Avoid using CROSS JOIN on my SQL query (too heavy) - sql

I am working on an SQL query in order to define customer types, the goal is to differenciate the old active customers from the churn customers (churn = customers that stopped using your company's product or service during a certain time frame)
In order to do that, i came up with this query that works perfectly :
WITH customers AS (
DATE(ord.delivery_date) AS date,
FROM table_template AS ord
WHERE cancel_date IS NULL
AND order_type_id IN (1,3)
GROUP BY DATE(ord.delivery_date), ord.customer_id, ord.delivery_date),
days AS (SELECT DISTINCT date FROM customers),
recap AS (
MAX(a2.date) AS last_order,
DATE_DIFF(a1.date, MAX(a2.date), day) AS days_since_last,
MIN(a2.date) AS first_order,
DATE_DIFF(a1.date, MIN(a2.date), day) AS days_since_first
FROM days AS a1
CROSS JOIN customers AS a2 WHERE a2.date <= a1.date
GROUP BY a1.date, customer_id)
The result of the query :
The only issue of this query is that the calculation is too heavy (it uses a lot of CPU seconds) I think that it is due to the CROSS JOIN.
I need some of your help in order to find another way to come with the same result, a way that doesn't need a CROSS JOIN to have the same output, do you guys think it is possible ?

As you have mentioned the problem of query taking a long time to load was because of the internet issue. Also, I will try to explain Inner Join further with a sample query as below:
SELECT distinct a1.id,a1.date
FROM `table1` AS a1
INNER JOIN `table2` AS a2
ON a2.date <= a1.date
The INNER JOIN selects all rows from both the tables as long as the condition satisfies. In this sample query it gives the result based on condition a2.date <= a1.date only if date values in table1 are greater than or equal to date values in table2.
Input Table 1:
Input Table 2:
Output Table:


SQL joined tables are causing duplicates

So table A is an overall table of policy_id information, while table b is policy_id's with claims attached. Not all of the id's in A exist in B, but I want to join the two tables and sum(total claims).
The issue is that the sum is way higher than the actual sum within the table itself.
Here is what I've tried so far:
select a.policy_id, coalesce(sum(b.claim_amt), 0)
from database.table1 as a
left join database2.table2 as b on a.policy_id = b.policy_id
where product_code = 'CI'
group by a.policy_id
The id's that don't exist in b show up just fine with a 0 next to them, it's the ones that do exist where the claim_amt's seem like they're being duplicated heavily in the sum.
I suspect your policy_id in table1 are not unique and that leads to the doubled,tripled ,etc. amounts
You could aggregate the sums from table2 in a CTE to get around this.
coalesce(sum(claim_amt), 0) as sum_amt
FROM database2.table2
group by policy_id
select a.policy_id, b.sum_amt
from database.table1 as a
left join CTE as b on a.policy_id = b.policy_id
where product_code = 'CI'

