
For more other options for handling javascript or other reusable modules in karate, please refer to this article
Organizing re-usable functions in karate
In one "common" feature file, define multiple methods like this:
* def uuid = function(){ return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + '' }
* def now = function(){ return java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() }
You can now call this feature like this:
* call read('common.feature')
And now all the functions in that feature are available for use:
* def id = uuid()
* def time = now()

How to call a specific function from JS file to feature file in karate [duplicate]

I need to perform two operations on the result of JSON can we have those different operations inside single JS file? or do we need to have mapping like one JS file for one operation.
Please help on this
I don't recommend trying to create complicated JavaScript in Karate, it just leads to maintainability issues. If you really want an object with multiple utility methods on it, write a Java class with static methods, and it will be much easier to maintain / debug.
That said, if you really insist - look at this answer:
But this is what I recommend for most projects. In one "common" feature file, define multiple methods like this:
* def now = function(){ return java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() }
* def uuid = function(){ return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + '' }
You can now call this feature like this:
* call read('common.feature')
And now all the functions in that feature are available for use:
* def time = now()
* def id = uuid()
#kmancusi This is how I did a common.feature file with my common functions and then the following my.test.feature shows how I import that to use it in another feature.
* def now =
function() {
return java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
* def uuid =
function() {
return java.util.UUID.randomUUID() + ''
Feature: my tests
* configure logPrettyRequest = true
* configure logPrettyResponse = true
* configure ssl = true
Scenario: basic test
* def util = call read('common.feature')
* def sessionId = util.uuid()
* print sessionId