Finding all local extrema from a list of values - numpy

This is my code, I receive an error that "list index out of range", I tried to solve this by accounting for the first and last value before the for loop, however I can not figure out how to make the for loop exclude the first and last object, any ideas?
def minmax(List):
if List[0]>List[1]: maxs.append(List[0])
if List[0]<List[1]: mins.append(List[0])
if List[-1]>List[-2]: maxs.append(List[-1])
if List[0]<List[1]: mins.append(List[-1])
for i in List[1:-1]:
if List[i] < List[i-1] and List[i] < List[i+1]:
elif List[i] > List[i-1] and i> List[i+1]:
return "mins",mins,"maxs",maxs

Your mistake lies in the way you access element in your for loop
for i in List[1:-1]:
if List[i] < List[i-1] and List[i] < List[i+1]:
elif List[i] > List[i-1] and i> List[i+1]:
indeed, i here is an element of List not the index of this element, therefore, List[i] doesn't have any sense neither List[i+1] nor List[i-1].
One fix could be using enumerate to track either the current value of the list but also its index :
for n, i in enumerate(List[1:-1]):
if List[n] < List[n-1] and List[n] < List[n+1]:
elif List[n] > List[n-1] and i> List[n+1]:
I strongly encourage you to use a debugger to understand this behavior.


How to setup for each loop in Kotlin to avoid out of bounds exception

In java I got this construction
for (let i = 0; i < x.length-1; I++
And here to avoid outOfBoundsException we are using x.length-1 but how to do the same thing in Kotlin? I got this code so far
x.forEachIndexed { index, _ ->
And it crashes on the last element when we call x[index+1] so I need to handle the last element somehow
Input list
var x = doubleArrayOf(0.0, 0.23, 0.46, 0.69, 0.92, 1.15, 1.38, 1.61)
For a classic Java for loop you got two options in Kotlin.
One would be something like this.
val x = listOf(1,2,3,4)
for (i in 0 .. x.lastIndex){
// ...
Using .. you basically go from 0 up to ( and including) the number coresponding to the second item, in this case the last index of the list.( so from 0 <= i <= x.lastIndex)
The second option is using until
val x = listOf(1,2,3,4)
for (i in 0 until x.size){
// ...
This is similar to the previous approach, except the fact that until is not inclusive with the last element.(so from 0 <= i < x.size ).
What you probably need is something like this
val x = listOf(1,2,3,4)
for (i in 0 .. x.lastIndex -1){
// ...
or alternative, using until, like this
val x = listOf(1,2,3,4)
for (i in 0 until x.size-1){
// ...
This should probably avoid the IndexOut of bounds error, since you go just until the second to last item index.
Feel free to ask more if something is not clear.
This is also a great read if you want to learn more about ranges.
You already have an answer, but this is another option. If you would use a normal list, you would have access to zipWithNext(), and then you don't need to worry about any index, and you can just do:
list.zipWithNext { current, next ->
output.add((next - current)*10)
As mentioned by k314159, we can also do asList() to have direct access to zipWithNext and other list methods, without many drawbacks.
array.asList().zipWithNext { current, next ->
output.add(next - current)

How to prove time complexity of bubble sort using dafny?

Is there a way in dafny to create an invariant specific to a single loop iteration? Below I'm trying to create a dafny program to upper bound the number of swaps of bubble sort. That value is stored in variable n. So I'd like to upper bound n by (a.Length * (a.Length - 1))/2. The reason being is that the maximum number of swaps that can occur is if the array is in the opposite order so then there must be n swaps on the first iteration of the inside loop and then n-1 swaps of the second iteration of the inside loop, etc. until the array is sorted. This is equivalent to 1+2+3+...+n-1+n = n(n-1)/2, which is precisely what I'm trying to show. I'm wondering if there's a method in dafny to upper bound the value of i-j or n in the code below based on the iteration of the inner loop. Is there such a way?
If not is there another method to upper bound this n value given the explanation provided above? Perhaps additional invariants I'm not thinking of?
method BubbleSort(a: array<int>) returns (n: nat)
modifies a
requires a != null
ensures n <= (a.Length * (a.Length - 1))/2
var i := a.Length - 1;
n := 0;
while (i > 0)
invariant 0 < a.Length ==> 0 <= i < a.Length;
decreases i;
var j := 0;
while (j < i)
invariant i - j <= old(i) - old(j);
invariant i < 0 && j < 0 ==> 0 <= n <= a.Length;
decreases i - j;
if(a[j] > a[j+1])
a[j], a[j+1] := a[j+1], a[j];
n := n + 1;
j := j + 1;
i := i -1;
I don't think you need to "create an invariant specific to a single loop iteration", but instead to rephrase your loop invariants in a way that they apply to all iterations.
Your English argument for why the complexity is bounded is a good one.
the maximum number of swaps that can occur is if [there are] n swaps on the first iteration of the inside loop and then n-1 swaps of the second iteration of the inside loop, etc. until the array is sorted. This is equivalent to 1+2+3+...+n-1+n = n(n-1)/2
All you need to do is to formalize this argument into Dafny. I suggest introducing a function for "the sum of all integers between a and b" and then using that function to phrase your loop invariants.

