Recordset Not Updating Table with Changed and/or Correct Values - sql

The codes purpose is to 'build' the correct name style for each record in a CDSal and FormatName field. I have a group of tables (all linked) with individuals Full Name(NewName), Salutation, First, Middle and Last Name, as well as Client defaults for what to do with those names (!NewName, !First, !AA, etc.).
The Recordset is pulled from a query in the database that brings some necessary fields together from 2 different tables. From Access I can open the query, make any changes needed to any of the fields, save the record and see the changes reflected in the underlying tables. When I run the following code, the Debug.Print's produce the expected outcomes but nothing is permanently saved to the tables. The code never errors (which might be part of the problem) and for Case "!AA" both CDSal and FormatName fields are filled with !NewName when Debug.Print again shows the expected outcome. Case "!AA" is the only instance where anything is actually changed on the tables.
I have attempted everything that I could find on the Internet to troubleshoot this error as well as multiple different configurations to get something to "stick". Hopefully it is a simple answer, let me know what you all think.
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Err
'_ SetUp Variables _'
Dim strQry As String, strSQL As String, strName As String
Dim rstName As DAO.Recordset
'_ Declare Variables _'
strQry = "MyQueryName"
Set rstName = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQry, dbOpenDynaset)
'_ Begin Code _'
With rstName
If Not (.EOF And .BOF) Then .MoveFirst
Do Until .EOF = True
'Update CDSal with correct Naming Information
Debug.Print !NewName
Select Case !CDSal_Client
Case "NewName" 'Clients that use NewName for blah
!CDSal = !NewName
Case "First" 'Clients that use First for blah
!CDSal = !First
Case "AA" 'ClientName: CDSal = First, FormatName = NewName(w/o Sal)
!CDSal = !First
If !Sal <> "" Then
!FormatName = !First & " " & !Middle & " " & !Last
!FormatName = !NewName
End If
Case "BB" 'ClientName: Client uses specific breakdown for names
If !Sal <> "" And !Last <> "" Then
!CDSal = !Sal & " " & !Last
!FormatName = !Sal & " " & !Last
ElseIf !First <> "" And !Last <> "" Then
!CDSal = !First & " " & !Last
!FormatName = !First & " " & !Last
ElseIf !First <> "" Then
!CDSal = !First
!FormatName = !First
!CDSal = "Valued Member"
!FormatName = "Valued Member"
End If
Case "CC" 'ClientName: CDSal = NewName(trim " & " if needed) = NewName + AddlName(done on import)
If Right(!NewName, 3) = " & " Then
Replace !NewName, " & ", ""
!CDSal = !NewName
!CDSal = !NewName
End If
End Select
Debug.Print !CDSal
Debug.Print !FormatName
'Removes additional spaces left over from concatenating fields
strSQL = "UPDATE [" & strQry & "] SET [FormatName] = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([FormatName],' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' '), " & _
"[CDSal] = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([FormatName],' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' ');"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
End With
'_ Error Handling & CleanUp
Set rstName = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.SOURCE & " : " & Err.Number & vbCr & _
"Error Description : " & Err.Description
GoTo Form_Load_ClnUp
End Sub
MyQueryName SQL
SELECT T_Individual.ID_IndivRecords, T_Individual.NewName, T_Individual.NewName2, T_Individual.CDSal, T_Individual.FormatName, T_Individual.Status_, T_Individual.Sal, T_Individual.First, T_Individual.Middle, T_Individual.Last, T_Clients.ID_Client, T_Clients.CDSal_Client, T_Individual.Date
FROM T_Individual INNER JOIN (T_Clients INNER JOIN (T_Jobs INNER JOIN T_IndivJobs ON T_Jobs.ID_Jobs = T_Individual.Jobs) ON T_Clients.ID_Client = T_Jobs.Client) ON T_Individual.ID_IndivRecords = T_IndivJobs.ID_DonorRecords
WHERE (((T_Individual.Date)=Date()));

strSQL = "UPDATE [" & strQry & "] SET [FormatName] = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([FormatName],' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' '), " & _
"[CDSal] = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE([FormatName],' ','<>'),'><',''),'<>',' ');"
Another instance of a simple error and or mistype can drastically affect everything you are trying to achieve. This SQL was ran after the code was processed to remove any double spaces that might have been in the original data or created from concatenation. Notice that the CDSal field will be replaced with the FormatName field in the last line instead of being replaced with itself. Since most records do not use the FormatName field their CDSal field was getting replaced with NULL . . .
