React native changing instance prop not rerender component - react-native

I have an entity class called order
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
export default class Order {
constructor({status}) {
this.status = status;
isCanceled() {
return this.status === CANCELED;
when passing order to a component throw mapStateToProps
when the status changes. mapStateToProps will be called again with the new status but the component will not be rendered with the new data
but if I passed the order as a standard object it will re-render with the new data
This code is not working
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
return {
This code works
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
const order = new Order({status: 'available'});
return {
order: {...order},
I need the first code to work as I use some functions from the object inside the component like isCanceled()

Hello all I knew what was the issue
the problem was in my reducer as I was changing in the state directly so the method wasn't pure function. So, react didn't recognize the change in props
this link has an example
React Native components not re-render if props changed

can you try this, while keeping the {...order} (2nd method you're using)
export default class Order {
constructor({status}) {
this.status = status;
this.isCanceled = this.isCanceled; //add this line
isCanceled() {
return this.status === CANCELED;


react native FlatList not rerendering when data prop changes

I have a FlatList component that uses Redux (indirectly) as the source for the data prop. See below
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
rdx_activeUsers: state.profile.activeUsers,
convertRdxActiveUsersObjectToUsableArray = () => {
let activeUsersArray = [];
Object.values(this.props.rdx_activeUsers).forEach(userObj => {
return activeUsersArray;
render() {
let usableArray4FlatList = this.convertRdxActiveUsersObjectToUsableArray();
return (
Whenever an active user is added or removed in Firebase DB, I have listeners that increase or reduce the size of the Redux object rdx_activeUsers.......the goal is that this change in Redux should trigger the render() function (due to Redux being used in the convertRdxActiveUsersToUsableArray function....which is present in the render() function).
I can see via debugging tool that Redux rdx_activeUsers object is updating correctly whenever I add or remove a user....however the FlatList only rerenders dynamically when I add a user (i.e. the Redux object rdx_activeUsers increases in size)...but not when I remove one (i.e the Redux object rdx_activeUsers decreases in size).
I also tried adding prop extraData={this.props.rdx_activeUsers} ...but this didnt make any difference
Below are my reducers......
case ACTIVE_USER_CHILD_ADDED is successfully updating Redux AND triggering the rerender
case ACTIVE_USER_CHILD_REMOVED is successfully updating Redux BUT NOT triggering the rerender....looks like thats where the issue is
const key2Add = action.payload.userId;
const val2Add = action.payload;
return { ...state, activeUsers: { ...state.activeUsers, [key2Add]: val2Add } };
const key2Updel = action.payload.userId;
const val2Updel = action.payload;
if ( {
return { ...state, activeUsers: { ...state.activeUsers,[key2Updel]: val2Updel } };
if (state.activeUsers) {
const updatedstate = state;
delete updatedstate.activeUsers[key2Updel];
return {...updatedstate};
return state;
const key2Del = action.payload.userId;
const oldState = state;
delete oldState.activeMsgUsers[key2Del];
return {...oldState};
Below shows my action creators
export const _actActiveUserChildAdded = userObj => {
return {
payload: userObj,
export const _actActiveUserChildChanged = userObj => {
return {
payload: userObj,
export const _actActiveUserChildRemoved = userObj => {
return {
payload: userObj,
change case ACTIVE_USER_CHILD_REMOVED like following it should work, you are modifying the object which was mutating the state object instead of returning a new object.
const key2Del = action.payload.userId;
const {activeUsers:{[key2Del]:_,...restActiveUsers}} = state;
return {...state,activeUsers:{...restActiveUsers}};
This piece of code does not trigger a rerender
const key2Del = action.payload.userId;
const oldState = state;
delete oldState.activeMsgUsers[key2Del];
return {...oldState};
By returning {...oldState} all the references inside this.state stay the same, and no update is triggered
fast solution
Put return {...oldState, activeMsgUsers: {...activeMsgUsers}} instead
better solution
Don't use delete, use Array.filter instead to create a new object reference
best solution
Refactor your conponent to hooks and make activeMsgUsers a standalone state, if you do it correctly, calling setActiveMsgUsers returning the destructured old state you cannot have that problem
try this
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
rdx_activeUsers: state.profile.activeUsers,
render() {
let activeUsersArray = [];
Object.values(this.props.rdx_activeUsers).forEach(userObj => {
return (

Mobx React Reactivity with Hooks and Observer

I've updated the app to use Mobx-react 6 along with Mobx state tree.
I'm not able to get the latest value inside the component when I use custom store hooks.
import { observer, MobXProviderContext, useObserver } from 'mobx-react';
function useStores() {
return useContext(MobXProviderContext);
function useJob() {
const { jobStore } = useStores();
return useObserver(() => jobStore);
function ChildDocs(props) {
const jobStore = useJob();
const { validChildDocuments, setCurrentChildDoc, currentChildDoc, noneDocuments } = jobStore;
//This won't update although the value in the store is null after re-mount. This shows the old value
console.log('verificationDataStore=', currentChildDoc.verificationDataStore);
export default observer(ChildDocs);

React Native hooks - correct use of useEffect()?

