Get complete host name -

I want to know the full name of a remote page making an http call to my server. I am working with VB.NET and the page that is called is .ashx. At the moment I use this code snippet but I can only intercept the domain name but I don't know the exact page making the call. I've tried everything. Can you help me?
Dim _res As String = "" _hostaddress = context.Request.UserHostAddress Dim _header As NameValueCollection = context.Request.Headers _res = _header.GetValues("User-Agent").First()
Dim _res As String = "" _hostaddress = context.Request.UserHostAddress Dim _header As NameValueCollection = context.Request.Headers _res = _header.GetValues("User-Agent").First()


Using EWS, CcRecipients and DisplayCc don't match

I'm trying to get the list of CC email addresses using EWS. I can see there is a value in DisplayCc, but CcRecipients is empty. (Please refer to the link image to see the values.) What am I doing wrong?
Dim eItem As EmailMessage = DirectCast(mItem, EmailMessage)
Dim eas As String = eItem.DisplayCc
Dim accRecipients As EmailAddressCollection = eItem.CcRecipients
For Each eccrecipient In accRecipients
Dim ea As String = eccrecipient.ToString
This was a DUH! All I needed to do was LOAD the email message before trying to get the eItem.CcRecipients. Now my code works as expected.
Dim eItem As EmailMessage = DirectCast(mItem, EmailMessage)
Dim eas As String = eItem.DisplayCc
Dim accRecipients As EmailAddressCollection = eItem.CcRecipients
For Each eccrecipient In accRecipients
Dim ea As String = eccrecipient.ToString

query an exchange distribution list

I'm trying to find some code that I can use in 4.0 to query the our exchange 2013 server. It will be housed on a web server and that server does not have outlook installed on it. Looks like I need to use EWS to do this but I've tried a lot of code snippets and still have not been able to figure this out. The distribution list i'm trying to query is in the public folders/Office Contacts. I've tried examples that use nesting to go through the public folder seen there is no deep traversal but I'm not doing something right there. I am not posting code because i'm not sure it would help. I was hoping someone has already done this and would give me some nuggest of info to get me started.
The examples I've found do not query the distribution list but rather add to it. It's not that I haven't tried... I've got hundreds of lines of code from different places that I've tried and tried to learn from.. but i'm not getting it done. Anyway.. help would be great.
Sorry about not posting any code.. I actually thought I deleted this post.. but i'll post the code that is now working for me. This code does a query to the public folder and then grabs some of the data about each contact in that contact list.
Public Sub MS()
Dim oTheListS As New List(Of TheList)
Dim service As New ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1)
service.Credentials = New WebCredentials("userid", "password")
'Get Public Folder
Dim sf As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Office Contacts")
Dim rrRes As FindFoldersResults = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot, sf, New FolderView(1))
Dim OfficeContacts As Folder = rrRes.Folders(0)
'Find the Distribution List
Dim dlSearch As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ContactGroupSchema.DisplayName, "Merit Board")
Dim ivItemView As New ItemView(1)
Dim fiResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item) = OfficeContacts.FindItems(dlSearch, ivItemView)
If fiResults.Items.Count = 1 Then
'Enumeate Members
Dim cg As ContactGroup = DirectCast(fiResults.Items(0), ContactGroup)
For Each gm As GroupMember In cg.Members
Dim o As New TheList
o = MS2(gm.AddressInformation.Address)
'Dim o As New TheList
'Dim ncCol As NameResolutionCollection = service.ResolveName(gm.AddressInformation.Address, ResolveNameSearchLocation.ContactsOnly, True)
'With o
' .Name = gm.AddressInformation.Name
' .Email = gm.AddressInformation.Address
'End With
End If
End Sub
Public Function MS2(pEmail As String) As TheList
Dim o As New TheList
Dim service As New ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1)
service.Credentials = New WebCredentials("userid", "password")
Dim sf As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(FolderSchema.DisplayName, "Office Contacts")
Dim rrRes As FindFoldersResults = service.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot, sf, New FolderView(1))
Dim OfficeContacts As Folder = rrRes.Folders(0)
'Find the Distribution List
Dim dlSearch As SearchFilter = New SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ContactSchema.EmailAddress1, pEmail)
Dim ivItemView As New ItemView(1)
Dim fiResults As FindItemsResults(Of Item) = OfficeContacts.FindItems(dlSearch, ivItemView)
If fiResults.Items.Count = 1 Then
Dim con As Contact = fiResults.Items(0)
'Dim ncCol As NameResolutionCollection = service.ResolveName(gm.AddressInformation.Address, ResolveNameSearchLocation.ContactsOnly, True)
With o
If con.DisplayName IsNot Nothing Then
.Name = con.DisplayName
End If
Dim em As New EmailAddress
If con.EmailAddresses.TryGetValue(EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1, em) = True Then
.Email = con.EmailAddresses(EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1).ToString
End If
If con.JobTitle IsNot Nothing Then
.Title = con.JobTitle
End If
Dim phy As New PhysicalAddressEntry
If con.PhysicalAddresses.TryGetValue(PhysicalAddressKey.Business, phy) = True Then
.Address = con.PhysicalAddresses(PhysicalAddressKey.Business)
End If
If con.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone, String.Empty) = True Then
.PhoneBusiness = con.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.BusinessPhone)
End If
If con.PhoneNumbers.TryGetValue(PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone, String.Empty) = True Then
.PhoneMobile = con.PhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberKey.MobilePhone)
End If
If con.CompanyName IsNot Nothing Then
.Comapny = con.CompanyName
End If
End With
End If
Return o
End Function
Public Class TheList
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Email As String
Public Property PhoneMobile As String
Public Property PhoneBusiness As String
Public Property Comapny As String
Public Property Title As String
Public Property Address As PhysicalAddressEntry
End Class
I just got it working so I haven't started to refine it yet.. but hopefully this will help someone else as I didn't find any code that did this

