Register a filter in a quarkus rest client - jax-rs

Can I register a ClientFilter by using #RegisterRestClient annotation ?
Like described in the doc :
The only way i found is to register it manually by calling the client.register(...); method. But at this level, I do not have access to the client instance right ?


Accessing HTTP headers in GraphQL v17

Currently, I am using a custom context object in my GraphQL application. It is built via a class that extends GraphQLServletContextBuilder. In version 17, they have deprecated the use of the context object. Our app is using the custom context to get access to a variable in the HTTP header to make it available to resolvers via the DataFetchingEnvironment variable added to resolver functions.
I cannot seem to find how to replicate get access to HTTP headers in a resolver function outside of using a custom context object. We're using the built in servlet as part of the GraphQL kickstart package. The only way I've seen referenced so far on how to get anything into the new context is by setting the context via the ExecutionInput call. And that call is buried in their servlet.
The example I've seen:
var executionInput = ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
.graphQLContext(Map.of(CustomContext.class, context));
I don't necessarily need a custom context object (especially since it's eventually going away), I just need to know how to get access to an HTTP header inside a resolver function if a custom context is no longer the way to do it going forward.

Api Platform with Swift Mailer

I would know if API Platform is reliable to Swift Mailer. In fact, I woul use Swift Mailer to send a email when a new task has add. It works good when I use my controller, but not working with Postman or Swagger UI.
//mail sending
$message = (new \Swift_Message('New task has done !'))
['work' => $work]));
I would use the same thing when users pass by the API UI, it's possible to handle the request ? Because controller and API hasn't the same route.
API : /api/works (POST) to add an element
Controller : work/new (POST) to add an element too
How I can use Swift Mailer on the API platform Request ? Or How I can handle the request with custom controller ?
Thx for advice and answers, I'm beginer with both.
The best way is using an Entity listener (see - you can detect create/update/delete actions there and do other actions like send e-mails. It is also better to have message logic at one place for all controller/api/other requests :-)
Just be careful to select the right Doctrine event. And read details about modifying entities inside these listeners (i.e. to store "email sent" flag or any other values to other entities. It is not straightforward :-) ).

Class sharing between byte-buddy interceptors/advices

I am trying to pass monitoring/tracing information through all my external calls in my java application.
To make it transparent, I'm trying to use byte-buddy but have some troubles getting it to work.
To trace every incoming (http) request, I intercept HttpServlet.service(), extract the token header from the HttpServletRequest and put it in a static ThreadLocal in a class named TokenHolder.
To trace every outgoing (http) request, I intercept HttpURLConnection and add the token header I get from the same ThreadLocal (TokenHolder).
The problem I have is that TokenHolder seems to be initialized twice and my 2 interceptors are not writing-to/reading-from the same ThreadLocal and I can't find a way to do it.
I suppose the problem is that HttpURLConnection lives in the bootclasspath while the servlet API does not.
Bonus question: is it possible to intercept URL.openConnection()? That was my first idea but I never could do it because I suppose the URL class is loaded before the agent (because of URLClassLoader) but I don't know if there are workarounds to that.
Yes, you can register a RedefinitionStrategy where Byte Buddy transforms previously loaded classes. To do so, you do however need to avoid adding methods or fields. This can typically be done by using Advice only.
You are also right that classes need to live on the bootstrap loader. You can inject classes into the bootstrap loader by placing them in a jar and using the designated method in the Instrumentation interface.

Jax-rs URI call

I'm using HttpClient to access some api(Kubernetes) but I want to switch to jax-rs. Can the same functionality be achieved from Jax-rs? I was accessing the APIs in a java function. I'm a newbie to jax-rs and so far I know that it's use to create APIs.
Any help would be appreciable. is the package summary for the package. with examples and directions below. Basically,
use a ClientBuilder to get a Client (with heavyweight/common stuff
like http/https parameters)
Create a WebTarget to denote an endpoint (including template placeholders)
Resolve that target (to get another WebTarget) with parameters
Invoke it to get and process the results (comes back in a Response object)

Can a custom UserNamePasswordValidator add things to the WCF session?

Related to this question, I'm instantiating a connection to our internal API inside my custom UserNamePasswordValidator. Can I stash this somewhere so that I can use it in future calls in that user's session?
This is similar to this question, but I'm not using IIS, so I can't use HttpContext.Current (or can I?).
Update: Some context: our internal API is exposed via a COM object, which exposes a Login method. Rather than have a Login method in my service interface, I've got a custom UserNamePasswordValidator, which calls the Login method on the COM object.
Because instantiating the COM object and logging in is expensive, I'd like to re-use the now-logged-in COM object in my service methods.
Yes, it can. You'll need:
a custom ServiceCredentials implementation that returns a custom SecurityTokenManager.
a custom SecurityTokenManager implementation that returns a custom CustomUserNameSecurityTokenAuthenticator.
your custom CustomUserNameSecurityTokenAuthenticator needs to override ValidateUserNamePasswordCore, and should add a custom implementation of IAuthorizationPolicy.
your implementation of IAuthorizationPolicy should implement Evaluate, at which point it can start putting things in the WCF context.
replace the evaluationContext["PrimaryIdentity"] value with a PasswordIdentity or a custom IIdentity.
replace the evaluationContext["Principal"] value with a PasswordPrincipal or a custom IPrincipal.
update the evaluationContext["Identities"] collection to replace the GenericIdentity instance with your custom instance.
By doing this, you can have a custom IPrincipal implementation with some extra information in it.
For more details, see this.
UserNamePasswordValidator is absolutely out of all WCF contexts. It is only used to validate user name and password. Can you futher explain your problem?
I guess COM object is instantiated for each session, isn't it? Otherwise wrapping COM into singleton should solve your problem. If you need to have per session COM object shared between validator and service instance you will need some cache or registry - something which is outside both validator and service and can be called from both of them.