Retrieve latitude and longitude of a sample of coordinates from Wikidata using SPARQL - sparql

I am trying to retrieve samples of coordinates in Wikidata via SPARQL but am having a very difficult time trying to achieve it. I would want to get only a single pair of coordinates per place and display the result in a column, and the latitude and longitude of the said coordinates sample in their own columns.
The following code (link to WQS) I use below works, but it does not get the coordinates values labels in Point(5.936111111 51.21) format. When I replace p:P625 with wdt:P625, no items are retrieved. Additionally, Borculo (Q1025685) appears twice in the results with two unique coordinates:
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?placeLabel (SAMPLE(?temp1) AS ?coords_sample) ?lat ?long {
?place p:P31 ?instanceOf.
?instanceOf ps:P31/wdt:279* wd:Q2039348.
?place p:P625 ?temp1.
?temp1 psv:P625 ?temp2.
?temp2 wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat.
?temp2 wikibase:geoLongitude ?long.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
} GROUP BY ?place ?placeLabel ?lat ?long
ORDER BY ?placeLabel

Use ps:P625 for obtaining the coordinates in the desired format (see also the manual on Wikibooks).
Also, it is not sufficient to sample the coordinates statement if you also group by ?lat and ?long. Hence, you'd better to sample it in a subquery.
Final result:
SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?placeLabel ?coords ?lat ?long {
?place p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:279* wd:Q2039348 ;
p:P625 ?coords_sample .
SELECT (SAMPLE(?coords_stmt) AS ?coords_sample) {
?place p:P31/ps:P31/wdt:279* wd:Q2039348 ;
p:P625 ?coords_stmt .
} GROUP BY ?place
?coords_sample ps:P625 ?coords;
psv:P625 [
wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat;
wikibase:geoLongitude ?long
] .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY ?placeLabel


Wikidata: Filter post codes only current valid

I would like to filter post codes to show only the current active for today.
Problem is there are are cities with old post codes (Example).
My current query shows the old post codes:
SELECT ?city ?cityLabel ?postcode ?federal_stateLabel ?federal_state_nr WHERE {
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],de". }
?city (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q7930989;
wdt:P17 wd:Q183;
wdt:P281 ?postcode;
wdt:P131 ?federal_state.
?federal_state wdt:P439 ?federal_state_nr.
ORDER BY (?postcode)
I would have to use start time P580 and end time P582 but I don't see how.
You can use this for filtering out the claims which have an end time:
?city p:P281 ?postCodeStmt .
?postCodeStmt ps:P281 ?postcode .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?postcode pq:P582 ?endTime . }
The whole query becomes:
SELECT ?city ?cityLabel ?postcode ?federal_stateLabel ?federal_state_nr WHERE {
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],de". }
?city (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q7930989;
wdt:P17 wd:Q183;
p:P281 ?postCodeStmt;
wdt:P131 ?federal_state.
?federal_state wdt:P439 ?federal_state_nr.
?postCodeStmt ps:P281 ?postcode.
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?postCodeStmt pq:P582 ?endTime . } # Filtering out old postal codes
ORDER BY (?postcode)
See also Wikidata:SPARQL tutorial§Qualifiers.

How do I query Wikidata for items modified in the last day?

I am trying to retrieve all wikidata items within a latitude/longitude bounding box that have been edited in the last 24 hours
I get through the bounding box part ok, but I can't figure the "modified since" bit.
This is the closest example I could find, from which I tried to make this work:
SERVICE wikibase:box {
?place wdt:P625 ?location .
# looks like cornerwest must be south of cornereast
# otherwise you go around the globe
# this is lng lat
bd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerWest "Point(SW_LNG SW_LAT)"^^geo:wktLiteral .
bd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerEast "Point(NE_LNG NE_LAT)"^^geo:wktLiteral .
?place wdt:P31 ?placeCategory .
?place wdt:P625 ?placeCoords .
optional{ ?place wdt:P18 ?placePicture . }
BIND (now() - ?modified as ?date_range)
FILTER (?date_range > 2)
without results.
Use schema:dateModified. By the way, Blazegraph supports date and time arithmetic:
SELECT ?place ?placeLabel ?location WHERE {
BIND ((now() - "P7D"^^xsd:duration) AS ?date_)
SERVICE wikibase:box {
?place wdt:P625 ?location .
bd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerSouthWest "Point(55.000 55.000)"^^geo:wktLiteral.
bd:serviceParam wikibase:cornerNorthEast "Point(65.000 65.000)"^^geo:wktLiteral.
?place schema:dateModified ?date .
# hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true .
FILTER (?date >= ?date_)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ru". }
There is also the wikibase:timestamp predicate which is rather auxiliary.

Wikidata query - how to add year to city's population?

