Google Analytic dimensions different from web to API - api

I have a strange error that i am not sure how to handle.
We have GA monitoring a non-English website ( we are a global brand) and some of the campaign values in GA have the native language ( in this case symbols). So when we do custom channel grouping in GA any campaign that matches the criteria goes into this custom grouping. (the channel grouping is set up using something like campaign like 'KOREAN LANGUAGE HERE').
However when i fetch the data via the API for custom channel groupings the data for this row/campaign is not the Korean value but a simplified English value. I've matched the rows due to the transactions/users/session counts - its the same row.
What on earth is going on? Does google provide a name/title type of framework for campaigns? Is it translating the custom channel grouping somehow?
Any help appreciated.


What kind of dynamic content is available in Eloqua?

In Eloqua, can you send out an email to a contact list but version the "hero" image headline for each segment using dynamic content blocks?
And then can you do the reverse, have the main image remain the same, and dynamically populate products below that they've purchased in the past?
For scenario 1, yes that is possible out of the box.
Scenario 2 however is a bit more complicated and would generally require a 3rd party tool to provide this type of dynamic code generation based upon a lookup table (in this case a line item inventory or purchases). Because a contact could have zero or more products (commonly as individual records in a CDO), you would generally need to aggregate or count the number of related records, and then generate your HTML table and formatting around those record values, and be contextually aware if it is the first or last record (to begin and close the table). Dynamic content does not have mathematical functions and would not be able to count those related records - this is something usually provided by a B2C system like SFMC using ampscript or dynamically generated through custom code and sent through a transactional SMTP service. You could have multiple dynamic content on top of each other, but your biggest limitation becomes the field merge, with only lets you select a record based upon earliest/last creation date, or last modified. This is not suitable if you have more than 2 records. A third party service that provides a cloud content module for your email is your best bet.

Bigquery Active User count not accurate (Google Analytics)

I have Google Analytics integrated to Bigquery and I'm trying to write a query to fetch Active Users that should match with the number on GA Portal.
Here's the query I've written;
date(date) as date,
EXACT_COUNT_DISTINCT(fullVisitorId) as daily_active_users,
FROM TABLE_DATE_RANGE([<project_id>:<dataset>.ga_sessions_],
group by date
order by date desc
The numbers I get in response are somehow related to the ones Google Analytics shows me, but they aren't a 100% accurate.
The numebers I get in return are slightely higher than the ones on the portal and I assume I need to put a where clause to filter a property GA might be filtering on the portal.
Your query looks fine to me. Assuming that you're looking at the same GA view as the one linked to BigQuery, I think that the problem could be sampling.
Even if the GA UI says that "This report is based on 100% of sessions.", try to export it as an Unsampled Report and check the numbers (in my experience, the users metric sometimes doesn't match between unsampled reports and default reports without sampling).

Bloomberg Security Lookup - Best way to lookup by symbol and exchange/country

What is the best way to lookup symbols based upon country or exchange? Example if I want to query for the March 2016 Ten Year Treasury Note I pass in 'TYH6 Comdty'. What if I want to designate the country or exchange in the query? Is that possible?
I'm trying to match position records from our clearing firm to calculate P&L with data from the Bloomberg API. I'm not sure if it's going to be a viable solution based upon clearing symbols and matching them to Bloomberg symbols for derivatives. I can match on Maturity(YYYYMM) but I'm not sure the product code will match up.
Request request = refDataService.CreateRequest("ReferenceDataRequest");
Element securities = request.GetElement("securities");
securities.AppendValue("TYH6 Comdty");
If I want to be able to filter the request by exchange or country, is that possible?

keyword "Content" coming instead of actual keyword in Google Adwords Api

I am encountering issue in fetching the keywords report with google adwords api.
Everything else is coming proper but for some keywords its giving "Content" as keword text.
Please could any one suggest me what should I do to get actual keyword.
I am using gem 'google-adwords-api'.
Thanks in advance.
It is a special fake keyword returned by AdWords for the "contextual display" stats for each ad group. (the actual per-keyword stats on the display network are given in the separate DISPLAY_KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT)
From the official developer guides:
In single attribution reports, all keywords that triggered impressions
on the display network will be represented by a special keyword (text:
Content) with ID 3000000.
Keyword ID,Impressions
If you target keywords and placements for Display Only and
run an Ad Performance report, you'll get a row for each ad and
triggering criteria combination for placements, and a single row with
ad and ID 3000000 which accounts for all the display keywords that
triggered that ad (where single attribution chose the keyword rather
than a placement).

youtube analytics api, specifying two dimensions

I'm trying to get a report from the YouTube Analytics API.
I need this report specifying the country and the dates for an specific video.
This code works:
If I specify just the country or day dimension, it works.
If I specify day and country dimensions, it throws a 400 error Bad request "The query is not supported. Check the documentation at for a list of supported queries."
This doesn't work:
Is there another way to get the data in the format I'm looking for, since seems this query is not supported by the API?
This is not allowed. Check the docs:
So you could either
query country dimension and filter by day
query day dimension and filter by country