Apache Isis Action to list entities is too slow, found 2 issues/questions on it - isis

Use demo app PetClinic as an example. Only focus on PetOwner, no other entities. Some pet owners are pre-inserted to the db.
The action "listAll" in the demo:
#Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.SAFE)
#ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT)
public List<PetOwner> listAll() {
return petOwnerRepository.findAll();
When action "listAll" is called, we find two issues/questions related to the delay.
Lots of queries are going out, one for each entity
this is the query goes to jpa that makes sense
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.303--ClientSession(1477740542)--Connection(716488272)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER
and there are more queries coming:
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.436--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [1]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.437--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [2]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.437--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [3]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.437--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [4]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.438--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [5]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.438--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [6]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.438--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [7]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.438--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [8]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.439--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [9]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.439--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [10]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.439--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [11]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.44--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [12]
[EL Fine]: sql: 2022-03-10 14:50:50.44--ClientSession(840311416)--Connection(1724151743)--SELECT id, NAME, NOTES, version FROM pets.PETOWNER WHERE (id = ?)
bind => [13]
is there any config/setting inside Apache Isis to not make those queries? since from the first query I assume we already got everything right?
We still see delay even without those queries.
So to solve the issue, we introduced a DTO class as view model to decouple domain entities from the list results
DTO class:
#DomainObject(nature = Nature.VIEW_MODEL,logicalTypeName = "cps.PetOwnerDtoViewModel")
#XmlRootElement(name = "PetOwnerDtoViewModel")
propOrder = {
public class PetOwnerDto {
private String name;
private String notes;
...(constructor and getter setter)
and wrapped a list of DTOs into another viewmodel because we need to add action against collection later. (as suggested here ISIS: Moving from deprecated #Action(invokeOn=...) to #Action(associateWith=...))
#DomainObject(nature = Nature.VIEW_MODEL,logicalTypeName = "cps.PetOwnersViewModel")
#XmlRootElement(name = "PetOwnersViewModel")
propOrder = {
#NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
public class PetOwnersViewModel {
public String title() {
return "Owners";
#XmlElement(name = "petOwnerList")
#CollectionLayout(paged = 5)
protected List<PetOwnerDto> petOwnerList = new LinkedList<>();
public PetOwnersViewModel(List<PetOwnerDto> results) {
this.petOwnerList = results;
And we created a new action to return PetOwnerViewModel:
#Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.SAFE)
#ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT)
public PetOwnersViewModel listAllDto() {
List<PetOwner> petOwnerList = petOwnerRepository.findAll();
LinkedList<PetOwnerDto> petOwnerDtos = new LinkedList<>();
for (PetOwner p : petOwnerList) {
petOwnerDtos.add(new PetOwnerDto(p));
return new PetOwnersViewModel(petOwnerDtos);
This way there is only one query goes out to db, no extra queries are found.
Then we loaded the db with 1000 pet owners. with #CollectionLayout(paged = 5) in place, the delay is still there but acceptable, but if we click "show all", it takes 20 seconds to show all 1000 rows' data. Is there any reason this operation takes so long? Since all the needed data is already pulled from db right?
Thanks, hope anyone can help!

Formally this is not an answer (just a comment):
Thanks for reporting your observations here! I did open a Jira ticket for further investigation:


Cakephp: find in a controller using "like" inside an array of possible values

The main idea of this post is that I need to combine search inside an array via "like" without doing a fetch.
In the following code I extract the zones (part of postal code) depending on session ID:
$sess_id = $this->Session->read('Auth.User');
$this->loadModel('Zone', 2);
$MyZones = $this->Zone->find('list', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Zone.user_id' => $sess_id['id']), 'fields' => array('Zone.zone')));
$this->set('MyZones', $MyZones);
//output : $MyZone = Array ( [1] => AB [2] => AL [3] => B1 )
Now that I have my array I want to look for persons who live in this zone (example his postalcode can be AB526PQ so he lives in the administrator zone)
$this->loadModel('Person', 2);
$num_persons = $this->Person->find('count', array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions' => array('Person.pc LIKE' => '%' . $MyZones)));
$this->set('num_persons', $num_persons);
I got the following error :
Notice (8): Array to string conversion [APP\Controller\ZonesController.php]
This is the generated sql query:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `tn`.`personnes` AS `Personne` WHERE `Personne`.`pc` LIKE '%Array'
You will have to break your condition from
$conditions = array('Person.pc LIKE' => '%' . $MyZones);
foreach($MyZones as $MyZone) {
$conditions[] = array('Person.pc LIKE' => '%' . $MyZone);

