nuxt builder in nuxt3 - vue.js

Nuxt 2 was having builder which we used to build nuxt app.
But nuxt 3 is not having builder. Is that not part of nuxt 3? Following is what we were using in nuxt 2.
import { Builder } from '#nuxt/builder';
I am serving nuxt app from nestjs like following example of next.js.

Following is equivalent to Nuxt 2 code.
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module.js';
import { loadNuxt } from 'nuxt3';
import { buildNuxt, Resolver } from '#nuxt/kit';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
// Check if we need to run Nuxt in development mode
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
// Get a ready to use Nuxt instance
const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ rootDir: 'src/client-app/' })
// Enable live build & reloading on dev
if (isDev) {
await app.listen(3001);


Nuxt Bridge : alternative to `useFetch()` in #nuxtjs/composition-api

I'm migrating from #nuxtjs/composition-api package to Nuxt Bridge and I see that useFetch is available only with Nuxt 3.
Before, I was using the pattern below:
const { state: userState, getUserList } = useUserList()
const { state: groupState, getGroupList } = useGroupList()
// ...
const { fetchState } = useFetch(async () => {
await Promise.all([
// ...
And I could use fetchState.pending to display a loader until everything was loaded.
How to have the behavior with Nuxt Bridge knowing that only useLazyAsyncData and useLazyFetch are compatible?

using Nuxt 3 with Nest

Currently we are able to build nuxt as following. But are unable to handle routes. We basically want to serve nuxt app from Nestjs.
import { NestFactory } from '#nestjs/core';
import { AppModule } from './app.module.js';
import { loadNuxt } from 'nuxt3';
import { buildNuxt, Resolver } from '#nuxt/kit';
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
// Check if we need to run Nuxt in development mode
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
// Get a ready to use Nuxt instance
const nuxt = await loadNuxt({ rootDir: 'src/client-app/' })
// Enable live build & reloading on dev
if (isDev) {
await app.listen(3001);
Following is next (react) equivalent code which is working and trying to achieve in Nuxt 3.
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import createServer, { NextServer } from 'next/dist/server/next';
export class ClientAppService {
private nextServer: NextServer;
constructor(private configService: ConfigService) {}
async onModuleInit(): Promise<void> {
try {
this.nextServer = createServer({
dev: this.configService.get<string>('NODE_ENV') !== 'production',
dir: './src/client',
await this.nextServer.prepare();
} catch (error) {
handler(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) {
return this.nextServer.getRequestHandler()(req, res);
In nuxt 2 there were nuxt.render(req, res) or nuxt.renderRoute(route, context). But these methods are not available in nuxt3.
So how to serve nuxt app through NestJs.
Following is the repo where nuxt 3 code is there but it is not serving nuxt app.
while Nestjs is a great server, it's angular style #decorators and modular setup is too unlike Nuxt3's scaffold simplicity.
This conception feels like a bad idea.

Configuring Pusher on Vue3

I have a project in Vue3 and want to implement a real time API or a web socket. So I attempted to use pusher using Vue third part libraries which are pusher-vue and vue-pusher. Using pusher-vue I am getting the error: Uncaught TypeError: e.prototype is undefined. Using vue-pusher I am getting the error: Uncaught TypeError: Vue.prototype is undefined. The following are the libraries' configurations:
export default{
channels: {
applications_channel: {
subscribeOnMount: true,
console.log("Some text")
.use(PusherVue, {
app_key: "MY_KEY",
cluster: 'MY_CLUSTER',
debug: true,
debugLevel: "all"
export default{
var channel = this.$pusher.subscribe('applications-channel')
channel.bind('add-application-event', ({ log }) => {
.use(require("vue-pusher"), {
api_key: "MY_KEY",
options: {
cluster: 'MY_CLUSTER',
ecrypted: true,
May you please help with how can I configure this on Vue3 or recommend any beginner friendly alternatives to achieve the same functionality on Vue3.
Both pusher-vue and vue-pusher were built for Vue 2, so you need to use the Vue 3 migration build to make the library work in your project.
To setup your Vue CLI scaffolded project:
Install the Vue compatibility build and SFC compiler that matches your Vue build version (i.e., install #vue/compat#^3.1.0 and #vue/compiler-sfc#^3.1.0 if you have vue#^3.1.0 in package.json):
npm i -S #vue/compat#^3.1.0
npm i -S #vue/compiler-sfc#^3.1.0
Configure Webpack to alias vue to the #vue/compat build, and set vue-loader's compatibility mode to Vue 2:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
config.resolve.alias.set('vue', '#vue/compat')
.tap(options => {
return {
compilerOptions: {
compatConfig: {
demo: vue-pusher in Vue 3 w/migration build
However, vue-pusher 1.1.0 seems to only expose a new instance of Pusher (from pusher-js) as this.$pusher on the Vue instance. That code could easily be migrated to Vue 3 as a plugin:
// plugins/pusher.js
export default (app, { apiKey, ...options }) => {
const Pusher = require('pusher-js')
app.config.globalProperties.$pusher = new Pusher(apiKey, options)
// main.js
const { createApp } = require('vue')
import App from './App.vue'
import PusherPlugin from './plugins/pusher'
.use(PusherPlugin, { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', cluster: 'YOUR_CLUSTER' })
demo: pusher-js in Vue 3

Access Nuxt custom plugin from Composition API

I am using VueClipboard in my nuxt project.
I have a plugin file vue-clipboard.js
import Vue from "vue";
import VueClipboard from 'vue-clipboard2';
It is imported into nuxt.config
plugins: ['#/plugins/vue-clipboard'],
This sets up a global variable $copyText and in nuxt without the composition API I can do something like
methods: {
async onCopyCodeToClipboard() {
const code = 'code'
await this.$copyText(code)
However inside the setup using the composition API (#nuxtjs/composition-api) when I write a function I do not have access to this.$copyText
const onCopyCodeToClipboard = async () => {
const code = context.slots.default()[0].elm.outerHTML
// -> Can't use this here - await this.$copyText(code)
So how do I make $copyText available to use inside the composition API?
I was able to get this to work via the Nuxt useContext() method:
import { useContext } from '#nuxtjs/composition-api'
export default function () {
const { $copyText } = useContext();

After Nuxt build api returns 404

I'm having this weird issue and I seriously need your help. In development my code works perfectly fine but after doing nuxt build and all the apis are returning 404 error. Please help
When I'm building the api and running it, it works. In development api and nuxt both works but building nuxt and the api, doesn't work.
Following are my configuration
Server configuration
import convert from 'koa-convert';
import cors from 'kcors';
import bodyParser from 'koa-body';
import session from 'koa-session';
import helmet from 'koa-helmet';
import config from 'config';
import serve from 'koa-static';
import mount from 'koa-mount';
import { cModules, cMiddleware } from '../app';
import { catchErr, statusMessage } from './errorConfig';
import nuxtConfig from './nuxtConfig';
function baseConfig(app, io) {
app.keys = config.get('secret');
app.proxy = true;
app.use(mount('/static', serve(config.get('paths.static'))));
credentials: true,
origin: true
multipart: true,
formLimit: '200mb'
maxAge: 21600000
}, app),
cModules(app, io);
if (config.get('nuxtBuild')) {
export default baseConfig;
And my Nuxt
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt';
import koaConnect from 'koa-connect';
import isDev from 'isdev';
import config from '../../../nuxt.config';
async function nuxtConfig(app) {
const nuxt = new Nuxt(config);
if (isDev) {
await new Builder(nuxt).build();
const nuxtRender = koaConnect(nuxt.render);
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.req.session = ctx.session;
await nuxtRender(ctx);
export default nuxtConfig;