Invariant for Hoare-Logic on RandomSearch

I'm trying to proof the following RandomSeach-Algorithm and to figure out the invariant for the loop.
Since the function randomIndex(..) creates a random number I cannot use an invariant like
š‘  ā‰„ 0 āˆ§ š‘  < š‘– āˆ’ 1 ā‡’ š‘“[š‘ ] ā‰  š‘£š‘Žš‘™š‘¢e
. That means, all elements between 0 and i-1, with i is the index of the current checked element, is not the searched element.
So I thought I define a hypothetical sequence r, that contains all elements that have already been compared to the searched value or are going to be compared to the searched value. Thats why it is just a hypothetical sequence, because I actually do not know the elements that are going to be compared to the searched value until they have been realy compared.
That means it applies r.lenght() ā‰¤ runs and in the case the searched element was found
(r[r.lenght()-1] = value) ā†” (r[currentRun] = value).
Then I can define a invariant like:
š‘  ā‰„ 0 āˆ§ š‘  < currentRun ā‡’ r[š‘ ] ā‰  š‘£š‘Žš‘™š‘¢e
Can I do this, because the sequence r is not real? It does not feel right. Does anyone have a diffrent idea for an invariant?
The program:
public boolean RandomSearch (int value, int[] f, int runs) {
int currentRun = 0;
boolean found = false;
while (currentRun < runs || !found) {
int x = randomIndex(0, n-1)
if (value == f[x]) {
found = true;
currentRun = currentRun + 1;
}//end while
return found;
}//end RandomSearch
I use following invariant
currentRun <= runs & f.length > 0
Than I can proof the algorithm :)

My take on Migratory Bird is failing one case

Update: I completely overlooked the complexity added by arr.sort() method. So in Kotlin for array of Int, It compiles to use java.util.DualPivotQuicksort see this which in turn has complexity of O(n^2). see this. Other than that, this is also a valid approach.
I know It can be solved by keeping multiple arrays or using collections (which is what I ended up submitting), I want to know what I missed in the following approach
fun migratoryBirds(arr: Array<Int>): Int {
var maxCount = 0
var maxType = 0
var count = 0
var type = 0
println(arr.joinToString(" "))
for (value in arr){
if (type != value){
if (count > maxCount){
maxCount = count
maxType = type
// new count values
type = value
count = 1
} else {
return maxType
This code passes every scenario except for Test case 2 which has 73966 items for array. On my local machine, that array of 73k+ elements was causing timeout but I did test for array up-to 20k+ randomly generated value 1..5 and every time it succeeded. But I couldn't manage to pass Test case 2 with this approach. So even though I ended up submitting an answer with collection stream approach, I would really like to know what could I be missing in above logic.
I am running array loop only once Complexity should be O(n), So that could not be reason for failing. I am pre-sorting array in ascending order, and I am checking for > not >=, therefore, If two types end up having same count, It will still return the lower of the two types. And this approach is working correctly even for array of 20k+ elements ( I am getting timeout for anything above 25k elements).
The reason it is failing is this line
Sorting an array takes O(n logn) time. However using something like a hash map this can be solved in O(n) time.
Here is a quick python solution I made to give you the general idea
# Complete the migratoryBirds function below.
def migratoryBirds(arr):
ans = -1
count = -1
dic = {}
for x in arr:
if x in dic:
dic[x] += 1
dic[x] = 1
if dic[x] > count or dic[x] == count and x < ans:
ans = x
count = dic[x]
return ans

Correct interpretation of pseudocode? JAVA

So i've tried interpreting this pseudocode a friend made and i wasn't exactly sure that my method returns the right result. Anyone who's able to help me out?
I've done some test cases where e.g. an array of [2,0,7] or [0,1,4] or [0, 8, 0] would return true, but not cases like: [1,7,7] or [2,6,0].
Array(list, d)
for j = 0 to dāˆ’1 do
for i = 0 to dāˆ’1 do
for k = 0 to dāˆ’1 do
if list[j] + list[ i] + list[k] = 0 then
return true
end if
end for
end for
end for
return false
And i've made this in java:
public class One{
public static boolean method1(ArrayList<String> A, int a){
for(int i = 0; i < a-1; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < a-1; j++){
for(int k = 0; k < a-1; k++){
if(Integer.parseInt(A.get(i)+A.get(j)+A.get(k)) == 0){
return true;
return false;
Thanks in advance
For a fix to your concrete problem, see my comment. A nicer way to write that code would be to actually use a list of Integer instead of String, because you will then want to convert the strings back to integers. So, your method looks better like this:
public static boolean method(List<Integer> A) {
for (Integer i : A)
for (Integer j : A)
for (Integer k : A)
if (i + j + k == 0)
return true;
return false;
See that you don't even need the size as parameter, since any List in Java embeds its own size.
Somehow offtopic
You're probably trying to solve the following problem: "Find if a list of integers contains 3 different ones that sum up to 0". The solution to this problem doesn't have to be O(n^3), like yours, it can be solved in O(n^2). See this post.
Ok, so here is what I believe the pseudo code is trying to do. It returns true if there is a zero in your list or if there are three numbers that add up to zero in your list. So it should return true for following test cases. (0,1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3,4,-3). It will return false for (1,2,3,4,5). I just used d=5 as a random example. Your code is good for the most part - you just need to add the ith, jth and kth elements in the list to check if their sum equals zero for the true condition.