Entitymanager works chaotically, do not merge in some cases

Seriously, i cannot believe this:
I use entityManager in Vaadin framework. Implemented this pattern (ThreadLocal and filter for generating entityManager for every request):
If i write a test it is works like charm:
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("applicLiquidator.applicLiquidator");
log.trace("created entityManageFactory:" + entityManagerFactory);
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
CaseEntity case= entityManager.getReference(CaseEntity .class, 1);
CaseEntity newCase=entityManager.merge(case);
However in the application server it works entirely other way, i logged ever information and seems everything is OK, the entity has the good values!
public static int saveCase(CaseEntity case, boolean sameTransaction) throws DALException {
EntityTransaction transaction = null;
try {
EntityManager entityManager = EntityManagerUtil.getEntityManagerLIQUIDATOR();
if (sameTransaction == false) {
transaction = entityManager.getTransaction();
log.info("-------BEFORE PERSIST: CASE ENTTIY COMAPNY NAME: " + ugy.getFelszamolandoCegTeljesnev());
if (sameTransaction == false) {
log.info("---------AFTER PERSIST: CASE ENTTIY COMAPNY NAME: " + ugy.getFelszamolandoCegTeljesnev());
return case.getId();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("The entity saved do not completed", ex);
try {
log.info("Rollback was success");
} catch (Exception rollbex) {
log.error("Rollback failed", rollbex);
log.info("Entity Saved succesfully!");
throw new DALException(ex);
As you can see, i tried refresh, clear, flush everything. Important to note here that case is a detached object, but as far as i know merge will do the job but the reference will not copied to the original object, but will (should) update the entity with the same id...
In other cases (with other entites this code is works like charm), only with one case, the first one entity at the database with id 1 is making bug!
I cannot understand why it is, why it is working some cases, and why it is not... And why it is that i see the good values in the entity attibutes and it just doesn't generate the update sql and doesn't make the merge/update in the persistance context and also at the database, no error message, nothing to show, only missfunction...
If anyone ever experience this kind of mistic bug/issue i would more than appreciate the answer or any slight idea, anything came in to your mind pls take time to answer.
Log when try to merge entity:
2014-01-21 17:36:11 TRACE LazyEntityManagerFilter:44 - created entityManager:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#7b1fe9fb
2014-01-21 17:36:11 WARN UgyController:667 - Event detected private void notImplemented()
2014-01-21 17:36:11 TRACE LazyEntityManagerFilter:51 - destroyed entityManager:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#7b1fe9fb
2014-01-21 17:36:11 TRACE LazyEntityManagerFilter:44 - created entityManager:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.387--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, becsultertek, bekerulesidopontja, devizanem, ingosagazonosito, kikerulesidopontja, kikerulesiertek, letrehozva, megnevezes, memo, tarolasihely, telephelyenbelulihelye, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, telephely_felszamolando_ID, ingosagcsoport_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ingosag WHERE (telephely_felszamolando_ID = ?)
bind => [1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.389--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, csoportnev, letrehozva, lockideje, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ingosagcsoport WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.392--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, csoportnev, letrehozva, lockideje, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ingosagcsoport WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [2]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.394--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, bejelentkezesidopontja, bejelentkezesinev, email, jelszo, keresztnev, kilepesideje, letrehozva, lockideje, memo, sessionlejarat, szerepkor, telefon, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, vezeteknev, cim_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, bejelentkezes_telephelyId, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.felhasznalo WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [3]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.398--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, fajlnev, kiskeptartalom, letrehozva, memo, mimetype, nincskep, tartalom, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, ingosag_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.kep WHERE (ingosag_ID = ?)
bind => [1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.4--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, fajlnev, kiskeptartalom, letrehozva, memo, mimetype, nincskep, tartalom, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, ingosag_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.kep WHERE (ingosag_ID = ?)
bind => [2]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.401--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, becsultertek, bekerulesidopontja, devizanem, ingosagazonosito, kikerulesidopontja, kikerulesiertek, letrehozva, megnevezes, memo, tarolasihely, telephelyenbelulihelye, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, telephely_felszamolando_ID, ingosagcsoport_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ingosag WHERE (telephely_felszamolando_ID = ?)
bind => [2]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.402--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, becsultertek, bekerulesidopontja, devizanem, ingosagazonosito, kikerulesidopontja, kikerulesiertek, letrehozva, megnevezes, memo, tarolasihely, telephelyenbelulihelye, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, telephely_felszamolando_ID, ingosagcsoport_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ingosag WHERE (telephely_felszamolando_ID = ?)
bind => [3]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.404--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, belsougyiratszam, elrendeles_doc_fajlnev, elrendeles_doc_memo, elrendeles_doc_mimetype, elrendeles_doc_tartalom, elrendeles_idopontja, elrendeles_ki, elrendeles_memo, felszamolando_ceg_adoszam, felszamolando_ceg_cegjegyzekszam, felszamolando_ceg_memo, felszamolando_ceg_rovidnev, felszamolando_ceg_teljesnev, kozzeteteldatuma, kulsougyiratszam, letrehozva, lockideje, memo, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, zarovegzesdatuma, elrendeles_felhasznalo_ID, ugy_felhasznalo_ID, felszamolando_ceg_cim_ID, telephely_ID, statusz_ID, ugytipus_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugy WHERE ((ID = ?) AND (aktiv = ?))
bind => [7, true]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.41--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, letrehozva, lockideje, statusz, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugystatusz WHERE (aktiv = ?)
bind => [true]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.413--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT DISTINCT f.* FROM felhasznalo f,telephely, felhasznalougyintezo_telephely ftu WHERE f.aktiv = 1 AND telephely.ID = ? AND telephely.aktiv = 1 AND f.ID = ftu.felhasznalo_ID AND ftu.telephely_ID = ?
