How to mock a ProducerScope from callbackFlow builder in Kotlin Flow? - kotlin

I'd like to test a function where I use the scope of a callbackFlow builder. Assuming I have a function inside the flow builder like this:
fun items(): Flow<Items> = callbackFlow {
getItems(this) {
In getItems function, I received data from websockets. The scope of ProducerScope is used to either launch a new coroutine with a delay and do something or to close the scope if an error happens. So it might call scope.launch { } or scope.close().
For example, this could do something as follows:
fun getItems(scope: ProducerScope<Items>, callback: (Items) -> Unit) {
if (something) {
scope.launch { ... }
if (somethingElse) {
The callbackFlow's block uses a ProducerScope, extension of CoroutineScope and SendChannel, I tried to mock it using Mockk:
val scope: ProducerScope<Items> = mockk()
Unfortunately, I end up with:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext$Element$Subclass6 cannot be cast to class kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
How can I mock a ProducerScope?
How do I unit test getItems above when scope can be either a CoroutineScope and a SendChannel?
Thanks in advance.

After many tries, I cannot do this easily without expecting strange behaviors. So I refactored my function to use a Channel and a CoroutineScope separately. Thanks to the CoroutineScope plus extension, I can create a new scope from the flow builder. This is now testable!
Therefore, the flow builder became:
fun items(): Flow<Items> = callbackFlow {
val channel =
val scope =
getItems(channel, scope) {
My function still uses both but gets them separately:
fun getItems(
channel: SendChannel<Items>,
scope: CoroutineScope,
callback: (Items) -> Unit
) {
if (something) {
scope.launch { ... } // <-- use scope
if (somethingElse) {
channel.close(error) // <-- use channel
Then, I can now test using a Channel with the same requirements than the one in callbackFlow and the scope from runTest:
fun `get items and succeed`() = runTest {
val channel = Channel<Any>(Channel.BUFFERED, BufferOverflow.SUSPEND)
service.getItems(channel, this#runTest, callback)


Mix and match Coroutines and Rxjava

Coroutines and RxJava3
I have the following method that first makes a call to a suspend method and in the same launch scope I make 2 calls to RxJava.
I am wondering if there is a way to remove the Rxjava code out of the viewModelScope.launch scope and return the result of fetchRecentUseCase.execute().
Basically, is it possible for the viewModelScope.launch to return the listOfProducts rather than doing everything in the launch scope?
fun loadRecentlyViewed() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val listOfProducts = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val listOfSkus = { it.sku }
if (listOfSkus.isNotEmpty()) {
.map { /* work being done */ }
onError = Timber::e,
onSuccess = { }
Usecase for the suspend method
class FetchRecentUseCaseImp() {
override suspend fun execute(): List<Products> {
// Call to network
Many thanks in advance
With coroutines, the way to return a single item that is produced asynchronously is to use a suspend function. So instead of launching a coroutine, you mark the function as suspend and convert blocking or async callback functions into non-blocking code.
The places where coroutines are launched are typically at UI interactions (click listeners), or when classes are first created (on Android, this is places like in a ViewModel constructor or Fragment's onViewCreated()).
As a side note, it is against convention for any suspend function to expect the caller to have to specify a dispatcher. It should internally delegate if it needs to, for example:
class FetchRecentUseCaseImp() {
override suspend fun execute(): List<Products> = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Synchronous call to network
But if you were using a library like Retrofit, you'd simply make your Request and await() it without specifying a dispatcher, because await() is a suspend function itself.
So your function should look something like:
suspend fun loadRecentlyViewed(): List<SomeProductType> {
val listOfSkus = fetchRecentUseCase.execute().map(Product::sku)
if (listOfSkus.isEmpty()) {
return emptyList()
return runCatching {
loadProductUseCase.execute(listOfSkus) // A Single, I'm assuming
.await() // Only if you're not completely stripping Rx from project
.map { convertProductDisplayUseCase.execute(it).await() } // Ditto for await()

