Is there a way to check a password for a set of conditions in c++? - passwords

I'm trying to write a program for a log in system I coded. Basically the user enters a username and password to register and then can login. What I'm trying to do is to check the password for a set of conditions. Those are things like this password has to include more than 8 characters, has to include a capital, has to include a number, etc... . But I don't know how to do it. (I'm relatively new to c++, I only know the basics, and I am using Visual Studio 2022 Community) Thanks <3

more than 8 characters, has to include a capital, has to include a number
I’m assuming you have stored the password in a string, here are some examples:
using namespace std;
string input = “passWo1d!”;
int i, len = input.length();
bool long = false;
If (n > 8) { long = true; }
bool u = false, n = false;
bool l = false, s = false;
string c = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (isupper(input[i])) { u = true; }
if (isdigit(input[i])) { n = true; }
if (islower(input[i])) { l = true; }
size_t stmp = input.find_first_not_of(c);
if (stmp != string::npos) { s = true; }


Update PDF using pdfBox

I would like to ask if having a PDF it is possible, using pdfbox libraries, to update it at a specific point.
I am trying to use a solution already online but seems the gettoken() method does not enter code heresection the words properly to allow me to find the part I would like to modify.
This is the code(Groovy):
for( int i = 0; i < dataContext.getDataCount(); i++ ) {
InputStream is = dataContext.getStream(i);
Properties props = dataContext.getProperties(i);
String searchString= "Hours worked";
String replacement = "Hours worked: 2";
File file = new File("\\\\****\\UKDC\\GFS\\PRE\\PREPROD\\Alchemer\\Template\\***.pdf");
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(file);
for ( PDPage page : doc.getPages() )
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(page);
List tokens = parser.getTokens();"in Page");
for (int j = 0; j < tokens.size(); j++)
Object next = tokens.get(j);
//"in Object");
if (next instanceof Operator)
Operator op = (Operator) next;
String pstring = "";
int prej = 0;
//Tj and TJ are the two operators that display strings in a PDF
if (op.getName().equals("Tj"))
{"in Tj");
// Tj takes one operator and that is the string to display so lets update that operator
COSString previous = (COSString) tokens.get(j - 1);
String string = previous.getString();"previousString:"+string);
string = string.replaceFirst(searchString, replacement);
} else
if (op.getName().equals("TJ"))
{"in TJ:"+ op.getName());
COSArray previous = (COSArray) tokens.get(j - 1);"previous:"+previous);
for (int k = 0; k < previous.size(); k++)
Object arrElement = previous.getObject(k);
if (arrElement instanceof COSString)
COSString cosString = (COSString) arrElement;
String string = cosString.getString();"string:"+string);
if (j == prej || string.equals(" ") || string.equals(":") || string.equals("-")) {
pstring += string;
} else {
prej = j;
pstring = string;
if (searchString.equals(pstring.trim()))
{"in searchString");
COSString cosString2 = (COSString) previous.getObject(0);
int total = previous.size()-1;
for (int k = total; k > 0; k--) {
}"in updatedStream");
// now that the tokens are updated we will replace the page content stream.
PDStream updatedStream = new PDStream(doc);
OutputStream out = updatedStream.createOutputStream(COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
ContentStreamWriter tokenWriter = new ContentStreamWriter(out);
tokenWriter.writeTokens(tokens);"in tokenWriter");
Executing the code I am trying to search "Hours worked" String and update with
"Hours worked: 2"
There are 2 questions:
1.When I execute and check the logs can see the Tokens are not created properly:
enter image description here
enter image description here
So are created two different COSArrays meantime I have all in one Line:
enter image description here
and this can be a problem if I have to search a specific word.
When it find the word it seems it is working but it apply a strange char:
enter image description here
So Here 2 questions:
How to manage to specify the token behaviour (or maybe for the parser) to get an entire phrase in the same token until a special char happen?
Hot to format the new char in the new PDF?
Hope you can help me, thanks for your support.

Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers

ERROR: (-4014) Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers.
The default function of DI API SaveDraftToDocument() is working fine on MS SQL Database but not SAP HANA.
I am posting the Delivery document with Serial Numbers.
SAPbobsCOM.Documents oDrafts;
oDrafts = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDrafts);
var count = oDrafts.Lines.Count;
var linenum = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
var RsRecordCount = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQryRecordCount = String.Format("Select * from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPITEMDETAILS\" where \"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}'", EditText27.Value);
if (count == RsRecordCount.RecordCount)
string ItemCode = "", WhsCode = ""; double Quantity = 0; int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oDrafts.Lines.Count; i++)
ItemCode = oDrafts.Lines.ItemCode;
var RsSerial = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
string table = "\"#TEMPSERIALS\"";
var sQrySerial = String.Format(
"Select \"U_ItemCode\" , \"U_DistNumber\" from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPSERIALS\" where " +
"\"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}' and \"U_ItemCode\" = '{1}'", EditText27.Value, ItemCode);
int serialindex = 1, lineindex = 0;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount > 0)
while (!RsSerial.EoF)
var RsSerialOSRN = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQrySerialOSRN = String.Format(
"Select * from OSRN where \"DistNumber\" = '{0}' and \"ItemCode\" = '{1}'"
, RsSerial.Fields.Item("U_DistNumber").Value.ToString(), ItemCode);
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.BaseLineNumber = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.SystemSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.ManufacturerSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.Quantity = 1;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount != serialindex)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("INTERNAL NO " + oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
var status = oDrafts.SaveDraftToDocument();
if (status == 0)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("Delivery Posted Successfully !", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
int code = 0; string message = "";
oCompany.GetLastError(out code, out message);
Application.SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, true);
The error you have posted explains the problem. You are trying to deliver products but have not included all of the serial/batch numbers.
I don't think there's enough information to be sure where this problem happens, but here are some pointers:
You are reading the serial numbers from a custom table. Are the values you are reading valid? For example, could another user have added them to a different order? Could the values be for a different product?
Are you specifying the correct quantity of serial numbers? Is it possible that the item quantity on the line is more than the number of serial numbers you are adding?
Believe the error message until you can prove it's wrong. It doesn't seem like this is a HANA issue (we use HANA extensively) it's a logical problem with the data you are providing.
You may want to capture more debugging information to help you if you can't easily identify where the problem is.