bind => [1, 1]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.418--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, letrehozva, lockideje, tipus, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugytipus WHERE (aktiv = ?)
bind => [true]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.421--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT DISTINCT f.* FROM felhasznalo f,telephely, felhasznalougyintezo_telephely ftu WHERE f.aktiv = 1 AND telephely.ID = ? AND telephely.aktiv = 1 AND f.ID = ftu.felhasznalo_ID AND ftu.telephely_ID = ?
bind => [1, 1]
telephelyTelephely A
telephelyTelephely B
telephelyTelephely (törölt)
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.449--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.felhasznalo SET bejelentkezes_telephelyId = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [1, 9999999]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.45--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [8d7b4195-38f3-4ba6-ab13-2840de6291d4, 2014-01-21 17:36:11.384, 9999999, 1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.452--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [8d7b4195-38f3-4ba6-ab13-2840de6291d4, 2014-01-21 17:36:11.384, 9999999, 2]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.453--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [8d7b4195-38f3-4ba6-ab13-2840de6291d4, 2014-01-21 17:36:11.384, 9999999, 3]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.467--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.ingosag SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [8d7b4195-38f3-4ba6-ab13-2840de6291d4, 2014-01-21 17:36:11.384, 9999999, 1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.468--ClientSession(1062469667)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.ingosag SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [8d7b4195-38f3-4ba6-ab13-2840de6291d4, 2014-01-21 17:36:11.384, 9999999, 2]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO UgyController$UgyPersistor:978 - UgyEntity módosítása a DB-ben sikeres. UgyEntityID: 7
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.524--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, belsougyiratszam, elrendeles_doc_fajlnev, elrendeles_doc_memo, elrendeles_doc_mimetype, elrendeles_doc_tartalom, elrendeles_idopontja, elrendeles_ki, elrendeles_memo, felszamolando_ceg_adoszam, felszamolando_ceg_cegjegyzekszam, felszamolando_ceg_memo, felszamolando_ceg_rovidnev, felszamolando_ceg_teljesnev, kozzeteteldatuma, kulsougyiratszam, letrehozva, lockideje, memo, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, zarovegzesdatuma, elrendeles_felhasznalo_ID, ugy_felhasznalo_ID, felszamolando_ceg_cim_ID, telephely_ID, statusz_ID, ugytipus_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugy WHERE ((ID = ?) AND (aktiv = ?))
bind => [7, true]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO UgyController$UgyPersistor:998 - Ügy egészének perzisztálása sikeres. UgyEntityID: 7
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.528--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, belsougyiratszam, elrendeles_doc_fajlnev, elrendeles_doc_memo, elrendeles_doc_mimetype, elrendeles_doc_tartalom, elrendeles_idopontja, elrendeles_ki, elrendeles_memo, felszamolando_ceg_adoszam, felszamolando_ceg_cegjegyzekszam, felszamolando_ceg_memo, felszamolando_ceg_rovidnev, felszamolando_ceg_teljesnev, kozzeteteldatuma, kulsougyiratszam, letrehozva, lockideje, memo, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, zarovegzesdatuma, elrendeles_felhasznalo_ID, ugy_felhasznalo_ID, felszamolando_ceg_cim_ID, telephely_ID, statusz_ID, ugytipus_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugy WHERE (aktiv = ?)
bind => [true]
2014-01-21 17:36:11 INFO EntityManagerUtil:46 - entityManager object name#hascode:org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl#6c3a9ce3
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:36:11.54--ServerSession(2071159129)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-19,5,main])--SELECT ID, aktiv, belsougyiratszam, elrendeles_doc_fajlnev, elrendeles_doc_memo, elrendeles_doc_mimetype, elrendeles_doc_tartalom, elrendeles_idopontja, elrendeles_ki, elrendeles_memo, felszamolando_ceg_adoszam, felszamolando_ceg_cegjegyzekszam, felszamolando_ceg_memo, felszamolando_ceg_rovidnev, felszamolando_ceg_teljesnev, kozzeteteldatuma, kulsougyiratszam, letrehozva, lockideje, memo, tranzakcioskod, utoljaramod_mikor, zarovegzesdatuma, elrendeles_felhasznalo_ID, ugy_felhasznalo_ID, felszamolando_ceg_cim_ID, telephely_ID, statusz_ID, ugytipus_ID, utoljaramodositotta_felhasznalo_ID, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID FROM liquidator.ugy WHERE ((ID = ?) AND (aktiv = ?))
bind => [7, true]
But when i want to save/merge another entity (e.g. ID 1303), the insert is nicely generated and executed:
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:38:19.391--ClientSession(1093415948)--Connection(264299847)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-22,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.ugy SET felszamolando_ceg_teljesnev = ?, lockideje = ?, tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ?, lockbyfelhasznalo_ID = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [akgalkgsafafsTESTESTUJUJ, null, 52254092-4954-441f-922c-8c5527b9dd9a, 2014-01-21 17:38:19.368, null, 1303]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:55:19.19--ClientSession(1760590618)--Connection(392035700)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-46,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [fe48707b-5064-49c5-81bf-d1f78cd93126, 2014-01-21 17:55:19.156, 1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:55:19.194--ClientSession(1760590618)--Connection(392035700)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-46,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [fe48707b-5064-49c5-81bf-d1f78cd93126, 2014-01-21 17:55:19.156, 2]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:55:19.197--ClientSession(1760590618)--Connection(392035700)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-46,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.telephely_felszamolando SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [fe48707b-5064-49c5-81bf-d1f78cd93126, 2014-01-21 17:55:19.156, 3]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:55:19.198--ClientSession(1760590618)--Connection(392035700)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-46,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.ingosag SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [fe48707b-5064-49c5-81bf-d1f78cd93126, 2014-01-21 17:55:19.156, 1]
[EL Fine]: 2014-01-21 17:55:19.201--ClientSession(1760590618)--Connection(392035700)--Thread(Thread[http-bio-8080-exec-46,5,main])--UPDATE liquidator.ingosag SET tranzakcioskod = ?, utoljaramod_mikor = ? WHERE (ID = ?)
bind => [fe48707b-5064-49c5-81bf-d1f78cd93126, 2014-01-21 17:55:19.156, 2]
I very believe however yet no time to POC/test it, but my problem was caused because the poorly implemented hashcode() and equals() methods!
As it seems reference this article:
That poor hashcode implementation can cause merge problems in detached objects, and that is exactly my issue.

