Reading data from GCS with BigQuery fails with "Not Found", but the date (files) exists - google-bigquery

I have a service that is constantly updating files in GCS bucket with hive format:
If today we are at month=02 and I ran the following with BigQuery:
FROM `project_id.dataset.table`
WHERE month = '02';
I get the error: Not found: Files /bigstore/bucket_name/device_id=aaaa/month=02/part-0.parquet
I checked and the file is there when the query ran.
If I run
FROM `project_id.dataset.table`
WHERE month = '01';
I get results without any errors. I guess the error is related to the fact that I'm modifying the data while querying it. But as I understand this should not be the case with GCS, this is from their docs.
Because uploads are strongly consistent, you will never receive a 404 Not Found response or stale data for a read-after-write or read-after-metadata-update operation.
I saw some posts that this could be related to my bucket been Multi-region.
Any other insights?

It could be for some reason that you get this error.
When you load data from Cloud Storage into a BigQuery table, the
dataset that contains the table must be in the same regional or
multi- regional location as the Cloud Storage bucket.
Due to consistency, for buckets, while metadata updates are strongly
consistent for read-after-metadata-update operations, the process
could take time to finish the changes.
Using a Multi-region bucket is not recommended.
In this case, it could be due to consistency, because while you are updating the files GCS at the same time you are executing the query, so when you execute a query the parquet file was available to read and you didn’t get the error, but the next time the parquet file wasn’t available because the service was updating the file and you got the error.
Unfortunately, there is not a simple way, to solve this problem, but here are some options:
You can add a pub/sub routine to the bucket and/or file and quick off
your query after the service finished updating the files.
Make a workflow that blocks the updating of the files in their
buckets until their query finishes.
If the query fails with “not found” for file ABCD and you have
verified ABCD exists in GCS, then retry the query X times.
You need to backup your data into another location where you won't
update these files constantly, just once a day.
You could move the data into a managed storage where you won't have
this problem because you can do snapshotting.


AWS GLUE Pyspark job delete S3 folder unexpectly

My glue workflow is DDB -> GLUE table (by using Crawler) -> S3 (by using GLUE job)
I create S3 folder manually before the workflow run.
For DDB table with size at 500~MB it always works fine (runs 7-10min to finish), the s3 path will have correct result: e.g. s3://glue_example/ddb_500MB/ (I know data is correct by checking them in athena after connecting to s3)
For DDB table with size 50GB the folder is deleted by the GLUE JOB (runs 2 hours to finish, no error), e.g. s3://glue_example/ddb_50GB this folder is deleted. (I enabled the log for s3, and in log, GlueJobRunnerSession used DeleteObject on this folder path)
This delete folder behavior is not consistent, it happened most of the time, but if I find the folder is deleted, and I created manually, next run will have correct data in that s3 folder.
The code of GLUE job (Glue 3.0 - Supports spark 3.1, Scala 2, Python 3) is super simple. the only line that write to s3 is: ApplyMapping_node2.toDF().write.mode("overwrite").format("parquet").save('s3://glue_example/ddb_50GB')
concurrency of workflow/job is 1, so it's not competing caused problem
I use overwrite to keep the folder to have only latest data. but I don't know why this keep deleting folder with large size DDB as data source. Any idea?
The issue was due to whole table being read into single partition as it is default behaviour. Increasing dynamodb.splits while reading from DDB table should help as it reads data in parallel into multiple partitions.Below is an example in pySpark.
dyf = glue_context.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
connection_options={"dynamodb.input.tableName": "test_source",
"": "1.0",
"dynamodb.splits": "100"
Refer to below link for more information:

When is data ready for querying in Google BigQuery after a Load Job?

Say I have a very large CSV file that I'm loading to a bigquery table. Will this data be available for querying only after the whole file has been uploaded and the job is finnished or will it be available for querying as as the file is being uploaded?
BigQuery will commit data from a load job in an all-or-none fashion. Partial results will not appear in the destination table as a job is progessing, results are committed at the end of the load job.
A load job that terminates with an error will commit no rows. However, for use cases where you have poorly sanitized data, you can optionally choose to configure your load job to allow bad/malformed data to be ignored through configuration values like MaxBadRecords. In such cases, a job may have warnings and still commit the successfully processed data, but the commit semantics remain the same (all at the end, or none if the defined threshold for bad data is exceeded).

