vue "$root" namespace - referencing app name instead of $root - vue.js

Is there an alternative to $root that makes a reference to the app Name? (namespace if you will)
Specifically, this (👇) is working (in my html page)... but I'd rather reference the app name instead of "root"
<div id="app">
<template v-if="$">
<!-- something here I only want to render IF (foo is true) -->
Why? (what's wrong with using $root)
I was hoping for something a bit nicer like: v-if="", and a lesser point but I wonder if namespacing might one day be important (eg. if multiple apps exist).
App is Vue2 ... but on the todo list to update to vue3


VueJS convention and scope

I looked in the documentation, on the forum ... I would like to know this:
When I create a component with a scoped style. Should I use classes or id for my DOM ? I prefer ID because this element is unique.
<div id="wrapper"> // or class="wrapper" ?
<button id="myBtn">CLICK</button> // or class="myBtn" ?
<div v-for="i in 5" :key="i" class="myDiv">{{i}}</div> // sure class in this case :D
For the methods of the component must prefix by $ _mycomposant_methods or can I directly write method?
Same for computed?
I imagine that when compiling (webpack) each component is scoped but I would like to be sure to avoid edge effects.
Thank you
You do not need either.
Vue will automatically take care of the scope and give the component a unique data-hash which then is taken to write your css. It really works well. Give it a try ;)
And your methods and computed properties are working just like normal. nothing to take care of.
For the first question, I think you should keep using class.
Although with the help of component-scoped CSS, you don't need to worry much about the interference from other components' stylesheets, all the templates will still be merged into one document. Vue.js just adds unique data attributes to the elements, it doesn't guarantee every id's uniqueness you defined.
So in order to keep flexibility and avoid potential troubles, it will be a wise choice to follow specifications of HTML which means keeping wrapper as a class if it appears in your HTML document several times.
For the second and third question, I prefer to keep the method names easy to read and understandable. All the JavaScript code will going to be minified and uglified, so there's no need to add any prefix.

How to disable replacing the app root div with the component HTML while using templates

So basically, when using components - the app root passed to the Vue instance gets replaced by whatever HTML is in the component. Is there a way to disable this and just nest the stuff Vue renders inside the app root instead?
for example - if index.html has a wrapper of
<div id="myVueApp"></div>
and I set el: "#myVueApp" on the Vue instance, the whole node will get removed and replaced by whatever I have in my template resulting in
<div id="myComponent">...</div>
Is there a way to make it into
<div id="myVueApp">
<div id="myComponent">...</div>
Should work. From what I understand, you want to have multiple parts of your Vue app to be splitted up in the rendered HTML output as well, more specifically into multiple divs.
I think this should work if you use multiple Vue instances.
Set up a structure in your HTML file and give them appropriate id's.
Then, create the Vue instances you want and assign each of them to their specific div using el.
However, I can't tell you if this is a good idea and follows the best practice..
Hope this helps!

Basic custom element does not seem to work

I'm trying to create a standard user status widget for my Aurelia app, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. As a starting point I followed the docs, but my results aren't what they tell me to expect and I'm not getting errors either in build nor in the browser.
Relevant files are as follows:
<!-- nav-bar.html -->
<template bindable='router'>
<require from="./user-status "></require>
<!-- various nav buttons -->
<p class="navbar-collapse collapse navbar-text">
Test <user-status></user-status>
export default class UserStatusCustomElement {
constructor() {
this.status = 'Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!';
if I change the require in nav-bar.html to look for ./user-status.html it appears to have an effect (additional aurelia-looking attributes are added to the user-status element in the rendered html) but does not render the message (one assumes b/c it's not picking up the class and rendering as an html-only thing). If I leave as-is, it doesn't error but those attributes are not added and nothing is rendered, even static text.
I played around with your code and found that removing default from the user-status.js module fixed the problem. I suspect the reason has something to do with how Aurelia utilizes module-loaders (System.js, webpack, ...) when importing modules. Unfortunately I don't know enough about the internals of Aurelia to give a more in-depth answer.

Vue-js and different layouts

how would one layout the router-views, if you have, lets say 3 different layout to use for you app (e.g. layout for customers, layout for employer and admin-interface).
At the moment i implemented the customer "view" like:
<div id="app">
inside the App.vue file. I could use something like:
<div id="app">
<router-view name="header">
and load different headers for those "subroutes" but this seem's to be odd.
Also what, if i'd like to use an other index.html?
I'm using webpack for this app.
Or would you suggest to create different apps for this?
Many thanks
You could try using dynamic components.
Basically you change which component is being rendered depending on your route.
So it would probably be something like this:
<component v-bind:is="headerComponent"></component>
and then your app can contain heeaderComponent property in data object that has a default value and gets changed when you click on a route that should use different header. Rinse and repeat for the footer.
As for the last question, I think you should only use one app. As it is possible to do and everything is still connected. I'm not sure but I don't know how would you, if need be, communicate between different instances of Vue.

Good way to integrate query-layout with reactive templates + async data sources?

I'm working on a Meteor app that gets data from Facebook & I would like to use jquery-layout for presentation. I suspected that there might be some "subtleties" when trying to use jquery to modify HTML in reactive templates, so I set up a relatively simple test case that goes something like this (paraphrased for brevity)...
{{> mainTemplate}}
<template name="mainTemplate">
{{#with userInfo}}
{{> partialNorth}}
{{> partialWest}}
{{> partialCenter}}
{{> partialEast}}
Template.mainTemplate.userInfo returns contents of a Session variable that starts with a default value and asynchronously get updated with info from Facebook.
Template.mainTemplate.layItOut sets up a call to Meteor.defer with a callback fcn that actually executes the 5 lines of jquery-layout code.
And that seems to work pretty well...
the initial display is as expected/intended (although there's a brief period where the page is not laid out)
any updates to the reactive context cause re-execution of the layout (again, w/brief-but-visible re-layout)
So, why am I whining? Mostly I would like to find a cleaner approach that does away with the noticeable re-layout activity.
I could make the reactive contexts more granular, but I'm not sure that this would really help.
Alternatively, I suppose I could experiment with directly controlling rendering (e.g., via Meteor.ui.render() , but that sounds like a lot of work ;-)
I think what I'd really like is either
a) a way to hook into Meteor render events
or better still
b) a cleaner way to connect query-layout to templates
So I managed to educate myself enough to answer my own question in case anyone else finds it useful. Bottom line is that I was wrong on several levels; making the reactive contexts more granular is the answer (or at least an answer).
In the example I gave, I made the whole page reactive by placing all of the rendering within the #each construct. What I now do is try to make the reactive contexts as small as possible so that only a (relatively) small part of the page is re-rendered on any reactive change and all of the reactive elements are contained below (or way below) the level of the jquery ui elements.
I.e., something like this:
{{> mainTemplate}}
<template name="mainTemplate">
{{#with userInfo}}
{{> partialNorth}}
{{> partialWest}}
<template name="partialNorth">
<div class="ui-layout-north"> <-- definition for jquery-layout north panel
<h1>This is the north pane</h1>
<p>The user data go next:</p><br />
{{> templateUserData}}
<template name="templateUserData">
{{#with theUserData}} <-- Assumes a helper function 'theUserData' for this template
<p>First name: {{first_name}}</p>
<p>Last name: {{last_name}}</p>
Once you have the reactive elements below the jquery ui elements (I have tried it with panels, tabs, accordions, buttons and pop-ups so far) the whole thing works just like it said it would in the shiny brochure! ;-)