Can not access the windows service description through the service controller in VB.Net

I have this Windows Service from my company :
I want to get the service description from it in code behind! but for some reason it does not return the service description.
Can anyone help me with this .
here is my code, and what it returns :
Dim MyServices As ServiceController = New ServiceController("AccTech Exchange Rate Import")
Dim Status As String = MyServices.Status.ToString
Dim Name As String = MyServices.ServiceName
and what the MyService variable returns.
How would i get the Service Description from here?
Here is my code after Miki Shah pointed me in the right direction!
Dim MyServices As ServiceController = New ServiceController("AccTech Exchange Rate Import")
Dim Status As String = MyServices.Status.ToString
Dim Name As String = MyServices.ServiceName
Dim Description As String
Dim objPath As String = String.Format("Win32_Service.Name='{0}'", Name)
Using service As New ManagementObject(New ManagementPath(objPath))
Description = service("Description")
End Using
You can get as following way, and have to add reference of System.Management
string serviceName = MyServices.ServiceName
string objPath = string.Format("Win32_Service.Name='{0}'", serviceName);
using (ManagementObject service = new ManagementObject(new ManagementPath(objPath)))

Get user by distinguished name using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols

I have a pretty extensive application that has been built to provide SSO to several web applications via OID. The problem is that we have seen some users getting "orphaned" on a role for one of the applications. I have written a method that returns the distinguished name for all of the users with access to that role. To perform the cleanup, I am trying to make sure that the users returned in the previous step actually exist in OID. I have been using the System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest class when searching for users or roles, but it is not working for a distinguished name. Below is my method. It has been changed a couple of times to try different ways to make it work.
Public Function GetUserByDN(UserDN As String) As SearchResultEntry
Dim searchString As String = String.Format("baseDN={0}", UserDN)
Dim containerDN As String = Nothing
If _extranet Then
containerDN = "cn=users," & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Directory_ExternalDomain")
containerDN = "cn=users," & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Directory_InternalDomain")
End If
Dim attributes(14) As String
attributes(0) = DIRECTORY_UNIQUE_ID
attributes(1) = DIRECTORY_FIRST_NAME
attributes(2) = DIRECTORY_LAST_NAME
attributes(5) = DIRECTORY_STREET
attributes(6) = DIRECTORY_CITY
attributes(7) = DIRECTORY_STATE
attributes(8) = DIRECTORY_ZIP
attributes(10) = DIRECTORY_ENABLED
attributes(11) = DIRECTORY_GIVEN_NAME ' this is the first name for a domain user
Dim myRequest As New System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest(containerDN, UserDN, SearchScope.Base, attributes)
Dim myResponse As SearchResponse = Me.Connection.SendRequest(myRequest)
Dim results As SearchResultEntryCollection = myResponse.Entries
If results.Count >= 1 Then
Return results(0)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
