Unable to connect to openstack instance using NoVNC console - instance

While trying to access to instances via NoVNC console from other nodes such as storage and compute connection at cannot be established but everything works well on the controller node.
Still looking for the missing configuration

this IP '' is a localhost IP, which means that this IP can resolve from the server on that server and another server, point to a different destination.
you should run noVNC on some IP from the network and you can configure this at /etc/kolla/nova-novncproxy/nova.conf


Reverse SSH tunneling with not localhost

I have local computer and remote server. Remote server is isolated and is only accessible with this computer. I want to connect to site from server, let it be https://example.com/site
I tried to make a tunnel via ssh -R 6761:example.com:80 remote-server. But when I am trying to use wget http://localhost:6761/site on the remote server - it doesn't work and show 404 whilst wget http://example.com/site working well on local computer.
What I am doing wrong?
You cannot tunnel HTTP that way.
The name of the server you are trying to reach will be included in the request (the Host header), but it will most likely only listen to example.com, not localhost.
You will need to set up a HTTP Proxy (Forward Proxy) on your local machine and tell your http client(s) to use that. (How depends on the client.)

Redirect Server ports from behind a firewall via ssh tunnel to another via dyndns reachable server

my setting is as follows:
server1 is behind a firewall. its running a service on port X.
server2 is an already dyndns reachable homeserver, lets say "mydomain.com"
i am trying to forward (via ssh reverse tunneling) port X to server2, so that anyone can access the service originally provided on server1 through simply connecting to "mydomain.com:X" with the related app.
my steps so far were:
1. establish ssh reverse tunnel on server1
ssh -p22 $nokey $keepalive -nNT -R "*:$PortX:localhost:$PortX" sshuser#$dyndnsIP"
--> tunnel is okay as far as i am can tell, its present on server2 (tested via netstat -tlpn)
2. now established portforwarding on homeDSLModemRouter from PortX to server2:PortX (used internal ip here, no error here)
3. now trying to connect via app to "mydomain.com:PortX" - no success.
Am i missing something vital? help is greatly appreciated!
Answer - jst read my Comment above.
It was necessary to set "GatewayPorts yes" in the public reachable dyndns-Server2.

IBM Server configuration

i have an ibm server, a tp-link router with an static ip and DHCP activated, i want to configure one of the net boards in the ibm server.
I installed Ububntu server and access to the net board configuration using this command:
vi /etc/network/interfaces
I configure the server with this
address -> i put an ip that i resrve in the router
I have a subdomain from no ip i have entered in the server so i can do remote connection to the server throw this subdomain and ssh. I have put the subdomain in /etc/host.conf
The thing is i have access to the subdomain in the web and out of the LAN net. But when i try to connect to the server throw ssh it's gave me connection refused.
Using the command arp-scan -I eth0 -l i found that the IP of the server is asigned two times it's look like it's the same ethernet board with two MAC address thar are the same except the las number.
Ok, what's work for me was to reinstall openssh on the server and in my computer. After that I have access throw ssh.

HTTP access on GCE instance after firewall rule added

I'm trying to get Apache working on a GCE instance.
Following GCE's Quickstart guide, I did the following:
Created instance "my-instance" in "my-project" (CentOS image)
Installed httpd, verified it's running
Added the following firewall rule:
gcutil addfirewall http2 --description="Incoming http allowed." --allowed="tcp:http"
and did the same for HTTPS and ICMP
Verified through gce gui that these rules were added to default network
I can ping my instance's IP address but I can't get an HTTP response. I've tried through the browser, from a curl command - no dice. And it works fine when on localhost so I know Apache is returning the index.html page.
When I use curl from a remote host, the error is:
curl: (7) Failed connect to (instance ip addr):80; Connection refused
I did some experiments to replicate this. In short, I believe HTTP port 80 may be blocked by iptables firewall rules on the local Centos instance. This appears to be the default behavior.
I have a GCE firewall rule setup to allow port 80 traffic to all instances. I created a centos based image via the Cloud Console (which is indeed using the v1 API). Logged in via SSH and started a web server on port 80. I was not able to hit the web server from my laptop. However I was also not able to hit it from another instance in my project. This lead me to suspect a firewall local to the instance rather than Compute Engine's firewall.
I ran this command (which drops the default reject of all ports for testing - this is unsafe to do for machines which are directly exposed to the internet):
$ sudo iptables -D INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
After running that, I was able to hit my webserver from both another instance and my laptop. Note that this change is lost after restarting the instance. I don't know the correct procedure for changing the default firewall rules on Centos.
Please try a similar experiment on your instances, especially try to hit the web server from another Compute Engine instance, since service level firewalls do not block traffic between instances on the same network.