I have corrected this issue and everything runs very smoothly and correctly now.
Thanks for everyone who tried to help on this! Any additional information on Formatting or Optimization is always appreciated.


Checking Null Value in Access VBA recordset throws null exception?

I have tried this every different way, and it was working yesterday, so I really don't know what changed.
I import a spreadsheet to a temp table in an Access app. Then I set that to be the dao.recordset, and start looping through. I check for the ID to not be null and if not go through checking fields for values, and updating as appropriate. the minute I hit a null, I get a system error "94 - invalid use of null"
It doesn't offer a debug, but I have debugs throughout my code, so I can see where it fails. It fails when I do this check: If IsNull(rstImportCList("columnx")) = False Then
I have tried nz(rstImportCList("columnx"),"") <> "" I have tried rstImportCList("columnx") is not null, and everything else I can think of. Why is the check that is supposed to prevent this error, causing this error?
This is the beginning where I declare the recordset I can't get past doing anything with the recordset field.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstImportCList As DAO.Recordset
Dim RSsql As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
RSsql = "Select * from tblTempImportCList"
Set rstImportCList = db.OpenRecordset(RSsql)
If rstImportCList.EOF Then Exit Sub
Do While Not rstImportCList.EOF
whether I try to check
IsNull(rstImportCList("xyz").Value) = False
nz(rstImportCList("xyz").Value,"") <> ""
dim x as string
x = rstImportCList!xyz.value
I get the same error 94 invalid use of null.
Any idea why this is?
--edit with more code.
I took some time to take a the beginning and some of each section of the code, so I could make it generic and see if anyone can help. Here is what I am working on. The Code1 and Code2 parts don't seem to be the issue. Sometimes it fails on a null value in a Yes/No column (I'm just looking for Y but the value is null), sometimes on the notes being null. It's not consistent, which is why I'm having a hard time nailing down the issue.
Private Sub cmdImportList_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdImportExcel_Click_err:
Dim fdObj As FileDialog
Set fdObj = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dim varfile As Variant
Dim importCT As Integer
Dim dbu As DAO.Database
Dim cBadXVal, cBadYVal As Integer
Dim preNotes As String
Dim RSsql As String
Dim uNotesql, uVal1sql, uVal2sql As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstImportCList As DAO.Recordset
Dim CheckB4Import As Integer
CheckB4Import = MsgBox("Are you SURE the sheet you are importing has the following column names in the same order:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"IDName/ First/ Mid/ Last/ Sfx/ Age/ Telephone/ Code1/ Code2/ YN1/ YN2/ NY3/ Notes/ AsYN1edTo" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"AND that there are NO empty rows or empty columns?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Click OK to proceed, Click CANCEL to go double-check your CallSheet before importing.", vbOKCancel, "WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY TO QC DATA")
If CheckB4Import = vbOK Then
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblTempImportCList", dbFailOnError
With fdObj
.allowmultiselect = False
.Filters.Add "Excel 2007+", "*.xlsx"
.Title = "Please select the completed list to import:"
If .SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then
varfile = .SelectedItems(1)
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "tblTempImportCList", varfile, True, "Sheet1!"
cBadXVal = DLookup("BadXCount", "qryImpCheckBadXVal")
Debug.Print "cBadXVal - " & cBadXVal
If cBadXVal <> 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmImportError", acNormal
Forms!frmImportError.Form.lblErrorMsg.Caption = _
"Oh No! Your list import failed!" & vbCrLf & _
cBadXVal & " X values are not valid." & vbCrLf & _
"Don't worry. You can fix your sheet and re-import!" & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to open the documentation for the valid codes" & vbCrLf & _
"Or are you all set?"
End If
cBadYVal = DLookup("BadYCount", "qryImpCheckBadYVal")
Debug.Print "cBadYVal - " & cBadYVal
If cBadYVal <> 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmImportError", acNormal
Forms!frmImportError.Form.lblErrorMsg.Caption = _
"Oh No! Your list import failed!" & vbCrLf & _
cBadYVal & " YN1 values are not valid." & vbCrLf & _
"Don't worry. You can fix your sheet and re-import!" & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to open the documentation for the valid codes" & vbCrLf & _
"Or are you all set?"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "No file was selected. Try again!", vbCritical, "Uh-oh Spaghettios!"