Bigquery SQL code to pull earliest contact

I have a copy of our salesforce data in bigquery, I'm trying to join the contact table together with the account table.
I want to return every account in the dataset but I only want the contact that was created first for each account.
I've gone around and around in circles today googling and trying to cobble a query together but all roads either lead to no accounts, a single account or loads of contacts per account (ignoring the earliest requirement).
Here's the latest query. that produces no results. I think I'm nearly there but still struggling. any help would be most appreciated.
SELECT distinct
c.accountid as Acct_id
,a.id as a_Acct_ID
,c.id as Cont_ID
,a.id AS a_CONT_ID
FROM `sfdcaccounttable` a
INNER JOIN `sfdccontacttable` c
ON c.accountid = a.id
(SELECT a2.id, c2.accountid, c2.createddate AS MINCREATEDDATE
FROM `sfdccontacttable` c2
INNER JOIN `sfdcaccounttable` a2 ON a2.id = c2.accountid
GROUP BY 1,2,3
ORDER BY c2.createddate asc LIMIT 1) c3
ON c.id = c3.id
ORDER BY a.id asc
The solution shared above is very BigQuery specific: it does have some quirks you need to work around like the memory error you got.
I once answered a similar question here that is more portable and easier to maintain.
Essentially you need to create a smaller table(even better to make it a view) with the ID and it's first transaction. It's similar to what you shared by slightly different as you need to group ONLY in the topmost query.
It looks something like this
# contact ids that are first time contacts
b.id as cont_id,
from `sfdccontacttable` as b inner join
( select accountid,
min(createddate) as first_tx_time
FROM `sfdccontacttable`
group by 1) as a on (a.accountid = b.accountid and b.createddate = a.first_tx_time)
group by 1, 2
You need to do it this way because otherwise you can end up with multiple IDs per account (if there are any other dimensions associated with it). This way also it is kinda future proof as you can have multiple dimensions added to the underlying tables without affecting the result and also you can use a where clause in the inner query to define a "valid" contact and so on. You can then save that as a view and simply reference it in any subquery or join operation
Setup a view/subquery for client_first or client_last
SELECT * except(_rank) from (
select rank() over (partition by accountid order by createddate ASC) as _rank,
FROM `prj.dataset.sfdccontacttable`
) where _rank=1
basically it uses a Window function to number the rows, and return the first row, using ASC that's first client, using DESC that's last client entry.
You can do that same for accounts as well, then you can join two simple, as exactly 1 record will be for each entity.
You could also try using ARRAY_AGG which has less memory footprint.
t ORDER BY t.createddate ASC LIMIT 1
)[OFFSET(0)] e
FROM `dataset.sfdccontacttable` t
GROUP BY t.accountid

SQL Query to count the records

I am making up a SQL query which will get all the transaction types from one table, and from the other table it will count the frequency of that transaction type.
My query is this:
with CTE as
select a.trxType,a.created,b.transaction_key,b.description,a.mode
FROM transaction_data AS a with (nolock)
RIGHT JOIN transaction_types b with (nolock) ON b.transaction_key = a.trxType
SELECT COUNT (trxType) AS Frequency, description as trxType,mode
from CTE where created >='2017-04-11' and created <= '2018-04-13'
group by trxType ,description,mode
The transaction_types table contains all the types of transactions only and transaction_data contains the transactions which have occurred.
The problem I am facing is that even though it's the RIGHT join, it does not select all the records from the transaction_types table.
I need to select all the transactions from the transaction_types table and show the number of counts for each transaction, even if it's 0.
Please help.
LEFT JOIN is so much easier to follow.
I think you want:
select tt.transaction_key, tt.description, t.mode, count(t.trxType)
from transaction_types tt left join
transaction_data t
on tt.transaction_key = t.trxType and
t.created >= '2017-04-11' and t.created <= '2018-04-13'
group by tt.transaction_key, tt.description, t.mode;
Use reasonable table aliases! a and b mean nothing. t and tt are abbreviations of the table name, so they are easier to follow.
t.mode will be NULL for non-matching rows.
The condition on dates needs to be in the ON clause. Otherwise, the outer join is turned into an inner join.
LEFT JOIN is easier to follow (at least for people whose native language reads left-to-right) because it means "keep all the rows in the table you have already read".

How can I join 3 tables and calculate the correct sum of fields from 2 tables, without duplicate rows?