realm react-native: how to query correctly an array of strings

can someone show me how to query an array of strings with realm in react-native?
assume i have an array like the following:
const preferences = ["automatic","suv","blue",eco]
What I want is to get realm results where ALL strings in the attribute "specifications" of Cars is in "preferences".
E.g.: If an instance of Cars.specifications contains ["automatic","suv"]
a result should be returned.
But if an instance of Cars.specifications contained ["automatic,"suv","green"] this instance shouldn't be returned.
The length of preferences can vary.
Thank you very much.
What i tried is the following:
const query = realm.objects("Cars").filtered('specifications = preferences[0] OR specifications = preferences[1]')
As you see it is an OR operator which is surely wrong and it is hardcoded. Looping with realm really confuses me.
This code will work!
const collection = realm.objects('Cars');
const preferences = ["automatic","suv","blue","eco"];
let queryString = 'ANY ';
for (let i = 0; i < preferences.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
queryString += `specifications CONTAINS '${preferences[i]}'`;
if (i !== 0 && i + 1 <= preferences.length) {
queryString += ` OR specifications CONTAINS '${preferences[i]}'`;
const matchedResult = collection.filtered(queryString);
example of function to test if a word is inside an array of word
function inArray(word, array) {
var lgth = array.length;
word = word.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < lgth; i++) {
array[i] = (array[i]).toLowerCase();
if (array[i] == word) return true;
return false;
const preferences = ["automatic","suv","blue","eco"];
const specifications = ["automatic","suv"] ;
const specifications2 = ["automatic","suv", "boat"] ;
function test(spec,pref){
for (var i in spec){
return false ;
return true;

I can't figure out how to call a variable from another method

I am am trying to call a variable in another method to my array.
var Com = the difficulty for the game. But the method below I'm trying to call the var Com, for: var c = Com.GetChoice();
Not sure why I can not figure out how to call it.
public object SetDiff()
Console.WriteLine("Enter difficulty #: (1 = Easy, 2 = Normal, 3 = Impossible)");
var diff = Console.ReadLine();
int mode;
int.TryParse(diff, out mode);
if (mode == 1)
var Com = new Easy();
return Com;
if (mode == 2)
var Com = new Medium();
return Com;
if (mode == 3)
var Com = new Hard();
return Com;
Console.WriteLine("That is not a valid input.");
return SetDiff();
} // Apparently you can't set variables in a switch.
public int[] FaceOff(int num)
int PlayerWin = 0;
int ComWin = 0;
int Tie = num + 1;
// TODO : Get rid of TIES!
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
var p = p1.GetChoice();
var c = Com.GetChoice();
You have many different options:
Pass as parameter
public int[] FaceOff(int num, int Com){...}
make a "global" variable
private int Com;
I would also recommend you to learn OOP (Object Orientated Programming) basics.

Ti.Include to CommonJS for a beginner

So now that Ti.include is deprecated, I am forced to face the fact that I do not know the correct way to handle commonJS and require.
I have read and re-read many of the posts on SO and elsewhere but still cannot make sense of the syntax. I suspect it is because my original code is somewhat hackish to begin with.
Can anybody help by looking at the small code below and helping me translate it into commonJS?
In the document that contains the current Ti.Include I need to get to the variables dp and ff.
var dp = "";
if (Titanium.Platform.Android) {
dp = (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.dpi / 160);
} else {
dp = 1;
var version = Titanium.Platform.version.split(".");
version = version[0];
if (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth == '320') {
ff = 0;
} else if (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth == '768') {
ff = 3;
} else {
ff = 1;
Thank you all.
something like this will do.
Create a file named dpAndFfModule.js and place under the lib folder inside your project.
exports.getDp = function () {
var dp = "";
if (Titanium.Platform.Android) {
dp = (Ti.Platform.displayCaps.dpi / 160);
} else {
dp = 1;
return dp;
exports.getFf = function () {
var version = Titanium.Platform.version.split(".");
version = version[0];
var ff;
if (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth == '320') {
ff = 0;
} else if (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth == '768') {
ff = 3;
} else {
ff = 1;
return ff;
now inside .js files you need to require the module like this:
var dpAndFf = require('dpAndFfModule'); //you pass the filename (without extention) to require funciton.
dpAndFf.getDp(); // this executes the getDp function and returns your dp.
dpAndFf.getFf(); // same, executes getFf function and returns the result.