End If
End With
Set db = CurrentDb()
RSsql = "Select * from tblTempImportCList"
Set rstImportCList = db.OpenRecordset(RSsql)
If rstImportCList.EOF Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print "got here"
Do While Not rstImportCList.EOF
Debug.Print "Start Processing: " & Nz(rstImportCList("IDName").Value, "")
If Nz(rstImportCList("IDName").Value, "") <> "" Then
Debug.Print "got past if IDName is not null"
If Nz(rstImportCList("Notes").Value, "") <> "" Then
Debug.Print "got past if notes is not null"
preNotes = Replace(Nz(DLookup("Notes", "tblVFileImport", "IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName").Value), ""), """", "")
If Nz(preNotes, "") <> "" Then
uNotesql = "Update tblVFileImport SET tblVFileImport.Notes = '" & preNotes & "; " & Replace(Nz(rstImportCList("Notes").Value, ""), """", "") & "' " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName").Value
'debug.print "Notes"
'debug.print "uNotesql - " & uNotesql
uNotesql = "Update tblVFileImport SET tblVFileImport.Notes = '" & Replace(Nz(rstImportCList("Notes").Value, ""), """", "") & "' " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName").Value
End If
RunMySql (uNotesql)
'DoCmd.RunSQL (uNotesql), dbFailOnError
End If
If Nz(rstImportCList("YN1").Value, "") = "Y" Then
uYN1sql = "Update tblVFileImport SET tblVFileImport.YN1 = '" & rstImportCList("YN1") & "', tblVFileImport.callprocessed = 'Y' " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName")
Debug.Print "YN1 = Y or y"
Debug.Print "uYN1sql - " & uYN1sql
RunMySql (uYN1sql)
'DoCmd.RunSQL (uYN1sql), dbFailOnError
End If
If Nz(rstImportCList("YN2").Value, "") = "Y" Then
uYN2sql = "Update tblVFileImport SET tblVFileImport.YN2 = '" & rstImportCList("YN2") & "', tblVFileImport.callprocessed = 'Y' " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName")
Debug.Print "YN2 = Y or y"
Debug.Print "uYN2sql - " & uYN2sql
RunMySql (uYN2sql)
'DoCmd.RunSQL (uYN2sql), dbFailOnError
End If
If Nz(rstImportCList("Code1").Value, "") <> "" Then
'Code1 Case abc
vdispo = DLookup("Code1", "tblvFileImport", "IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName"))
If rstImportCList("Code1") = "ABC" Then
Debug.Print "Dispo Case ABC"
dMDsql = "DELETE from tblVFileImport " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName")
Debug.Print "dMDsql - " & dMDsql
RunMySql (dMDsql)
'DoCmd.RunSQL (dMDsql), dbFailOnError
ElseIf Nz(rstImportCList("Code1"), "") = "DEF" Or Nz(rstImportCList("Code1"), "") = "GHI" Or Nz(rstImportCList("Code1"), "") = "JKL" Then
Debug.Print "Dispo Case DEF OR GHI OR JKL "
If rstImportCList("Code1") = "DEF" Then
ccellsame = DLookup("IDName", "tblVFileImport", "IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName") & " AND nz(Cell,'') = Phone ")
If ccellsame = rstImportCList("IDName") Then
uCellsql = "Update tblVFileImport SET tblVFileImport.Cell = NULL, tblVFileImport.CellString = NULL, tblVFileImport.mobileflag = NULL " & _
"WHERE tblVFileImport.IDName = " & rstImportCList("IDName")
Debug.Print "uCellsql - " & uCellsql
RunMySql (uCellsql)
'DoCmd.RunSQL (uCellsql), dbFailOnError
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Debug.Print "End Processing: " & rstImportCList("IDName")
Debug.Print "Finished Looping"
importCT = DCount("IDName", "tblTempImportCList")
MsgBox importCT & " Records imported for list.", vbOKOnly, "List Processed"
MsgBox "Good Call. Check twice, import once!", vbOKOnly, "Better Safe Than Sorry"
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & " – " & Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "System Error …")
End Select
End Sub
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm 1/2 tempted to suck this into a SQL table and just execute a stored procedure. I can get it to work in there, I think.
