VueJS2: Drop down menus and navigating away: If user returns to menu, how to pre-select the option he had chosen? - vue.js

I have a form with a dropdown list of country options like so:
When the user selects an option, the form will load some data from an API so the user can make changes. However, some parts of the form have some deeply nested components where the user can edit additional data on a separate page. The problem is that when the user changes navigation and then clicks the back button on the browser, the drop down list is 'reset' and he has to select again the country that he was editing.
Can someone suggest a way to handle this issue so that if user clicks the back button on his browser (or the page has a "back to results link"), he will go back to the form and it will already be pre-selected with his option?
Should I be handling this via $route.query, localstorage, vuex? I would prefer not to use Vuex but I guess I can if needed.
Is $router query all i need here? I can capture the country's id and run the API call again on navigation back to the drop down selection page?
Example data from API:
id: 1,
name: 'Afghanistan'
When user selects a country from menu, I run an API get request like so:
async setSelectedCountryObj(value) {
if (value) {
const response = await APIService.tempISOCountryById(value.code)

it's possible to handle with router, but that not a good way, you should go with vuex, that best way, just create store, and dispatch after select value, and always get value when come on that component, that essay not that much difficult, let me know if you need but i know you can.


How to reset the navigation state properly?

So basically here's what's going on, I have two navigation flows:
Products flow: I have a StackNavigator with two screens, the first rendering a list of all products in the stock, clicking on one product item would take you to the details screen as expected.
Admin flow: I have another StackNavigator where I'm rendering user products, basically the products that were added by the user (admin) into the stock, he can also add new products, delete, edit existing products. Any changes made by the user to his own products will be reflected in the products flow also since the global state will be updated.
Note: The two flows are conntected and accessible using a DrawerNavigator.
My issue
When the user opens the details screen after clicking on one of his own products and then navigates to the admin flow and deletes that product, I get an on error in the details screen because it's trying to render a javascript object that doesn't exist anymore which of course makes perfect sense.
My solution
So I figured since this error occurs only when the details screen has been already opened, meaning it's already in the navigation state's history, Im attempting to solve the problem by checking if the details screen is present in the routes array each time the delete button is clicked, if it's present, meaning the screen is loaded in memory, I try resetting the navigation state by keeping the previous state as it is and simply filtering out the details screen from the previous routes array and setting the new array as the new routes property.
Here's the code that attempts to reset the navigation state each time the delete button is clicked
navigation.dispatch(state => {
const routes = state.routes.filter(
route => !== 'ProductDetail',
return CommonActions.reset({
routes: routes,
The problem is when I click on the delete button I get the following error
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '')
So where am I missing something? Any insight at all would be much apperciated.

How to create remember search functionality in vuejs

I have below two vuejs page. I created filters in my list page like search by user name and email. The filter is working fine, but the issue is when I type something in my search box and search it's working but after that when clicking on the edit user link and after that comes back to the list page the filter is removed and it shows me all data. My question is how can I remember the search I just need suggestions on how can I achieve that.
localstorage or vuex possible solution for that?
1. List of users
2. Edit User
The solution is to save the filter in a vuex state that way it doesnt change when u go back as long as you're still in the same tab and didnt close it.
If you don't refresh the page and navigate between the route's components, it's best to use Vuex, and on the other hand, if you want the same search results to be stored and retrieved even after refreshing the page, use the localStorage.
Furthermore, Vuex would be good to store large lists of data instead of localStorage.

Saving state on back button press in vue-electron

I want to make a desktop app in vue-electron. I am new to both vue.js and electron.
I am having some problems while managing state.
When I click on login button I send data i.e sessionId and username to next screen and on this screen I display these props using this code but as I go to the third screen and then come back then this data disappears
I am going back to second screen using router.go(-1)
The vue-router documentation says that
“router.push method pushes a new entry into the history stack, so when the user clicks the browser back button they will be taken to the previous URL.”
and router.go(n) "This method takes a single integer as parameter that indicates by how many steps to go forwards or go backwards in the history stack"
However in my case, lifecycle hooks are called again when I go back to history stack. So does that mean when we come to previous page that component is created again and not popped from stack. I actually don’t want to refresh / reload the page on back button.
You need to send the data to the third screen,too.
Instead of
<route-link to="third_screen"></router-link>
You need to write,
<router-link :to="{ path: 'third_screen', params: { session_id: this.session_id, userName:this.user_name}}">User</router-link>
And instead of router.go(-1) you need to send the data as params again to your second screen using router.push() method.
But I won't suggest the above method as you need to pass the same data as params to all routes.
You should also have a look at Vuex.
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion.
You should store your Session Id as cookie instead of passing it as props.
Also have a look at <keep-alive></keep-alive>.

Know in `activate` if the navigation was due to clicking on the nav-bar

I am trying to get 3 different routing "styles" in my application. I need to identify these in each view-model's activate method:
User clicks a button or link in my app that causes my app to call this.router.navigate()
This one is easy because I always put a parameter into the URL, so in the target View-Model, I have that param in my activate method.
The users presses the back or forward buttons or loads the application for the first time.
I can also get this by using the this.router.isExplicitNavigation variable or checking if my state is uninitalized.
The user clicks on one of the views displayed in the nav-bar (setup in the app.ts configureRouter method).
Unfortunately I cannot find a way to distinguish this one from when the user presses the back and forward buttons on the browser.
So here is my question, is there a way to know when a view-model's activate method has been called because a user selected a nav-bar route?
If I understand your question correctly, you want distinguish between 1. and 3. In activate(), you receive all routing parameters (as the method's first argument), both:
from the route-template, such as /myRoute/:myparam
from the query string
So I'd suggest to put a query parameter for the menu bar, which parameter you can read in activate(). For example:
let's say your route /myRoute
from the button, simply navigate to /myRoute
from the navbar, navigate to /myRoute?from=navbar
You might know this, but you have multiple options to navigate from code:
router.navigate('compose your route manually')
router.navigateToRoute('route's name', parameters)
in template, using <a route-href="route: 'myRoute'; params.bind={...}" >
Your code:
router.navigateToRoute('my-route', {from: 'navbar'});
//destination view-model
activate(params: Object): void {
if (params.from === 'navbar')
//routed from the navbar
//routed from a button

Aurelia: Show Dialog State In URL

I have a simple Aurelia application that displays accounts. The default view is a list of accounts. There's also an account details view.
I'd to make the details view open in a modal/dialog over the top of the list view. However, I want the presence of the modal to show up as part of the URL.
I found it easy to use the aurelia-dialog plugin to display the details view, but can't figure out how to get the dialog's presence to show up in the URL.
Another option might be to throw out aurelia-dialog and use a child router to display the details view, then figure out how to make that show and hide as a modal.
And, of course, another possibility is that there's a better way that I just don't see yet.
Has anybody seen or created something like this?
One possibility that occurs to me would be to add the dialog's presence as a parameter to the current route and then call it. You could use the route like /account?dialog=true. Run some tests to ensure that the ?dialog=true still routes to the same page. Then, use that route to check whether that parameter is set and display or hide the dialog window. When you refresh the page, the dialog window should still be open/closed. This also means that whenever you open or close the dialog window, you need to send a new route to the router (basically same route but different parameter).
This isn't a detailed solution but might get you on the right path.