Empty azure subscription - azure-powershell

I am trying to run (from Powershell) this command:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name RG1 -Location 'WestEurope'
but I get an error message:
New-AzResourceGroup : 'this.Client.SubscriptionId' cannot be null.
Then I see that I cannot get the SubscriptionID with the command "Get-AzSubscription" ; it shows nothing.
So I run: Get-AzContext -ListAvailable | FL
and I see no Subscriptions ID either.
Here is a screenshot in case it may be useful:
Thanks in advance!

Try to use the below command to Get/Select the Azure Subscription
#Get the Overall Subscription
#Select the specific subscription which you want to use.
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
#After selecting Subscription create a resource
New-AzResourceGroup -Name <Resource Group> -Location 'WestEurope'

Thanks DelliganeshS-MT
I already did what you kinldy mention, as noted in my question.
Get-AzSubscription - Nothing shows up
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
I can not fill the XXXX-XXXX part due to what I indicate in point 1.
Anyway: Thanks a lot!


Powershell script as a step in sql job giving error

I am trying to create a sql job which syncs users from a csv file to ad group.
My powershell script is one of the steps of this job. Issue is that my script is supposed to run on another server which has Active Directory but i keep on getting error when i run this step.
My script is following:
invoke-Command -Session Server-Name
Import-Module activedirectory
$ADUsers = Import-csv \\Server-Name\folder\file.csv
foreach ($User in $ADUsers)
$Username = $User.sAMAccountName
if (Get-ADUser -F {SamAccountName -eq $Username})
foreach($group in $groups){Add-ADGroupMember -identity $group -Members $Username}
Write-Output "$username has beeen added to group $group"
Error i am getting is
Executed as user: Username. A job step received an error at line 2 in a PowerShell script. The corresponding line is 'Invoke-Command -Session Server-Name. Correct the script and reschedule the job. The error information returned by PowerShell is: 'Cannot bind parameter 'Session'. Cannot convert the "Server-Name" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession". '. Process Exit Code -1. The step failed.
server name has '-' in between so need to know if that is causing the issue
or i am using wrong way to run this script on a different server from a sql job
Any help would be appreciated!
Jaspreet I am not expert on powershell but seems like you are passing the wrong parameters.Just referring to Microsoft docs seems like you need to pass the computer name rather than -Session
Try with this line of code at starting
invoke-Command -ComputerName Server-Name.
For more please refer Microsoft docs

VB.net and powershell variables

I have a Visual Studio form running with VB.net and I'm collecting info needed to setup an AD user. In the end, this info will need to simply be passed to Powershell with no return info needed. Before that though, I need it to check if a printer code has already been assigned to someone before allowing it to be submitted to another user. I have a simple powershell script written up for it.
(We use the Pager field to store the printer code.)
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Page = $args[0]
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $Page } | FT Name
I setup the code I found HERE, and attempted to modify it to my script but it keeps crashing on
Dim results As Collection(Of PSObject) = MyPipeline.Invoke()
It gives me: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Management.Automation.ParseException' occurred in System.Management.Automation.dll
If I run his little 6+5 basic example script, it works, but when I try to retrieve info and return a name, it doesn't like it. How can I get it to return the name of the person if it find it? And since it won't run, I'm not even sure if passing the printer code as $args[0] is going to work yet.
Your results is expecting a collection of PowerShell objects. When you pipe the Get-ADUser command to Format-Table, it effectively strips the object down to a stream of strings. Try without the | FT Name.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory #if you're using powershell 3 or later, this may be redundant
# $Page = $args[0] # don't need to do this
$results = Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Write-Verbose $results
#Write-Verbose $results.Name #try this if the above one works
Write-Verbose may be causing an issue.
Try this:
Get-ADUser -Filter { Pager -like $args[0] }
Just that one line as the total PS code. (Assuming you have PowerShell 3.0 or later, you don't need Import-Module) That line will return objects of type TypeName: Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser (from `Get-ADUser username | Get-Member).
You may also be able to use the .Net object type directly, without PowerShell. I'm not knowledgeable about .NET beyond what I picked up working with PowerShell.
Accessing AD using .NET, info from MSDN.

