(Vue/Vite) script type="module" not running when loaded in iframe - vue.js

I'm experimenting with Vite, VueJS 3 and vite-plugin-singlefile for an app which is bundled to a single HTML file, and then served inside a sandboxed iframe through a parent site I don't have much control to change.
Specifically, the iframe runs sandboxed with <iframe src="someotherorigin/page.html" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms">. My built HTML page references some external scripts via CDN (e.g. Bootstrap, etc), but the actual app code itself is inlined.
The app works fine with Vite's dev server and build+serve option. It's also fine when I preview in other tools... But in the target environment it seems like the main entrypoint script simply doesn't run. Nothing renders but also no error messages in console. I do get a couple of warnings about malformed CSP, but that's all:
Content Security Policy: Interpreting none as a hostname, not a keyword. If you intended this to be a keyword, use 'none' (wrapped in single quotes).
Content Security Policy: Interpreting https://none as a hostname, not a keyword. If you intended this to be a keyword, use 'none' (wrapped in single quotes).
This question got me curious so I tried manually editing the built index.html to change the inlined <script type="module">...</script> to <script>...</script> - And it works fine!
I can't make that change in the source index.html (Vite just ignores & refuses to bundle the TypeScript /src/main.ts source unless "module" is set)
I don't think there's an easy way to automate changing it in the build pipeline either (seems like it'd be messing around with custom Vite plugins)
I don't really understand what's wrong in the first place - why would type="module" cause the iframe not to run this Vue-generated script? Is there some other more proper fix?


how to use vue.js offline?

Hi I received a web project with all already implemented CSS js HTML code, directories, project structure etc.
I have to make changes in view.js but I don’t always have internet access on the move so is there a way to continue this project locally without changing my project structure?
I already have an existing web project whose file contains
-an HTML page
-a CSS file
-a js file
Place in their folders respectively
I want to use view.js on this project
The problem I don’t always have internet access when I’m on the move.
So how do I use seen?
Knowing that:
CDN is a script placed in HTML requiring a connection to run view
-Vue CLI is a package that allows to generate a new project view "certainly out of competition"
But I should start over
Because the directory structure and already predefined what doesn’t suit me.
How does it work?
How to just add view and continue the project without zero spread?
I already installed node.js (npm) on my pc if its can help .
If you still don’t understand
Imagine being entrusted with a web project all made HTML CSS JS already configure etc...
And you must use VUE to make changes
knowing that on the move you don’t always have the connection
How do you do that?
Assuming (I can't tell 100% from your description) that it is an un-compiled implementation that uses the CDN, you can easily handle this by copying the vue library locally and update the html to use the local version instead of the CDN.
if you need to keep the html, you could use a browser plugin like requestly but there are many others. There you can select the url that goes to the cdn and replace it with the local one.
Another option for chromium-based browsers is to use local overrides. Picture upload is not working currently, so can't include a picture, but the option is available through the sources tab in the developer tools. You need to enable overrides, select a folder, then you can select the resource that you want to serve from local override.

Is it possible to deploy Vue and Vite without a server to run?

I have a very particular question, cause I wish to create a webpage that works without a server, and I'm trying to do it using vite, my whole project is using vue + vite.
if I try to use "vite build" command, the page deploy as blank, and the only way I can see the page is if I use "vite preview".
would it be possible, somehow, to load the content of the html page using vite, without needing the "vite preview"? just double clicking on index.html
Using vue-cli, this is possible by setting the publicPath in the vue.config.js file to an empty string, see: https://cli.vuejs.org/config/#publicpath
I've personally only used it with Vue 2, but from what I read online it should also be possible with Vue 3, if you're okay with switching to vue-cli.
Using Vite, I found this question and answer which shows a way by bundling all the scripts, css and images into a single file:
How to open a static website in localhost but generated with Vite and without running a server?
I did try that and it mostly works, but not currently for svg files which I use a lot of in my application. It might work fine for your use-case.
I did also need to add "type": "module", in my package.json to get rid of an error saying
"Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module
/path/to/dist/index.js from /path/to/vite.config.inlined.ts not
If you open your page simply as an index.html, you will be limited regarding some API calls and alike. Nowadays, you will need a light server to be hosting it via a simple vite preview as you saw. This is mainly because the files are being worked with bundlers like Webpack and Vite.
I'm not sure that there is a way of loading the whole thing with just an index.html because files like .vue are not natively supported, you need a specific loader.
One simple solution would be to use Vue as a CDN, but it will limit your DX experience regarding SFC files, but you will be able to use Vue into a regular index.html file.
PS: your performance will also be worse overall (because of the required network requests).
If you want something really lightweight, you could of course also use petite-vue, maybe more suited towards super simple projects with a tiny need of reactivity.
I still recommend using something like Netlify or Vercel, to host your static site for free + having the whole Vue experience thanks to a server running vite preview for you.