If IsNull(rstImportCList("columnx").Value) Then
otherwise you're checking if the Field object itself is null.,Fields(%22name%22)
This is a case where relying on a default property (in this case Value) causes problems.

Using keywords to find records and list them in a listbox

I have a form (frmSearch) that I use several (4) comboboxes to filter out results for a listbox (lstCustomers). What I'm attempting to do now is create the ability to filter the listbox based on a text box of "keywords". Additionally, the column which the keyword box will search will be variable based on cboWhere which is a list of columns from tblContacts (the table qryContactWants uses)
I found a really nice Function set with the following code that will let me filter everything, but I'm not entirely sure how to turn this data around and use it to filter out my listbox.
This function organizes the keywords:
Public Function FindAnyWord(varFindIn, strWordList As String) As Boolean
Dim var
Dim aWords
aWords = Split(strWordList, ",")
For Each var In aWords
If FindWord(varFindIn, var) Then
FindAnyWord = True
Exit Function
End If
Next var
End Function
And this function actually performs the search:
Public Function FindWord(varFindIn As Variant, varWord As Variant) As Boolean
Const PUNCLIST = """' .,?!:;(){}[]-—/"
Dim intPos As Integer
FindWord = False
If Not IsNull(varFindIn) And Not IsNull(varWord) Then
intPos = InStr(varFindIn, varWord)
' loop until no instances of sought substring found
Do While intPos > 0
' is it at start of string
If intPos = 1 Then
' is it whole string?
If Len(varFindIn) = Len(varWord) Then
FindWord = True
Exit Function
' is it followed by a space or punctuation mark?
ElseIf InStr(PUNCLIST, Mid(varFindIn, intPos + Len(varWord), 1)) > 0 Then
FindWord = True
Exit Function
End If
' is it precedeed by a space or punctuation mark?
If InStr(PUNCLIST, Mid(varFindIn, intPos - 1, 1)) > 0 Then
' is it at end of string or followed by a space or punctuation mark?
If InStr(PUNCLIST, Mid(varFindIn, intPos + Len(varWord), 1)) > 0 Then
FindWord = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
' remove characters up to end of first instance
' of sought substring before looping
varFindIn = Mid(varFindIn, intPos + 1)
intPos = InStr(varFindIn, varWord)
End If
End Function
And here is the code that I typically use to filter the listbox using the comboboxes on frmSearch:
Dim column As String
SQL = "SELECT qryContactWants.ID, qryContactWants.FullName, qryContactWants.Type, qryContactWants.Make, qryContactWants.Model, qryContactWants.YearWanted, qryContactWants.Condition " _
& "FROM qryContactWants " _
& "WHERE 1=1 "
If cboType.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Type = '" & cboType.Value & "'"
End If
If cboMake.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Make = '" & cboMake.Value & "'"
End If
If cboModel.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Model = '" & cboModel.Value & "'"
End If
If cboYear.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.YearWanted = '" & cboYear.Value & "'"
End If
If cboCondition.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Condition = '" & cboCondition.Value & "'"
End If
SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY qryContactWants.Last"
Me.lstCustomers.RowSource = SQL
End Sub
What I would like to do is take the functions I found for searching keywords and apply it to my form and aid in returning a list of customers in lstCustomers
Ideally, having the keyword function return an SQL statement similar to those I'm using to filter out the listbox would be perfect. This would allow me to add a simple SQL = SQL & "AND qryContactWants.VARIABLECOLUMNHERE =SOMETHING
While using the following code, VBA is tossing a compile error on the second "End If" stating there isn't a Block If. There clearly is, so I'm not sure what's going on. Here is the code I'm using:
Public Function KeyWhere(strKeys As String, strColumn As String) As String
Dim b As Variant
strKeys = Replace(strKeys, vbCrLf, ",") ' remove all line returns
b = Split(strKeys, ",")
Dim strWhere As String
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In b
If Trim(b) <> "" Then
If strWhere <> "" Then strWhere = strWhere & " or "
strWhere = strWhere & strColumn & " like '*" & Trim(v) & "*'"
End If
End If
strWhere = "(" & strWhere & ")"
KeyWhere = strWhere
End Function
And under the function RequerylistCustomers() I added the If IsNull (Me.txtSearch) = False Then code below:
Private Sub RequerylstCustomers()
Dim SQL As String
'Dim criteria As String
Dim column As String
SQL = "SELECT qryContactWants.ID, qryContactWants.FullName, qryContactWants.Type, qryContactWants.Make, qryContactWants.Model, qryContactWants.YearWanted, qryContactWants.Condition " _
& "FROM qryContactWants " _
& "WHERE 1=1 "
If cboType.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Type = '" & cboType.Value & "'"
End If
If cboMake.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Make = '" & cboMake.Value & "'"
End If
If cboModel.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Model = '" & cboModel.Value & "'"
End If
If cboYear.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.YearWanted = '" & cboYear.Value & "'"
End If
If cboCondition.Value & "" <> "" Then
SQL = SQL & " AND qryContactWants.Condition = '" & cboCondition.Value & "'"
End If
Dim strWhere As String
'Grab Keywords from txtSearch using cboWhere to search for those keywords
If IsNull(Me.txtSearch) = False Then
strWhere = KeyWhere(Me.txtSearch, Me.cboWhere)
SQL = SQL & " AND " & strWhere
End If
SQL = SQL & " ORDER BY qryContactWants.Last"
Me.lstCustomers.RowSource = SQL
End Sub
Are the keywords to be searched in a single column (say a comments or memo column?). If yes, then you should be able to optional "add" the one additional criteria to your current "set" of combo box filters.
Are we to assume that the keywords can appear anywhere in that memo column to search?
So, if there are "key words entered into that text box, then you call KeyWhere.
eg this routine:
Public Function KeyWhere(strKeys As String, strColumn As String) As String
Dim b As Variant
strKeys = Replace(strKeys, vbCrLf, ",") ' remove all line returns
b = Split(strKeys, ",")
Dim strWhere As String
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In b
if trim(v) <> "" then
If strWhere <> "" Then strWhere = strWhere & " or "
strWhere = strWhere & strColumn & " like '*" & Trim(v) & "*'"
end if
strWhere = "(" & strWhere & ")"
KeyWhere = strWhere
End Function
We assume each key word is separated by a comma (could be space, but comma is better).
So, if I type in the following command in debug window to test the above?
? keywhere("Generator, Water maker, Battery","Notes")
(Notes like '*Generator*' or Notes like '*Water maker*' or Notes like '*Battery*')
So, we just append the above results to your final SQL.
dim strWhere as string
if isnull(me.KeyWordBox) = False then
strWhere = keyWhere(me.KeyWordBox,me.cboColumnToSearch)
SQL = SQL & " AND " & strWhere
end if
so, the above converts all keywords into a valid SQL condition for the column to search. It is likely that column is some kind of notes column, but it would work for other description type field to search.

Multiple parameter values in one string in access SQL

I have an array which can have a different amount of values, depending on the situation. I want to put these values as a parameter in a query in ms access.
The problem is, if I use the following code to generate a parameter, it sends the whole string as one value to the query, which obviously does not return any rows.
Do Until i = size + 1
If Not IsEmpty(gvaruocat(i)) Then
If Not IsEmpty(DLookup("uo_cat_id", "tbl_uo_cat", "[uo_cat_id] = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i)))) Then
If IsEmpty(get_uocat_param) Then
get_uocat_param = CInt(gvaruocat(i))
get_uocat_param = get_uocat_param & " OR tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i))
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
At the moment I have 'Fixed' it by generating an SQL string and leaving the query out all together.
get_uocat = "SELECT tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr" & vbCrLf _
& "FROM (tbl_product INNER JOIN tbl_uo_cat ON tbl_product.prod_id = tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_prod) INNER JOIN tbl_uo_step ON tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_id = tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat" & vbCrLf _
& "WHERE (((tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat) = " & get_uocat_param & ")) " & vbCrLf _
& "ORDER BY tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr;"
This is however not very friendly to many changes. So my question is, how do I get the array to send each value as a separate parameter to the query?
Note: IsEmpty() is a custom function which checks for empty variables in case you were wondering.
