Converting an image into ASCII art in React Native - react-native

I am working on a React Native app that takes an image and converts it into ASCII art (in PNG/JPEG format so that I can add color). Which packages would I use and how would I do it? So far I haven't found a way to do it in React Native. I've found a way to do it in React but I don't know how I would translate it into React Native.
EDIT: I have tried to do it with Ionic React but the performance is much worse.

You could use a module that doesn't rely on React at all to generate the ASCII, such as this one:
If that doesn't work, you could create a separate React Web app and use react-native-render-html to render the React Web app within the React Native app.


Why is there no BottomNavigation for Android included in React Native?

I am new to ReactNative and confused that there is no Android BottomNavigation included
(image source:
What's the reason for this and what's the best practive way to get one? (with and without expo)
To do this, you need to use one of the existing React Native navigation libraries
Try using it reactNvigation
or use NativeBase

React Native - Data Grid for android

enter image description here I'm working with React Native and am looking for an appropriate component for react native data grid. Do you have any recommendation for a data grid under React Native?
I've been using this, works very well.

Native Base components are showing blank page in react native android

Native base components showing blank page in react native android but when i am using react native components like View or Text then its work. Please help me. I think there are versioning issue.

Using Konovajs with react-native

How can I use konvajs library with react native. If not, is there any other library which allows defining canvas object declaratively for react native?
React native doesn't use an html5 view, it render native code so you wouldn't be able to use konvasjs, take a look at react-native-canvas, and see if it fits what you need.

React native for android

Can I use react native as a backend in Android
I want to use all the UI components from Android only but for the logic part I want to call react native and do the backend there
Is it possible ?
Let me summarize your question to see if I got it right: You would like to use Native UI Components in Android and compose/utilize them using React Native.
If so the answer is yes. React Native does nothing else under the hood, they try to map as directly as possible to the native UI concepts. If this is still too much JS UI layer for you, you can directly implement the Native UI Components you need and bridge them into React Native, as to be seen here.
As React native is doing for us to convert and other component in native android component. If you don't want to use this react native component code then you have to create native android module in react native to use native component. But it's not advisable.