CakePHP vs Rails howto retrieve data from related table

I am new in CakePHP, but I use Rails. I would like to do something like this in CakePHP:
class Manager < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :employees
and ask then the object like this:
m = Manager.find(1)
count = m.employees.count
m.employees.each do |e|
puts e.name
I have this code in CakePHP...
class Manager extends AppModel {
public $hasMany = array(
'Employee' => array(
'className' => 'Employee',
'order' => 'Employee.created DESC'
class Employee extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = 'Manager';
How can I do implementation of these (above) functionality (which is in RoR easy made by its ORM) in CakePHP?
Thanks for help...
Myth Rush
Your question boils down to "How can I retrieve the Manager with id=1 and find his Employees.
In CakePHP you would issue the following find query to retrieve the desired manager entry:
$manager = $this->Manager->findById(1);
// or
$manager = $this->Manager->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Manager.id' => 1
The above find calls fetch the manager with id=1 from the database and because you set up the relationship Manager hasMany Employee, the result will also contain all employees for the manager ordered by Employee.created DESC.
The resultset would look something like this:
[Manager] => Array
[id] => 1
[field1] => value1
[Employee] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 2
[manager_id] => 1
[name] => Bar
[1] => Array
[id] => 1
[manager_id] => 1
[name] => Foo
As you can see, CakePHP uses an array format for returned results and not an object as in Ruby on Rails. Therefore you have to access your related data within the resulting array.
Another important difference between CakePHP and Ruby on Rails(RoR) is, that in CakePHP the queries to the db are executed the moment you call them, whereas in RoR they are lazily executed the moment you try to access the results.
To complement your RoR example for accessing employees here is the CakePHP version:
$employee_count = count($manager['Employee']);
foreach ($manager['Employee'] as $e) {
echo $e['name'];
I hope this clears up some confusion.
I think you are looking for the containable behavior of CakePHP.
It is important to attach the containable behavior to your model(s), otherwise it won't work.