You can still use a parameterized query in this case, despite your comment to the question. You just need to build the SQL string to include as many parameters as required, something like this:
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sql As String, i As Long
' test data
Dim idArray(1) As Long
idArray(0) = 1
idArray(1) = 3
Set cdb = CurrentDb
sql = "SELECT [LastName] FROM [People] WHERE [ID] IN ("
' add parameters to IN clause
For i = 0 To UBound(idArray)
sql = sql & "[param" & i & "],"
sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 1) ' trim trailing comma
sql = sql & ")"
Debug.Print sql ' verify SQL statement
Set qdf = cdb.CreateQueryDef("", sql)
For i = 0 To UBound(idArray)
qdf.Parameters("param" & i).Value = idArray(i)
Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
' check results
Do Until rst.EOF
Debug.Print rst!LastName
Set rst = Nothing
Set qdf = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
When I run this on my test database I get
SELECT [LastName] FROM [People] WHERE [ID] IN ([param0],[param1])
you could make use of the IN Clause, instead. Which would work out better.
Do Until i = size + 1
If Not IsEmpty(gvaruocat(i)) Then
If Not IsEmpty(DLookup("uo_cat_id", "tbl_uo_cat", "[uo_cat_id] = " & CInt(gvaruocat(i)))) Then
If IsEmpty(get_uocat_param) Then
get_uocat_param = CInt(gvaruocat(i))
get_uocat_param = get_uocat_param & ", " & CInt(gvaruocat(i))
End If
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Then your Query build could use,
get_uocat = "SELECT tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr" & vbCrLf _
& "FROM (tbl_product INNER JOIN tbl_uo_cat ON tbl_product.prod_id = tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_prod) INNER JOIN tbl_uo_step ON tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_id = tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat" & vbCrLf _
& "WHERE ((tbl_uo_step.uo_step_cat IN (" & get_uocat_param & "))) " & vbCrLf _
& "ORDER BY tbl_product.prod_descr, tbl_uo_cat.uo_cat_descr, tbl_uo_step.uo_step_descr;"

Field name confusion

rs2.FindFirst "[aniin] ='" & strTemp & "'"
aniin being an alias from the SQL within the function.
also tried ...
rs2.FindFirst (niin = newdata)
is my attempt to isolate the field name niin from the record value in the form from the one in the strSQL2. All my attempts have failed. I am trying to make sure that what the user typed in does match the list from the SQL string.
Private Function IsPartOfAEL(newdata) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrTrap
Dim db2 As DAO.Database
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strTemp As String
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id, tbl_master_niin.niin as aniin " & vbCrLf & _
"FROM tbl_master_niin INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)= " & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & "));"
Set db2 = CurrentDb
Set rs2 = db2.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
strTemp = newdata
If rs2.RecordCount <> 0 Then
rs2.FindFirst "[aniin] ='" & strTemp & "'"
If rs2.NoMatch Then
IsPartOfAEL = False
IsPartOfAEL = True
End If
MsgBox "Query Returned Zero Records", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db2 = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.description
Resume ExitHere
End Function
First: You should never include a constant like vbCrLf when building a query string. The query parser doesn't care if there's a linefeed, and in fact this can sometimes cause issues.
Your code seems to do nothing more that verify whether the value in newdata exists in the tbl_ael_parts and is associated with the value master_ael_id value currently showing on frm_qry_niin_local. If so, then just use DCount, or use this for your query:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & ") AND niin=" & newdata & ");"
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = currentdb.OPenrecordset(strsql2)
If (rst.EOF and rst.BOF) Then
' no records returned
' records found
End If
If niin is a Text field:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & ") AND (niin='" & newdata & "'));"
If both niin and master_ael_id are Text fields:
strSQL2 = "SELECT tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id INNER JOIN tbl_ael_parts ON
tbl_master_niin.master_niin_id = tbl_ael_parts.master_niin_id WHERE (((tbl_ael_parts.master_ael_id)=
'" & Forms!frm_qry_niin_local!master_ael_id & "') AND (niin='" & newdata & "'));"

Access 2007 VBA SQL Select Error "Item not found in this collection"

Returning after fixing errors and now a new one. I have created an SQL Statement using VBA in Access 2007 and I am getting the error "Item not found in this collection" The fields do exist in the tables and are spelled correctly. I even copied the SQL statement into a query and it worked. I'm assuming the error is with this part of the code
Dim strCMCID As Long ' (it's a Key field AutoNumber)
"WHERE Commitments_Tbl.CMCID = " & strCMCID & ""
Full code posted below. This is my first time putting an SQL Statement in using VBA. What I am trying to do is get the SQL Statement to pull two email addresses from a specific record from the current Form.