Kotlin multiplatform: JobCancellationException: Parent job is Completed

I try to write a kotlin multiplatform library (android and ios) that uses ktor. Thereby I experience some issues with kotlins coroutines:
When writing tests I always get kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException: Parent job is Completed; job=JobImpl{Completed}#... exception.
I use ktors mock engine for my tests:
client = HttpClient(MockEngine)
{ request ->
// Create response object
A sample method (commonMain module) using ktor. All methods in my library are written in a similar way. The exception occures if client.get is called.
suspend fun getData(): Either<Exception, String> = coroutineScope
// Exception occurs in this line:
val response: HttpResponse = client.get { url("") }
return if (response.status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
(response.readText() as T).right()
A sample unit test (commonTest module) for the above method. The assertTrue statement is never called since the exception is thrown before.
fun getDataTest() = runTest
val result = getData()
Actual implementation of runTest in androidTest and iosTest modules.
actual fun<T> runTest(block: suspend () -> T) { runBlocking { block() } }
I thought when I use coroutineScope, it waits until all child coroutines are done. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this exception?
you can't cache HttpClient of CIO in client variable and reuse, It would be best if change the following code in your implementation.
val client:HttpClient get() = HttpClient(MockEngine) {
engine {
addHandler { request ->
// Create response object
The library must be updated, this glitch is in the fix report here:
The problem is that you cannot use the same instance of the HttpClient. My ej:
HttpClient(CIO) {
install(JsonFeature) {
serializer = GsonSerializer()
}.use { client ->
return#use client.request("URL") {
method = HttpMethod.Get

Android Kotlin Coroutines: what is the difference between flow, callbackFlow, channelFlow,... other flow constructors

I have code that should change SharedPreferences into obsarvable storage with flow so I've code like this
internal val onKeyValueChange: Flow<String> = channelFlow {
val callback = SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { _, key ->
coroutineScope.launch {
awaitClose {
or this
internal val onKeyValueChange: Flow<String> = callbackFlow {
val callback = SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { _, key ->
coroutineScope.launch {
awaitClose {
Then I observe this preferences for token, userId, companyId and then log into but there is odd thing as I need to build app three times like changing token not causes tokenFlow to emit anything, then second time new userId not causes userIdFlow to emit anything, then after 3rd login I can logout/login and it works. On logout I am clearing all 3 properties stores in prefs token, userId, companyId.
For callbackFlow:
You cannot use emit() as the simple Flow (because it's a suspend function) inside a callback. Therefore the callbackFlow offers you a synchronized way to do it with the trySend() option.
fun observeData() = flow {
myAwesomeInterface.addListener{ result ->
emit(result) // NOT ALLOWED
So, coroutines offer you the option of callbackFlow:
fun observeData() = callbackFlow {
myAwesomeInterface.addListener{ result ->
trySend(result) // ALLOWED
awaitClose{ myAwesomeInterface.removeListener() }
For channelFlow:
The main difference with it and the basic Flow is described in the documentation:
A channel with the default buffer size is used. Use the buffer
operator on the resulting flow to specify a user-defined value and to
control what happens when data is produced faster than consumed, i.e.
to control the back-pressure behavior.
The trySend() still stands for the same thing. It's just a synchronized way (a non suspending way) for emit() or send()
I suggest you to check Romans Elizarov blog for more detailed information especially this post.
Regarding your code, for callbackFlow you wont' be needing a coroutine launch:
coroutineScope.launch {
Just use trySend()
Another Example, maybe much concrete:
private fun test() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
someFlow().collectLatest {
Log.d("TAG", "Finally we received the result: $it")
// Cancel this listener, so it will not be subscribed anymore to the callbackFlow. awaitClose() will be triggered.
// cancel()
* Define a callbackFlow.
private fun someFlow() = callbackFlow {
// A dummy class which will run some business logic and which will sent result back to listeners through ApiCallback methods.
val service = ServiceTest() // a REST API class for example
// A simple callback interface which will be called from ServiceTest
val callback = object : ApiCallback {
override fun someApiMethod(data: String) {
// Sending method used by callbackFlow. Into a Flow we have emit(...) or for a ChannelFlow we have send(...)
override fun anotherApiMethod(data: String) {
// Sending method used by callbackFlow. Into a Flow we have emit(...) or for a ChannelFlow we have send(...)
// Register the ApiCallback for later usage by ServiceTest
// Dummy sample usage of callback flow.
// When a listener subscribed through .collectLatest {} is calling cancel() the awaitClose will get executed.
awaitClose {
interface ApiCallback {
fun someApiMethod(data: String)
fun anotherApiMethod(data: String)
class ServiceTest {
private var callback: ApiCallback? = null
fun unregister() {
callback = null
Log.d("TAG", "Unregister the callback in the service class")
fun register(callback: ApiCallback) {
Log.d("TAG", "Register the callback in the service class")
this.callback = callback
fun execute(value: Int) {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
if (value < 2) {
callback?.someApiMethod("message sent through someApiMethod: $value.")
} else {
callback?.anotherApiMethod("message sent through anotherApiMethod: $value.")

coroutine scope and async - right approach?