I have tables A, B, C. Table A is linked to B, and table A is linked to C. I want to join the 3 tables and find the sum of B.cost and the sum of C.clicks. However, it is not giving me the expected value, and when I select everything without the group by, it is showing duplicate rows. I am expecting the row values from B to roll up into a single sum, and the row values from C to roll up into a single sum.
My query looks like
select A.*, sum(B.cost), sum(C.clicks) from A
join B
left join C
group by A.id
having sum(cost) > 10
I tried to group by B.a_id and C.another_field_in_a also, but that didn't work.
Here is a DB fiddle with all of the data and the full query:
Notice how the sum fields are greater than the sum of the individual tables? I'm expecting the sums to be equal, containing only the rows of the table B and C once. I also tried adding distinct but that didn't help.
I'm using Postgres. (The fiddle is set to MySQL though.) Ultimately I will want to use a having clause to select the rows according to their sums. This query will be for millions of rows.
If I understand the logic correctly, the problem is the Cartesian product caused by the two joins. Your query is a bit hard to follow, but I think the intent is better handled with correlated subqueries:
select k.*,
(select sum(cost)
from ad_group_keyword_network n
where n.event_date >= '2015-12-27' and
n.ad_group_keyword_id = 1210802 and
k.id = n.ad_group_keyword_id
) as cost,
(select sum(clicks)
from keyword_click c
where (c.date is null or c.date >= '2015-12-27') and
k.keyword_id = c.keyword_id
) as clicks
from ad_group_keyword k
where k.status = 2 ;
Here is the corresponding SQL Fiddle.
The subselect should be faster than the group by on the unaggregated data. However, you need the right indexes: ad_group_keyword_network(ad_group_keyword_id, ad_group_keyword_id, event_date, cost) and keyword_click(keyword_id, date, clicks).
I found this (MySQL joining tables group by sum issue) and created a query like this
select *
from A
join (select B.a_id, sum(B.cost) as cost
from B
group by B.a_id) B on A.id = B.a_id
left join (select C.keyword_id, sum(C.clicks) as clicks
from C
group by C.keyword_id) C on A.keyword_id = C.keyword_id
group by A.id
having sum(cost) > 10
I don't know if it's efficient though. I don't know if it's more or less efficient than Gordon's. I ran both queries and this one seemed faster, 27s vs. 2m35s. Here is a fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/c61c74/10
Simply split the aggregate of the second table into a subquery as follows:
select ad_group_keyword.*, SumCost, sum(keyword_click.clicks)
from ad_group_keyword
left join keyword_click on ad_group_keyword.keyword_id = keyword_click.keyword_id
left join (select ad_group_keyword.id, sum(cost) SumCost
from ad_group_keyword join ad_group_keyword_network on ad_group_keyword.id = ad_group_keyword_network.ad_group_keyword_id
where event_date >= '2015-12-27'
group by ad_group_keyword.id
having sum(cost) > 20
) Cost on Cost.id=ad_group_keyword.id
(keyword_click.date is null or keyword_click.date >= '2015-12-27')
and status = 2
group by ad_group_keyword.id

Sum Distinct Rows Only In Sql Server

I have four tables,in which First has one to many relation with rest of three tables named as (Second,Third,Fourth) respectively.I want to sum only Distinct Rows returned by select query.Here is my query, which i try so far.
select count(distinct First.Order_id) as [No.Of Orders],sum( First.Amount) as [Amount] from First
inner join Second on First.Order_id=Second.Order_id
inner join Third on Third.Order_id=Second.Order_id
inner join Fourth on Fourth.Order_id=Third.Order_id
The outcome of this query is :
No.Of Orders Amount
7 69
But this Amount should be 49,because the sum of First column Amount is 49,but due to inner join and one to many relationship,it calculate sum of also duplicate rows.How to avoid this.Kindly guide me
I think the problem is cartesian products in the joins (for a given id). You can solve this using row_number():
select count(t1234.Order_id) as [No.Of Orders], sum(t1234.Amount) as [Amount]
from (select First.*,
row_number() over (partition by First.Order_id order by First.Order_id) as seqnum
from First inner join
on First.Order_id=Second.Order_id inner join
on Third.Order_id=Second.Order_id inner join
on Fourth.Order_id=Third.Order_id
) t1234
where seqnum = 1;
By the way, you could also express this using conditions in the where clause, because you appear to be using the joins only for filtering:
select count(First.Order_id) as [No.Of Orders], sum(First.Amount) as [Amount]
from First
where exists (select 1 from second where First.Order_id=Second.Order_id) and
exists (select 1 from third where First.Order_id=third.Order_id) and
exists (select 1 from fourth where First.Order_id=fourth.Order_id);