Adding a library without ES6 or webpack

I am building a very small application that uses everything from CDNs, including Vue.js, so far everything has worked great, but I want to load another CDN now - this one.
I'm used to that via ES6 (and usually Laravel's stuff takes care of that - do I have any way of including the CDN listed on that page and using including it in my code?
Simply including the CDN via script before everything else didn't work.
You can include the script tags in the index.html or any other html which you use to initialize your root vue component.

Compile a ".vue" component in browser, with JS only?

I'd like to compile ".vue" components (with contains html/js/css) into JS, but in browser side, without browserify/vuify/webpack or others ...
In a better world, i'd like to include my ".vue" component into my html app, like that, withoud need of compile things, server side:
<script type="vuejs/component" src="myComp.vue"></script>
It should be possible ?! no ?
(And I can't imagine that no one got this idea, or have done it already)
In fact, it's possible with http-vue-loader :
It doesn't make sense to compile in the browser when it's so much more efficient to just pre-compile your component locally instead of relying on a visitor's client to do it.
In fact, the answer above regarding vue-http-loader says it's only for use in development and links to this article: https://vuejs.org/2015/10/28/why-no-template-url/
With that said, I created a vue-cli template that lets you pre-compile .vue files into a single .js files you can use in the browser. The single JS file contains the template, script, and styles. It uses webpack, but it's super easy to run and watches your files as you edit them.
$ vue init RonnieSan/vue-browser-sfc my-project
Repo at: https://github.com/RonnieSan/vue-browser-sfc
Instructions are in the README.

Release and debug version of Dart build

I'm fresh Dart appretience and I'm trying the 'one-hour-codelab' tutorial. I'm using IntellijIDEA 14 and its Dart plugin.
When I build 'Debug', everything works OK in Dartium.
When I build 'Release', Dart code gets translated into Javascript, but HTML code is still referencing the Dart source file.
I assume there is some solution for this, do you know it?
The source is meant to still point at the .dart files, since if the browser has a Dart VM in it, you want to use that rather than the generated JS. It's the job of the dart.js script (which is part of the browser package) to figure out if the browser you are running on has a Dart VM or not, and if not, to substitute in the appropriate JS scripts.
For example, the source of your index.html file might look like this:
<script type="application/dart" src="main.dart"></script>
<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
In browser with the Dart VM (like Dartium) the dev tools will show those same script tags. However, in vanilla Chrome or another browser, the HTML you see in the dev tools will look like this:
<script type="application/dart" src="http://localhost:8080/main.js">/script>
<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
This is because the dart.js script has replaced the main.dart script with the corresponding JS file.
If you aren't seeing this translation happen, make sure that you are including the dart.js script in your index.html file, and that you are using the browser package by adding it to the dependencies of you pubspec.yaml file:
browser: any
It's worth noting that the --mode=release option for the pub build command doesn't include the .dart files in its output, but other modes will (https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/cmd/pub-build.html). I suppose that since no browsers in the wild currently have a Dart VM in them, that pub build assumes you only want to release JS files. I suspect this might change if/when vanilla Chrome gets the Dart VM added in. In the meantime, after you build your project, if you want it to also work in Dartium, you'll need to add in the .dart files to the build output. If you wanted to get extra fancy, you could minify your Dart first by using dart2js with the --output-type=dart flag set (https://www.dartlang.org/tools/dart2js/#options).