PDO::FETCH_ASSOC Does not return the correct table columns

I'm new to PHP and I am currently developing a small web application. Below is the test code for the DB query using PDO:
$dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=auction";
$opt = array(
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, 'root', 'password', $opt);
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT id,username,password,name,level FROM users");
$test = $stmt->fetchALL();
The output of the said code is the following:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [username] => admin [users] => Administrator [auction] => 0 )
[1] => Array ( [id] => 2 [username] => jodel [users] => Jodel Ross [auction] => 1 ) )
I am confused because, from my point of view, the above code should have given an associative array whose index are the columns of the returned result set, i.e. id, username,password,name,level. But it is not so.
Moreover, If I used PDO::FETCH_NUM, the correct number of fields and corresponding data are returned correctly as show below:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 1
[1] => admin
[2] => 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
[3] => Administrator
[4] => 0 )
[1] => Array ( [0] => 2
[1] => jodel_ross
[2] => 2cdaeb5df4cf941d9c5650591cba1fdc
[3] => Jodel Ross, Jr.
[4] => 1 ) )
Please help, I need to understand why and I have search the web for answers and have not found any.
Development environment:
Windows 7 x64
PHP 5.3.6
Mysql 5.5
Apache 2.0.64
Zend Framework 1.11
There is still an open error with Zend Framework 1.x, PHP 5.3.x and setFetchMode() and that's the reason why it doesn't work as expected.
see http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-10866 and http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-3470
Please vote for closing this error or submit a patch.

nhibernate Dynamic Insert fails with some null Component properties

I have a database that accepts no null values and has a default for every field. Using fluent nHibernate, I am getting an error on an Insert if I have a component that has some, but not all properties filled out. I am just wondering how to get the DynamicInsert flag down to the component level. Perhaps it is late, but I'll just drop this off here and see where it goes.
public ClientMap()
.KeyProperty(x => x.Accountnumber, "acct_no")
.KeyProperty(x => x.Transferaccount, "tr_acct_no");
Component(c => c.Address,
m =>{
m.Map(x => x.Streetaddress, "coaddress").Not.Nullable().Default("");
m.Map(x => x.City, "cocity").Not.Nullable().Default("");
m.Map(x => x.Postalcode, "costate").Not.Nullable().Default("");
m.Map(x => x.State, "cozip").Not.Nullable().Default(""); });
Client nw = new Client{ Address = new Address{Streetaddress = "my address"},Accountnumber = "6543219",Transferaccount = "1"};
IRepository repo2 = new Repository(session);
could not insert: [BusinessObjects.Client#BusinessObjects.Client][SQL: INSERT INTO Clients (coaddress, cocity, cozip, costate, acct_no, tr_acct_no) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]
I'm not sure, but I think that the 'NotNullable' and 'Default' mapping properties that you have specified, only have influence / are only used when you create a DB schema using your NHibernate mapping, and that they have no real effect on what NHibernate will insert into your DB.
If you want a default value for some property, I think that you should give that property the default value yourself in the constructor of the class that has this property.
Just ran into a similar problem.
The Database has a default constraint:
InsertDate datetime not null default getdate()
Object Property:
public DateTime? InsertDate{get;set;}
In the mapping I was doing:
Map(x => x.InsertDate).Column("InsertDate").Not.Nullable().Default("getdate()");
But I changed it to:
Map(x => x.InsertDate).Column("InsertDate").Generated.Insert();
Which doesn't insert the property if it is null
NHibernate itself doesn't support dynamic insert on a component mapping - it's not something missing in Fluent.
Suggest you put a default constructor on Address that sets these default property values to empty strings rather than nulls?
NHibernate considers a component to be a single well... component :-)
That means that it will not do a dynamic insert for components.