I'm new to hooks and ran across this setup on SO and wanted to confirm that this is the correct pattern. I was getting the RN "unmounted component" leak warning message before and this seemed to solve it. I'm trying to mimic in some way compnentDidMount. This is part of a phone number verify sign up flow and onMount I want to just check for navigation and then fire off a side effect, set mounted true and then unmount correctly.
const SMSVerifyEnterPinScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const [didMount, setDidMount] = useState(false)
const { phoneNumber } = route.params
useEffect(() => {
if(navigation) {
return () => setDidMount(false)
}, [])
if (!didMount) { return null }
async function signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
const confirmation = await auth().signInWithPhoneNumber('+1'+phoneNumber)
return (
RN 0.62.2 with react-nav 5 - thanks!
Since signInWithPhoneNumber is a async function and will setState you will see warning it the component is unmounted before the response is available
In order to handle such scenarios you can keep a variable to keep track whether its mounted or not and then only set state is the mounted variable is true
However you do not need to return null if component has unmounted since that doesn't accomplish anything. The component is removed from view and will anyways not render anything.
Also you do not need to maintain this value in state, instead use a ref
const SMSVerifyEnterPinScreen = ({ route, navigation }) => {
const isMounted = useRef(true)
const { phoneNumber } = route.params
useEffect(() => {
if(navigation) {
return () => {isMounted.current = false;}
}, [])
async function signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
const confirmation = await auth().signInWithPhoneNumber('+1'+phoneNumber)
return (

How to use a custom reducer's state as a permanent filter in a <List>?

I have a custom reducer and a connected component to change its state. Now I'd like to use this state as a permanent filter on List elements.
I understand the List elements are connected to the redux-state, so I hope I'm able to access it through the List component's props, but couldn't find a way how to do that.
The List component is connected but not yours.
import { connect } from "react-redux";
const MyList = ({ is_published, ...props }) => (
<List {...props} filter={{ is_published }}>
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
is_published: state.myCustomReducer.is_published,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, undefined)(MyList);
Just found out we don't update data when this prop change. This is a bug and you can open an issue about it.
In the mean time, here's a workaround:
Create a custom saga listening to whatever action you use alongside your custom reducer (I'll call it SET_IS_PUBLISHED for my example). This custom saga should put the changeListParams action creator from react-admin with your filter.
It will probably looks like this (not tested):
import { takeEvery, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { changeListParams } from 'react-admin'
import { SET_IS_PUBLISHED } from './isPublished'
const getCurrentListParams = (state, resource) => {
const resourceState = state.admin.resources[resource]
return resourceState.list.params
function handleSetPublished({ payload }) {
const currentParams = yield select(getCurrentListParams)
const newParams = {
// Keep the current params
// Override the filter
filter: {
// Keep the current filter
// Only override the is_published
is_published: payload
// Dispatch the action for the `posts` resource
yield put(changeListParams('posts', newParams))
export default function* () {
yield takeEvery(SET_IS_PUBLISHED, handleSetPublished)
just to bring this into 2021, you can use the useSelector redux hook to get hold of your custom state:
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const MyCustomThing = (props) => {
const is_published = useSelector(state => state.customState.is_published);
For completeness, react-admin provides a customReducers prop to its <Admin> component so you can extend the redux state with your custom values:
const customStateReducer = (customState = { is_published: false }, { type, payload }) => {
if (type === 'IS_PUBLISHED') customState.is_published = payload.is_published;
return customState;
<Admin customReducers={{ customState: customStateReducer }} ...>

How to get state updated after dispatch

I'm new with react-native and redux and I want to know how can I get the state updated after the dispatch...
Follow my code:
function mapStateToProps(state) { return { user: state.userReducer }; }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
login: (username, password) => {
dispatch(login(username, password)); // update state loggedIn
const LoginForm = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Login);
export default LoginForm;
---Here I've a button which calls this method loginOnPress()
loginOnPress() {
const { username, password } = this.state;
this.props.login(username, password);
According my code above, I call first the method 'this.props.login(username, password);' that calls the dispatch and change the state 'loggedIn'.
And after that I try to get the state updated but without success:
Note: When I click the second time on this button the state comes updated
Calling dispatch will update the state immediately but your components will be updated a little bit later so you can use componentWillReceiveProps to react to changes in the props, you can have a look here for a better explanation of how state change works in React
The function this.props.login(username, password) dispatches a login action on the redux-state.
Launching store.getState() will indeed immediately get you the redux-state after the update, but usually, you don't really need to do it because of the redux connect function that wraps your component.
The redux connect function updates your component with new props, so what you would usually do is "catch" these changes in one of the following functions of the react lifecycle:
class Greeting extends React.Component {
loginOnPress () {
const { username, password } = this.state;
this.props.login(username, password);
// before the new props are applied
componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
// just before the update
componentWillUpdate (nextProps, nextState) {
// immediately after the update
componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) {
render() {