Not able to update Big query table with Transfer from a Storage file

I am not able to update a big query table from a storage file. I have latest data file and transfer runs successfully. But it say "8:36:01 AM Detected that no changes will be made to the destination table.".
Tried multiple ways.
Please help.
You have to wait 1 hour after your file has been updated in Cloud Storage:
I had the same error. I created two transfers from GCS to BigQuery, with write preference set to MIRROR and APPEND. I got the logs below (no error). The GCS file was uploaded less than one hour before.
MIRROR: Detected that no changes will be made to the destination table. Summary: succeeded 0 jobs, failed 0 jobs.
APPEND: None of the 1 new file(s) found matching "gs://mybucket/myfile" meet the requirement of being at least 60 minutes old. They will be loaded in next run. Summary: succeeded 0 jobs, failed 0 jobs.
Both jobs went through one hour later.

Issues creating table from bucket file

I have a big table (About 10 million rows) that I'm trying to pull into my bigquery. I had to upload the CSV into the bucket due to the size constraints when creating the table. When I try to create the table using the Datastore, the job fails with the error:
Error Reason:invalid. Get more information about this error at Troubleshooting Errors: invalid.
gs://es_main/provider.csv does not contain valid backup metadata.
Job ID: liquid-cumulus:job_KXxmLZI0Ulch5WmkIthqZ4boGgM
Start Time: Dec 16, 2015, 3:00:51 PM
End Time: Dec 16, 2015, 3:00:51 PM
Destination Table: liquid-cumulus:ES_Main.providercloudtest
Source URI: gs://es_main/provider.csv
Source Format: Datastore Backup
I've troubleshot by using a small sample file of rows from the same table and just uploading using the CSV feature in the table creation without any errors and can view the data just fine.
I'm just wondering what the metadata should be set as with the "Edit metadata" option within the bucket or if there is some other work around I'm missing. Thanks
The error message for the job that you posted is telling you that the file you're providing is not a Datastore Backup file. Note that "Datastore" here means Google Cloud Datastore, which is another storage solution that it sounds like you aren't using. A Cloud Datastore Backup is a specific file type from that storage product which is different from CSV or JSON.
Setting the file metadata within the Google Cloud Storage browser, which is where the "Edit metadata" option you're talking about lives, should have no impact on how BigQuery imports your file. It might be important if you were doing something more involved with your file from Cloud Storage, but it isn't important to BigQuery as far as I know.
To upload a CSV file from Google Cloud Storage to BigQuery, make sure to select the CSV source format and the Google Storage load source as pictured below.

Exporting query results as JSON via Google BigQuery API

I've got jobs/queries that return a few hundred thousand rows. I'd like to get the results of the query and write them as json in a storage bucket.
Is there any straightforward way of doing this? Right now the only method I can think of is:
set allowLargeResults to true
set a randomly named destination table to hold the query output
create a 2nd job to extract the data in the "temporary" destination table to a file in a storage bucket
delete the random "temporary" table.
This just seems a bit messy and roundabout. I'm going to be wrapping all this in a service hooked up to a UI that would have lots of users hitting it and would rather not be in the business of managing all these temporary tables.
1) As you mention the steps are good. You need to use Google Cloud Storage for your export job. Exporting data from BigQuery is explained here, check also the variants for different path syntax.
Then you can download the files from GCS to your local storage.
Gsutil tool can help you further to download the file from GCS to local machine.
With this approach you first need to export to GCS, then to transfer to local machine. If you have a message queue system (like Beanstalkd) in place to drive all these it's easy to do a chain of operation: submit jobs, monitor state of the job, when done initiate export to GCS, then delete the temp table.
Please also know that you can update a table via the API and set the expirationTime property, with this aproach you don't need to delete it.
2) If you use the BQ Cli tool, then you can set output format to JSON, and you can redirect to a file. This way you can achieve some export locally, but it has certain other limits.
this exports the first 1000 line as JSON
bq --format=prettyjson query --n=1000 "SELECT * from publicdata:samples.shakespeare" > export.json