What's the difference between Fusion API and Optimizer API in MOSEK? - api

The MOSEK solver has two APIs, one is the Fusion API and the other is the Optimizer API. What is the difference between them?

The Fusion API calls the optimize API so the optimizer API is more general. However, Fusion is a high-level API and hence is easier to use.
Btw in the just released MOSEK v10.0 then the optimizer API has something called affine conic constraints that will make it easier to use for conic
problems. I.e. the optimizer API obtains some of the Fusion features.


OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier comparisons for optimization capabilities and application scaling

I realize that this might not be the best platform to ask this, but I think this would be best unbiased one to put my question in.
How would you compare OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier with regards to there optimization capabilities and application scaling and overall software development? Which one would you pick and why?
If you know of any resources or link do provide.
The most fundamental technical difference is OpenMDAO can pass data + derivative information between components. This means that if you want to use gradient based optimization and have access to at least some tools that provide derivative information, OpenMDAO will have far more effective overall capabilities. This is especially important when doing optimization with high-cost analysis tools (e.g. partial differential equation solvers --- CFD, FEA). In those situations making use of derivatives offers between a 100x and 10000x speedup.
One other difference is that OpenMDAO is designed to run natively on a distributed memory compute cluster. Industrial frameworks can submit jobs to remote clusters and query for the results, but OpenMDAO itself can run on the cluster and has a direct and internal MPI based distributed memory capability. This is critical to it being able to efficiently handle derivatives of those expensive PDE solvers. To the best of my knowledge, OpenMDAO is unique in this regard. This is a low level technical detail that most users never need to directly understand, but the consequence is that if you want to do any kind of high fidelity coupled optimziations (aero-structural, aero-propulsive, aero-thermal) with more than one PDE solver in the loop then OpenMDAO's architecture is going to be by far the most effective.
However, OpenMDAO does not offer a GUI. It does not have the same level of data tracking and visualization tools. Also, I know that mode-frontier offers the ability to split a single model up across multiple computers distributed across an organization. Mode Frontier, along with other tools like ModelCenter and Isight, all offer this kind of smooth user experience and code-free interaction that many find valuable.
Honestly, I'm not sure a direct comparison is really warranted. I think if you have an organization that invests in a commercial integration tool like Mode Fronteir, then you can still use OpenMDAO to create tightly coupled integrated optimizations which you can then include as boxes inside your overall integration framework.
You certainly can use OpenMDAO as a complete integration framework, and it has some advantages in that area related to derivatives and execution in distributed memory environments. But you don't have to, and it certainly does not have to be an exclusive decision.

Tensorflow Mirror Strategy and Horovod Distribution Strategy

I am trying to understand what are the basic difference between Tensorflow Mirror Strategy and Horovod Distribution Strategy.
From the documentation and the source code investigation I found that Horovod (https://github.com/horovod/horovod) is using Message Passing Protocol (MPI) to communicate between multiple nodes. Specifically it uses all_reduce, all_gather of MPI.
From my observation (I may be wrong) Mirror Strategy is also using all_reduce algorithm (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/distribute).
Both of them are using data-parallel, synchronous training approach.
So I am a bit confused how they are different? Is the difference only in implementation or there are other (theoretical) difference?
And how is the performance of mirror strategy compared to horovod?
Mirror Strategy has its own all_reduce algorithm which use remote procedural calls (gRPC) under the hood.
Like you mentioned Horovod uses MPI/GLOO to communicate between multiple processes.
Regarding the performance, one of my colleagues have performed experiments before using 4 Tesla V100 GPUs using the codes from here. The results suggested that 3 settings work the best: replicated with all_reduce_spec=nccl, collective_all_reduce with properly tuned allreduce_merge_scope (e.g. 32), and horovod. I did not see significant differences among these 3.

Google Cloud ML: How can I enforce a pure grid-search for a hyperparameter tuning job

Google Cloud ML uses Bayesian optimisation to mitigate the curse of dimensionality. In specific situations I have hyperparameter tuning jobs in which I want to enforce an exhaustive search over a grid of hyperparameters in a hyperparameter-tuning job. How can I do this?
My motivation for enforcing a pure grid-search is: I have observed that a hyperparameter-tuning job for hyperparameters which are exclusively of DISCRETE type, evaluates the same combination of hyperparameters more than once, which I do not want. I am suspecting it has to do with the use of Bayesian optimisation. This is why I would like to enforce a pure grid-search for those cases.
There is not currently an argument available to enforce a grid search.
The best workaround currently is probably to submit multiple jobs, with the specific hyperparameters set for each one. This can be done without changing the code, as you can specify the values as user command line arguments. You should be able to submit all the jobs in a loop, and Google Cloud ML will queue them if there are too many to run at once. The downside is that you'll have to figure out which is the best.

CNTK: Python vs C# API for model consumption

We have trained a model using CNTK. We are building a service that is going to load this model and respond to requests to classify sentences. What is the best API to use regarding performance? We would prefer to build a C# service as in https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/tree/master/Examples/Evaluation/CSEvalClient but alternatively we are considering building a Python service that is going to load the model in python.
Do you have any recommendations towards one or the other approach? (regarding which API is faster, actively maintained or other parameters you can think of). The next step would be to set up an experiment measuring the performance of both API calls, but was wondering if there is some prior knowledge here that could help us decide.
Thank you
Both APIs are well developed/maintained. For text data I would go with the C# API.
In C# the main focus is fast and easy evaluation and for text loading the data is straightforward.
The Python API is good for development/training of models and at this time not much attention has been paid to evaluation. Furthermore, because of the wealth of packages loading data in exotic formats is easier in Python than C#.
The new C# Eval API based on CNTKLibrary will be available very soon (the first beta is probably next week). This API has functional parity with the C++ and Python API regarding evaluation.
This API supports using multiple threads to serve multiple evaluation requests in parallel, and even better, model parameters of the same loaded model is shared between these threads, which will significantly reduce memory usage in a service environment.
We have also a turorial about how to use Eval API in ASP.Net environment. It still refers to EvalDLL evaluation, but applies to the new C# API too. The document will be updated after the new C# API is released.

Alternative for MSE

I found MSE(Managed Service Engine) very difficult and slow to use.Microsoft is no longer putting any effort into MSE. It was never a supported project anyways.What is the best alternative of MSE?
I can refer you to LinkSpan and/or Sentient. To be honest, I found out about them after I went to the MSE page on codeplex.
We went with LinkSpan because it was by the original authors of MSE.
LinkSpan is a cloud hosted solution targeted at REST APIs. Nevatech's Sentinet is a full energize-level implementation of the services virtualization concept with the focus on both SOAP and REST, and for on-premises and cloud environments. Microsoft MSE team praised Sentinet as MSE successor, http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/5/prweb9483718.htm.