JMeter with remote servers

I'm trying to setup JMeter in a distributed mode.
I have a server running on an ec2 intance, and I want the master to run on my local computer.
I had to jump through some hopes to get RMI working correctly on the server but was solved with setting the "java.rmi.server.hostname" to the IP of the ec2 instance.
The next (and hopefully last) problem is the server communicating back to the master.
The problem is that because I am doing this from an internal network, the master is sending its local/internal ip address (192.168.1.XXX) when it should be sending back the IP of my external connection (92.XXX.XXX.XXX).
I can see this in the jmeter-server.log:
ERROR - jmeter.samplers.RemoteListenerWrapper: testStarted(host) java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
That host IP is wrong. It should be the 92.XXX.XXX.XX address. I assume this is because in the master logs I see the following:
2012/07/29 20:45:25 INFO - jmeter.JMeter: IP: Name: XXXXXX.local FullName:
And this IP is sent to the server during RMI setup.
So I think I have two options:
Tell the master to send the external IP
Tell the server to connect on the external IP of the master.
But I can't see where to set these commands.
Any help would be useful.
For the benefit of future readers, don't take no for an answer. It is possible! Plus you can keep your firewall in place.
In this case, I did everything over port 4000.
How to connect a JMeter client and server for distributed testing with Amazon EC2 instance and local dev machine across different networks.
JMeter 2.13 Client: local dev computer (different network)
JMeter 2.13 Server: Amazon EC2 instance
I configured distributed client / server JMeter connectivity as follows:
1. Added a port forwarding rule on my firewall/router:
Port: 4000
Destination: JMeter client private IP address on the LAN.
2. Configured the "Security Group" settings on the EC2 instance:
Type: Allow: Inbound
Port: 4000
Source: JMeter client public IP address (my dev computer/network public IP)
Update: If you already have SSH connectivity, you could use an SSH tunnel for the connection, that will avoid needing to add the firewall rules.
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/54-179-XXX-XXX.pem ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 4000:localhost:4000 jmeter#54.179.XXX.XXX
3. Configured client $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter.properties file RMI section:
note only the non-default values that I changed are included here:
# Remote hosts and RMI configuration
# Remote Hosts - comma delimited
# Add EC2 JMeter server public IP address:Port combo
# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)
# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by the RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controler)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine
# To change the default port (1099) used to access the server:
# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:
4. Configured remote server $JMETER_HOME/bin/jmeter.properties file RMI section as follows:
# Remote hosts and RMI configuration
# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)
# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by the RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controler)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine
# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:
5. Started the JMeter server/slave with:
jmeter-server -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=54.179.XXX.XXX
where 54.179.XXX.XXX is the public IP address of the EC2 server
6. Started the JMeter client/master with:
jmeter -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=121.73.XXX.XXX
where 121.73.XXX.XXX is the public IP address of my client computer.
7. Ran a JMeter test suite.
JMeter GUI log output
I had a similar problem: the JMeter server tried to connect to the wrong address for sending the results of the test (it tried to connect to localhost).
I solved this by setting the following parameter when starting the JMeter master:
It looks as though this wont work Distributed JMeter Testing explains the requirements for load testing in a distributed environment. Number 2 and 3 are particular to your use case I believe.
The firewalls on the systems are turned off.
All the clients are on the same subnet.
The server is in the same subnet, if 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x ip addresses are used.
Make sure JMeter can access the server.
Make sure you use the same version of JMeter on all the systems. Mixing versions may not work correctly.
Might be very late in the game but still. Im running this with jmeter 5.3.
So to get it work by setting up the slaves in aws and the controller on your local machine.
Make sure your slave has the proper localports and hostname. The hostname on the slave should be the ec2 instance public dns.
Make sure AWS has proper security policies.
For the controller (which is your local machine) make sure you run with the parameter '-Djava.rmi.server.hostname='. You can get the ip by googling "my public ip address". Definately not those 192.xxx.xxx.x or 172.xx.xxx.
Then you have to configure your modem to port forward your machine that is used to be your controller. The port can be obtained when from the slave log (the ones that has the FINE: RMI RenewClean....., yeah you have to set the log to verbose). OR set DMZ and put your controller machine. Dangerous, but convinient just for the testing time, don't forget to off it after that
Then it should work.