I would like to get the year of population count for each city.
Do tou know how to add it correctly? Currently I got empty results.
Here's my query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?population ?gps ?data WHERE {
?city (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q515;
wdt:P1082 ?population;
wdt:P625 ?gps.
OPTIONAL { ?population wdt:P585 ?date. } # here I have a problem
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?population) LIMIT 100
PS. just paste it here:
First problem: you are selecting ?data but the actual variable is ?date.
Second problem: ?population is the object of your statement, but qualifiers refer to a whole statement, not just its object.
For referring to the statement, you'll have to use p:P1082 instead of wdt:P1082.
You can obtain what you want with the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?population ?gps ?date WHERE {
wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q515;
wdt:P625 ?gps.
?city p:P1082 ?populationStatement .
?populationStatement ps:P1082 ?population .
OPTIONAL { ?populationStatement pq:P585 ?date. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
ORDER BY DESC(?population)
I set LIMIT 10 because this is a pretty heavy query and sometimes it reaches timeout.
To deepen the topic, I'd suggest you to read Wikidata:SPARQL tutorial§Qualifiers.

Recover the "original" order

I am trying to recover the cast list for movies from wikidata.
My SPARQL query for Dr. No is as follows:
SELECT ?actor ?actorLabel WHERE {
?movie wdt:P161 ?actor .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
FILTER(?movie = wd:Q102754)
LIMIT 1000
I can try it out at but the results are not in the order that I want. It gives 'Sean Connery', 'Zena Marshall', 'Ursula Andress'.
The database has the data in the required order as you can see from includes the cast list in order (Sean Connery, Ursula Andress, Joseph Wiseman). Generally the cast list is given in billing order and it is that that I want to recover.
SPARQL provides ordering of results by using ORDER BY, see here
The ordering in your example is based on the number of references of a statement. Here is a non-optimized version that does what you want:
SELECT ?actor ?actorLabel WHERE {
?movie p:P161 ?statement .
?statement ps:P161 ?actor .
OPTIONAL {?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref . }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
FILTER(?movie = wd:Q102754)
group by ?movie ?actor ?actorLabel
ORDER BY DESC(count(?ref)) ASC(?actorLabel)
LIMIT 1000

SPARQL bordering countries example

Can anyone show me any SPARQL query to get all bordering contries of all countries from
For example Afghanistan has:
factbook:landboundary db:China,
factbook:landboundary db:Iran,
factbook:landboundary db:Pakistan,
factbook:landboundary db:Tajikistan,
factbook:landboundary db:Turkmenistan
My try of getting data:
SELECT ?country ?name ?neighbour
?country rdf:type factbook:Country .
?country rdfs:label ?name.
?country factbook:landboundary ?neighbour.
ended with following message:
rethrew: de.fuberlin.wiwiss.d2rq.D2RQException: Table 'factbook.neighbors' doesn't exist: SELECT DISTINCT `T0_neighbors`.`name_encoded` FROM `bordercountries` AS `T0_bordercountries`, `neighbors` AS `T0_neighbors`, `countries` AS `T0_countries` WHERE `T0_bordercountries`.`Landboundaries_bordercountries_title` = `T0_neighbors`.`Name` AND `T0_bordercountries`.`Name` = `T0_countries`.`Name` AND `T0_countries`.`name_encoded` = 'Aruba' (E0)
I've asked the same question on but no luck yet so I'm trying my luck here
The failure seems to be caused by an internal system error. Your SPARQL query does not have any syntax errors and the predicates you provided are valid according to the data.
However, I don't understand how your query is supposed to return the neighbors of one specific country. Maybe you want to try something like this:
?neighbor rdf:type factbook:Country .
?neighbor factbook:landboundary db:Afghanistan .
Very much later and not exactly an answer to this question (the SPARQL Endpoint to the CIA Factbook seem to be down at the moment), but WikiData has a few examples how to get bordering countries according to their data set at
E.g. if you open the examples and search for "border", you get a query for "countries sharing a border with Cameroon":
#Population of countries sharing a border with Cameroon
SELECT ?country ?year ?population ?countryLabel WHERE {
SELECT ?country ?year (AVG(?population) AS ?population) WHERE {
SELECT ?country (str(YEAR(?date)) AS ?year) ?population WHERE {
?country wdt:P47 wd:Q1009; # shares border with Cameroon
p:P1082 ?populationStatement.
?populationStatement ps:P1082 ?population;
pq:P585 ?date.
GROUP BY ?country ?year
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
To understand this one has to know (or figure out) that wd:Q1009 is actually Cameroon. Not sure how to do this.
This example also displays a - imo not very useful - display of the population of the surrounding countries by year.
A simpler version without the extra data is:
SELECT ?country ?countryLabel WHERE {
?country wdt:P47 wd:Q1009 # shares border with Cameroon
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
(The SERVICE wikibase:label is a WikiData extension)
Finally all bordering neighbours for all countries might be:
SELECT ?country ?countryLabel ?neighbourLabel ?neighbour WHERE {
?country wdt:P31 wd:Q6256;
wdt:P47 ?neighbour
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en".
} ORDER BY ?countryLabel ?neighbourLabel