Sets in python (using iterator) - iterator

When we usually enter scrambled numbers in a set later on if we print the set it automatically sorts the numbers and default it prints the set in ascending order..but today I got confused with this example..could anyone help me with this..output
Program where i used iterator for sets


non-advancing WRITE...but not intentionally?

I have a brief snippet of code from a Fortran 95 program that should, in theory, spit out my results into some text files. It would be convenient, for readability if nothing else, for the data to be written in columns (so, one column for variable X, one for Y, etc.). In the first set of WRITE commands below (i.e., those associated with the first OPEN command), the idea is to have a text identifier for the user to read, followed by a numeric value. In the second write command, I just dump out four columns of data, each specific to a given variable.
do i=1,1
write(10,'(a12,f5.4)') 'Min. sigma: ',sigma_low
end do
do i=1,1
write(10,'(a12,f5.4)') 'Max. sigma: ',sigma_high
end do
write(10,'(a11,f5.4)') 'Sigma inc: ',0.005
write(10,*) '# of sigmas: ',ii
write(10,'(a9,f5.1)') 'Min. DL: ',dl_low
write(10,'(a9,f5.1)') 'Max. DL: ',dl_high
write(10,*) 'DL inc: ',1
write(10,*) '# of DLs: ',i
write(10,*) 'Total rows: ',(i*ii)
do i=1,dls
do ii=1,sigmas
write(10,*) gtow_out(i,ii),ctsig_out(i,ii),sigout(i,ii),dlout(i,ii)
end do
end do
However, what happens on the output side is this: the latter WRITE does exactly what I'd expect and spits out the data in column form...but the former insists on writing everything to the same row. At least when I open things in Notepad. If I use GVIM, it looks as it should.
Why does the first set of WRITE commands write to the same row, and how can I force it to insert a line break after each command instead? Alternatively, is Notepad just showing me something that isn't really there?

How to access the data that was assigned to the variable before in Tcl script?

I am pretty new to Tcl and have been writing snippets to improve the automation of the process flow in our Work. I want to compare the value of a variable to its previous value so that the code knows its a new flow. The problem is: How to store the old value of a variable? or more precisely, how can we store the value of a variable that is assigned during previous flow?(Is it even possible?)
The following is how our workflow looks like
Start compilation
A) Start phase1 and run flow.tcl script twice
B) Start phase2 and run flow.tcl script twice
End compilation
Here in this example, the variable is assigned a new value every time it is run in a different phase. But since I am unable to store the value of the variable to compare, am stuck at trying different options but in vain. This might be totally impossible but as far as I know Tcl can handle almost everything.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
Edit: simple solution found. Have the data written to text files and read in back again. Thanks
You can save variables in an array and load the variables back into Tcl. The command "array get" serializes the data and "array set" puts it back into an array.
proc load_data {data_file array_name} {
upvar $array_name data
if {[file exists $data_file]} {
set fp [open $data_file r]
array set data [read $fp]
close $fp
proc save_data {data_file array_name} {
upvar $array_name data
set fp [open $data_file w]
puts $fp [array get data]
close $fp
set now [clock seconds]
# Set defaults. If you need new keys in your data file you can add them here.
set data(count) 0
set data(last_timestamp) $now
# Load existing data over default values. If the key doesn't exist the default will be used.
load_data "flow.dat" data
# Use the saved data to find elapsed time.
set elapsed [expr $now - $data(last_timestamp)]
set count $data(count)
# Save new data.
set data(last_timestamp) $now
set data(count) [incr count]
save_data "flow.dat" data
puts "It's been $elapsed seconds since last run. You have run this $count times."
% ./flow.tcl
It's been 0 seconds since last run. You have run this 1 times.
% cat flow.dat
count 1 last_timestamp 1427142892

Print only nonzero results using AMPL + Neos server

I'm doing a optimization model of a relatively big model. I will use 15 timesteps in this model, but now when I'm testing it I am only using 4. However, even with 11 time steps less than desired the model still prints 22 000 rows of variables, where perhaps merely a hundred differs from 0.
Does anyone see a way past this? I.e. a way using NEOS server to only print the variable name and corresponding value if it is higher than 0.
What I've tested is:
option omit_zero_rows 0; (also tried 1;)
display _varname, _var;
Using both omit_zero_rows 0; or omit_zero_rows 1; still prints every result, and not those higher than 0.
I've also tried:
if _var > 0 then {
display _varname, _var;
but it gave me syntax error. Both (or really, the three) variants were tested in the .run file I use for NEOS server.
I'm posting a solution to this issue, as I believe that this is an issue more people will stumble upon. Basically, in order to print only non-zero values using NEOS Server write your command file (.run file) as:
display {j in 1.._nvars: _var[j] > 0} (_varname[j], _var[j]);

Change printer setting between printing job - Zebra printer

I can change the printer setting from the printer setting as well as from the Zebra Setup Utilities. What I would like to know is if their is a way to automatically change the settings (darkness or print mode) in between two printing job. Like one job as darkness set to 15 and the other to 3.
I am sending the print job from Visual Basic as a ThermalLabel object.
I already tried using :
as well as :
where ligneZPL is this string -> "~SD3 \n"
But the printer (Zebra - GC420T) doesn't take it into account.
There are two values in play for darkness. ~SD sets the darkness generally. ^MD modifies the ~SD value by a delta. If the ~SD value is 10, and the ^MD value is 5, then the overall darkness will be 15.
If you want to print most labels at 15, set ~SD15. For the label you want to print at 3, set ^MD-12 as part of the code at the top of the label.
Either of these commands might already be embedded in the label you are trying to print. That may be the reason why the setting seems to be ignored.

Keeping track of original line numbers through macro expansion

I'm working on a assembler for fun, written in C,flex,bison. I'd like to add macros, includes and repeating blocks and was thinking of doing this with a separate preprocessing stage parser.
My question is, how might I keep track of original source line numbers (and filenames)? This is for producing useful error messages, pretty printing, and generating debug information.
yylineno in the second parser after preprocessing is complete will presumably be offset after macro expansion and so on.
you can add
;#file filename.asm
;#line 5
to the preprocessed assembler so
;--10 lines of code
set PC,POP
turns into
;#file functionmacros.asm
;#line 10
set push,A
set push,B
set push,C
;#file yourfile.asm
;#line 5
;--10 lines of code
;#file functionmacros.asm
;#line 30
set C,pop
set B,POP
set C,POP
;#file yourfile.asm
;#line 16
set PC,POP