Public Sub SendConfirm()
On Error GoTo Err_SendConfirm_Click
Dim Borrower As String, LOEmail As String, ProcEmail As String, ClsEmail As String, Caution As String, LNumber As Long, TheFile As String, TheName As String
'SQL Statement to get Processor and Closer email
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCMCID As Long 'AutoNumber
Dim strMWS As String
Dim strProcEM As String
Dim StrClsEM As String
strCMCID = Me!CMCID_Txt 'AutoNumber
strSQL = "SELECT Commitments_Tbl.CMCID, Status_Tbl.MWStatus, DBUsers_Tbl.EMail, DBUsers_Tbl_1.EMail " & _
"FROM ((Commitments_Tbl LEFT JOIN Status_Tbl ON Commitments_Tbl.LoanNumber = Status_Tbl.LoanNumber) LEFT JOIN DBUsers_Tbl AS DBUsers_Tbl_1 ON Status_Tbl.Processor = DBUsers_Tbl_1.MWName) LEFT JOIN DBUsers_Tbl ON Status_Tbl.Closer = DBUsers_Tbl.MWName " & _
"WHERE Commitments_Tbl.CMCID = " & strCMCID & ""
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
strMWS = rst!MWStatus
strProcEM = Nz(rst!DBUsers_Tbl.EMail, "")
StrClsEM = Nz(rst!DBUsers_Tbl_1.EMail, "")
'Message Box
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response
LOEmail = Me!OrigID_Cbo.Column(3)
Borrower = Me!BorrNameL_Txt
LNumber = Nz(Me!LoanNumber_Txt, 0)
Msg = "Do you want to send an e-mail to Set_up?"
Style = vbYesNo
Title = "Cancel Set-Up E-Mail"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then
GoTo line3
GoTo line4
End If
TheName = "" & Borrower & " " & LNumber & ""
TheFile = "P:\mortgage\prodcenters\LOAN ITEMS (SW)\_RateLocks_and_Changes\" & TheName & ".rtf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Confirmation_Email2", acFormatRTF, TheFile, False
If Nz(Me!InvestorID_Cbo, "Blank") = "Blank" Then
DoCmd.SendObject , , , "", , , "New Lock: " & Borrower & ": " & LNumber, "A rate lock confirmation has been saved down to the server at P:\mortgage\prodcenters\LOAN ITEMS (SW)\_RateLocks_and_Changes as a word document with the same name and loan number as that is the subject line of this email. Please upload it into the GDR.", -1
DoCmd.SendObject , , , "", , , "Term Change" & ": " & Borrower & ": " & LNumber, "A rate lock confirmation has been saved down to the server at P:\mortgage\prodcenters\LOAN ITEMS (SW)\_RateLocks_and_Changes as a word document with the same name and loan number as that is the subject line of this email. Please upload it into the GDR.", True
End If
ClsEmail = Nz(StrClsEM, "")
ProcEmail = Nz(strProcEM, "")
If Me!RateExpDate_Txt <= Date + 8 Then
Caution = "STOP Terms Finalized:"
ElseIf strMWS = "Closing" And Me!RateExpDate_Txt >= Date + 8 Then
Caution = "STOP:"
Caution = ""
End If
If Me!InvestorID_Cbo = "" Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Confirmation_Email", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", LOEmail, ProcEmail & ";" & ClsEmail, , Caution & "New Lock: " & Borrower & ": " & LNumber, , True
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Confirmation_Email", "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", LOEmail, ProcEmail & ";" & ClsEmail, , Caution & " " & "Term Change" & ": " & Borrower & ": " & LNumber, , True
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SendConfirm_Click
End Sub
If we create a query in Access that pulls two fields with the same name from two different tables then Access will name the resulting columns Table1.Field and Table2.Field to disambiguate. When referring to those fields in the Recordset using "bang (!) notation" you must put square brackets around the entire field name. In your case, for example, you would need to use
instead of