I love the concept of co-routines and I've been using in my android projects. Currently i'm working on a JVM module which i'll be including in a Ktor project and i know ktor has support for co-routines.
(find the attached code snippet)
Just wanted to know is this the right approach?
How do i use async with recursion?
Any resources that you can recommend which can help me grasp more in-depth knowledge of co-routines would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
override suspend fun processInstruction(args.. ): List<Any> = coroutineScope {
val dataWithFields = async{
listOfFields.fold(mutableList()){ acc,field ->
val data = someProcess(field)
val nested = processInstruction(...nestedField) // nested call
return#coroutineScope postProcessData(dataWithFields.await())
If you want to process all nested calls in parallel, you should wrap each of them in async (async should be inside of the loop). And then, after the loop, you should await all the results. (In your code you run await right after single async, so there is no parallel execution).
For example, if you have Element:
interface Element {
val subElements: List<Element>
suspend fun calculateData(): SomeData
interface SomeData
And you want to calculateData of all subElements in parallel, you can do it like this:
suspend fun Element.calculateAllData(): List<SomeData> = coroutineScope {
val data = async { calculateData() }
val subData = { sub -> async { sub.calculateAllData() } }
return#coroutineScope listOf(data.await()) + subData.awaitAll().flatten()
As you said in a comments section, you need parent-data to calculate sub-data, therefore the first thing calculateAllData() should do is calculate the parent-data:
suspend fun Element.calculateAllData(
parentData: SomeData = defaultParentData()
): List<SomeData> = coroutineScope {
val data = calculateData(parentData)
val subData = { sub -> async { sub.calculateAllData(data) } }
return#coroutineScope listOf(data) + subData.awaitAll().flatten()
Now you may wonder how fast it works. Consider the following Element implementation:
class ElementImpl(override val subElements: List<Element>) : Element {
override suspend fun calculateData(parentData: SomeData): SomeData {
return SomeData()
fun elmOf(vararg elements: Element) = ElementImpl(listOf(*elements))
And the following test:
println(measureTime {
If parent-data isn't needed to calculate sub-data, it prints 1.06s, since in this case, all the data is calculated in parallel. Otherwise, it prints 4.15s, since elements tree height is 4.

produce<Type> vs Channel<Type>()

Trying to understand channels. I want to channelify the android BluetoothLeScanner. Why does this work:
fun startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> {
val channel = Channel<ScanResult>()
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
return channel
But not this:
fun startScan(scope: CoroutineScope, filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = scope.produce {
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
It tells me Channel was closed when it wants to call offer for the first time.
EDIT1: According to the docs: The channel is closed when the coroutine completes. which makes sense. I know we can use suspendCoroutine with resume for a one shot callback-replacement. This however is a listener/stream-situation. I don't want the coroutine to complete
Using produce, you introduce scope to your Channel. This means, the code that produces the items, that are streamed over the channel, can be cancelled.
This also means that the lifetime of your Channel starts at the start of the lambda of the produce and ends when this lambda ends.
In your example, the lambda of your produce call almost ends immediately, which means your Channel is closed almost immediately.
Change your code to something like this:
fun CoroutineScope.startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = produce {
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
// now suspend this lambda forever (until its scope is canceled)
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { cont ->
cont.invokeOnCancellation {
val channel = scope.startScan(filter)
scope.cancel() // cancels the channel and stops the scanner.
I added the line suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { ... } to make it suspend 'forever'.
Update: Using produce and handling errors in a structured way (allows for Structured Concurrency):
fun CoroutineScope.startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = produce {
// Suspend this lambda forever (until its scope is canceled)
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { cont ->
val scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
override fun onScanFailed(errorCode: Int) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
cont.invokeOnCancellation {