It has taken a lot of research and asking questions else where to find the answer to this. It turns out that instead of looking in the users OU and searching for the user's DN, I should have just looked at the user's DN and just perform a simple LDAP query. Here is my final solution. I hope this helps the community.
Public Function GetUserByDN(UserDN As String) As SearchResultEntry
Dim ldapFilter As String = "(objectClass=person)"
Dim attributes(14) As String
attributes(0) = DIRECTORY_UNIQUE_ID
attributes(1) = DIRECTORY_FIRST_NAME
attributes(2) = DIRECTORY_LAST_NAME
attributes(5) = DIRECTORY_STREET
attributes(6) = DIRECTORY_CITY
attributes(7) = DIRECTORY_STATE
attributes(8) = DIRECTORY_ZIP
attributes(10) = DIRECTORY_ENABLED
attributes(11) = DIRECTORY_GIVEN_NAME
Dim myRequest As New SearchRequest(UserDN, ldapFilter, SearchScope.Base, attributes)
Dim myResponse As SearchResponse = Me.Connection.SendRequest(myRequest)
If myResponse.Entries.Count >= 1 Then
Return myResponse.Entries(0)
Return Nothing
End If
End Function

Trying to add an Image using FacebookMediaObject with Visual Basic on the Facebook ADS Api

I've been having a problem adding an AdGroup using the FacebookMediaObject in Visual Basic to create a new add using the Facebook ADS Api.
I understand not many people have access to it, but I hope someone here can shedd a light on it.
Dim objAuthorizer As Authorizer = New Authorizer
Dim objFB As FacebookClient = New FacebookClient(objAuthorizer.Session.AccessToken)
Dim objParametersTargeting As Object = New ExpandoObject()
Dim arrCountries() As String
ReDim arrCountries(0)
arrCountries(0) = "NL"
objParametersTargeting.countries = arrCountries
Dim objCreative As Object = New ExpandoObject()
objCreative.title = "Test Adgroup title"
objCreative.body = "Test Adgroup body"
objCreative.link_url = ""
objCreative.image_file = "testcups.jpg"
Dim strFilename As String = "C:\Upload\testcups.jpg"
Dim objAdgroupParameters() As Object
ReDim objAdgroupParameters(0)
objAdgroupParameters(0) = New ExpandoObject()
objAdgroupParameters(0).campaign_id = "123456789"
objAdgroupParameters(0).name = "Test adgroup"
objAdgroupParameters(0).bid_type = 1
objAdgroupParameters(0).max_bid = 50
objAdgroupParameters(0).targeting = objParametersTargeting
objAdgroupParameters(0).creative = objCreative
Dim fbUplImage = New Facebook.FacebookMediaObject
fbUplImage.FileName = "testcups.jpg"
fbUplImage.ContentType = "image/png"
Dim objBytes As Byte() = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strFilename)
Dim objParameters As Object = New ExpandoObject()
objParameters.method = "ads.createAdGroups"
objParameters.account_id = "123456789"
objParameters.adgroup_specs = objAdgroupParameters
objParameters.image = fbUplImage
Dim objResult As Object = objFB.Post(objParameters)
Of course the Account ID and the Campaign ID have to be valid ID's (which are valid ID's in my local source) and the file has to exist on your harddrive (which also is there on my local drive).
I keep getting the following results back:
{"updated_adgroups":[],"failed_adgroups":[{"spec_number":"0","errors":["Filesystem entity `/testcups.jpg' does not exist."]}]}
Anybody out there has any clue?
Thanks in advance,
Some extra info:
I found out (with a HTTP sniffer) that the Facebook C# SDK isn't making a Multipart Post requestout o
Have you tried switching "fbUplImage.ContentType = "image/png" to image/jpg?