opensplice dds Hello Word Example

I am posting here after asking the question at the openslice dds forum, and not receiving any reply.I am trying to use opensplice dds on a ubuntu machine. I am not sure if it serves as a proof of proper installation, but I have pasted my release.com file below. Now, I was able to run the ping pong example just fine. But when I ran the executable sac_helloworld_pub ( HelloWorld example in the C programming language), I got the following error
vishal#expmach:~/HDE/x86.linux2.6/examples/dcps/HelloWorld/c/standalone$ ./sac_helloworld_pub
Error in DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant: Creation failed: invalid handle
I did some searching, and it looks like I need to be running the ospl start command from the terminal. But when I do so, I get a No command ospl found message. Below is the release.comfile's contents
echo "<<< OpenSplice HDE Release V6.3.130716OSS For x86.linux2.6, Date 2013-07-30 >>>"
if [ "${SPLICE_ORB:=}" = "" ]
if [ "${SPLICE_JDK:=}" = "" ]
. $OSPL_HOME/etc/java/defs.$SPLICE_JDK
release.com (END)
Sorry for the holidays-driven lack of 'reactivity' on the OpenSplice forum .. I've answered your question there though ..
Here's that same answer for completeness:
*For the 6.3 community-edition, the deployment-model changed from shared-memory (v5.x) to the so-called single-process standalone deployment mode where the middleware is simply linked (as libraries) with the application so you don't need to start any daemons first (as was the case for the federated 'shared-memory' mode that was the default in V5).
So its OK that you get the error when trying to call 'ospl' as thats not used anymore so isn't in the distribution.
Now to your issue, your release.com looks OK to me, but perhaps you didn't actually 'source' it in your environment i.e. calling it with a '.' in front of it:
promtp> . release.com
you can verify that by doing an 'echo $OSPL_HOME' in your shell and see if it actually shows the value of the env. variable as set by the release.com.
Hope that helps,

How do I manipulate data out of a variable in powershell

I have a power-shell script with which I am trying to back up a constantly changing number of SQL databases. Fortunately all of these databases are listed in a registry key. I am leveraging this in a for-each loop. The issue that I am having is that after grabbing the registry value that I want, when I try to pass it into my function to back up the databases there seems to be information in the variable that I can get rid of. If I output the contents of the variable to the screen by just calling the variable ($variable) is shows just fine. But if I write-host the variable to the screen the extra "content" that shows up when calling the function also shows up.
Here is the part of the script that generates the contents of the variable.
foreach ($childitem in get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lanovation\Prism Deploy\Server Channels")
{$DBName = get-itemproperty Registry::$childitem | select "Channel Database Name"
write-host $DBname}
Here is what write-host displays :
#{Channel Database Name=Prism_Deploy_Sample_268CBD61_AC9E_4853_83DE_E161C72458DE}
but what I need is only this part :
I have tried looking online at how to do this, and what I've found mentions things similar to $variable.split and then specifying my delimiters. But when I try this I get an error saying "Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] doesn't contain a method named 'split'."
I'm at a loss as to where to go from where I'm at currently.
select-object will return an object that has the named properties that you "select". To get just value of that property, just access it by name:
write-host $DBname."Channel Database Name"
Sounds like it's returning a hash table row object.
write-host $DBName.value
or, failing that, do a
$DBName | Get-member
When in doubt, get-member gives you a nice idea of what you are dealing with.
You should be able to write
foreach ($childitem in get-childitem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lanovation\Prism Deploy\Server Channels")
{$DBName = get-itemproperty Registry::$childitem | select "Channel Database Name"
write-host $DBname.Name}
to get what you are looking for

how to get the information of system log of taskscheduler under the command line with WMIC?

I need to know whether the taskscheduler has run successfully. I found difficult to get a return value by the wmic command, because they aren't included in the system, security, application hardwareevents and so on logfile. Following is my attempts:
wmic ntevent "eventcode=140" get message /value
The above code returns the message: "no instance(s) availalbe."
As I don't know which kind of logfile includes the log records of taskschedule, I select them by the eventcode.
wmic ntevent where "logfile='system' and eventcode='140'" get message /vule
No matter, logfile='appliaction' or logfile='security', at the end I can't get the result I want.
What i need to point out is the log records are allocated in Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational in graphical interfaces.
Unfortunately, wmic can only be used on classic logs. List them by
wmic NTEventlog get LogfileName or by powershell Get-EventLog -AsString -List:
Internet Explorer
Key Management Service
Windows PowerShell
Switch to wevtutil: wevtutil enum-logs enumerates the available logs and
wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational /q:"*[System[Provider[#Name='Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler'] and (EventID=140)]]" /uni:false /f:text
command could be a starting point for you. Pretty weird syntax and result hard do parse. Moreover:
The primary focus of WEVTUTIL is the configuration and setup of
event logs, to retrieve event log data the PowerShell cmdlet
Get-WinEvent is easier to use and more flexible:
Switch to powershell: (Get-WinEvent -ListLog *).LogName enumerates the available logs and one can simply filter and format result from next command:
Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational
For instance, to format the result in list view to see all properties:
Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational | Format-List *
Read more in Powershell and the Applications and Services Logs.