Add an Authorized redirect URI to GCloud OUaht Client from terminal - google-oauth

We have a test GCloud OAuth app, and I'd like to add&remove extra redirect URIs to it from the CLI.
We have a Gitlab CI/CD job that creates a review env for our stack -> and we have apps that use Google Login in this stack. These review envs run on k8s, and each one of the envs have a unique URL.
It'd be nice if we could add the valid redirect URI to Google's config when the review env is created & remove this URL when the MR is closed. But I cannot found any gcloud cli app which can do this.
Is there any gcloud utils which can modify the OAuth2 Client app configs on the gcloud?


Gitlab CI/CD How to use PAT

I am currently trying to build my first pipeline. The goal is to download the git repo to a server. In doing so, I ran into the problem that I have 2FA enabled on my account. When I run the pipeline I get the following error message:
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2FA enabled and you must use a personal access token instead of a password.
echo "Hallo"
As far as I understand I have to use a PAT because I have 2FA enabled. But unfortunately I have not found any info on how to use the PAT.
To access one of your GitLab repository from your pipeline, you should create a deploy token (as described in token overview).
As noted here:
You get Deploy token username and password when you create deploy token on the repository you want to clone.
You can also use Job token. Job token inherits permissions of the user triggering the pipeline.
If your users have access to the repository you need to clone you can use git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}<namespace>/<project>.
More details on Job token is here.
The OP Assassinee adds in the comments:
The problem was that the agent could not access the repository.
I added the following item in the agent configuration:
clone_url = "https://<USER>:<PAT>"
This makes it possible for the agent to access the repository.

Fastlane Match with Gitlab Secure Files - Can't use different private token for code signing repo in CI/CD

We've been having some issues getting Fastlane Match to work in Gitlab CI using access tokens from within an existing CI pipeline.
The setup:
Repo for storing the certs / profiles: set up during fastlane init. We'll call this the "Cert Repo".
Repo for our React Native project: uses fastlane to handle builds/uploading to App Center and Testflight. We'll call this the "Project Repo"
Setup of match via match init went fine. We did the setup via terminal on the build server.
In our Matchfile:
We had to pass in some env vars to the command for our gitlab enterprise api url (as "CI_API_V4_URL" and the Cert Repo access token as "PRIVATE_TOKEN"
We ran match for all cert/profile types we needed and they all uploaded to the secure files section of the Cert Repo correctly.
The Problem:
Our branches in the Project Repo use Gitlab CI to run various scripts and call a fastlane lane that will do the versioning, certs/profiles, and then upload the build to App Center or Testflight.
When we run match in readonly mode in our lane this way, match is failing with a 401 error.
Looking into the source for match and secure files for storage, it seems if you have a PRIVATE_TOKEN env var set, match will give a warning that you have both JOB_TOKEN and PRIVATE_TOKEN set and it will use the JOB_TOKEN.
The JOB_TOKEN is provided via Gitlab CI itself.
My guess is the JOB_TOKEN for this pipeline is not a valid token to authenticate against the CERT_REPO, which match needs to download the certs/profiles.
How is this supposed to work if I can't pass in a token for match to use for the CERT_REPO?
If we were using normal git storage, you can pass in the git_basic_authorization argument and give the base64 encoded "username:acces_token" string, which I'm assuming would solve the problem.
But using gitlab_secure_files, you can only use tokens.
Before we go and redo everything to use git storage and not gitlab secure files, can someone explain what we're missing here?
How is match supposed to authenticate with the Cert Repo from within the Project Repo in CI if the token it has is for the Project Repo? Doesn't it need the token for the Cert Repo to authenticate?

static web app auto generated url extraction with CLI

Is there a command I can use in Azure CLI to pull the auto generated URL Azure provides when a static web app is created? I need it for automation purposes as at the moment the pipeline needs manual intervention to obtain it. I have searched and searched so its either not possible or I'm missing something.
To get the auto-generated URL of static web app, the following GitHub Az CLI SWA Doc reference and commands I used:
az staticwebapp show --name krishtestapp-swa --query "defaultHostname"
This command gives the host URL of Azure Static web App.
az staticwebapp show --name krishtestapp-swa --query "repositoryUrl"
This command gives the host URL of Azure Static Web App Original Repository.

Always get "redirect_uri_mismatch" under google oauth progress

I am developing a website which need google-login button. But i failed in getting the access_token.
Here is my configuration page and curl result.
why curl doesn't work.
The problem you are having is that you have created web browser credentials and you appear to be testing with curl. Curl by itself would be run in a command prompt or shell script there for it would be installed credentials not web browser credentials.
Go to google developer console and create desktop app type creetinals Then you can follow the calls below in order to authorize to Google and get an access token and a refresh token.
Notice how desktop apps use urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob for a redirect uri this means just send it back where it came from.
# Client id from Google Developer console
# Client Secret from Google Developer console
# Scope this is a space separated list of the scopes of access you are requesting.
# Authorization link. Place this in a browser and copy the code that is returned after you accept the scopes.[Application Client Id]&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope=[Scopes]&response_type=code
# Exchange Authorization code for an access token and a refresh token.
curl \
--request POST \
--data "code=[Authentcation code from authorization link]&client_id=[Application Client Id]&client_secret=[Application Client Secret]&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&grant_type=authorization_code" \
# Exchange a refresh token for a new access token.
curl \
--request POST \
--data 'client_id=[Application Client Id]&client_secret=[Application Client Secret]&refresh_token=[Refresh token granted by second step]&grant_type=refresh_token' \
code ripped from
YOu may also be interested in Which type of credentials should you create? which explains how to decide which type of Google credentials you need to use for the application you are developing.
your web application.
Redirect uri mismatch with a true web application is most often a configuration issue. If you are using a servicer sided programming language you simply need to take the redirect uri that the error message is telling you is wrong and place that in Google Developer console for your web application as a Redirect uri. Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2
If on the other hand you have a Client sided web application using javascript it will state that the issue is with the JavaScript origin. It is still a configuration issue. However this time you need to take the URL it is telling you is wrong and place that in the javascript origin field in Google developer console Simple solution for redirect_uri_mismatch error with JavaScript
YOu do not need both Redirect URI and Javascript origin its one or the other.
Fixed it.
The problem is that i have added two version of redirect uri in the google console:
http and https
In the first step, i redirect customer to the oauth page "" with http version redirect uri.
In the second step i try to got the access token with https version redirect uri, so i got this error.

Missing Step in Python Goolge API Oauth2 from terminal can't skip browser need

i'm able to create an oAuth 2.0 credential in my project.
I download the credentials file to the same folder.
Run my code and in the termnial it asks me to visit a URL to verify. I do that (copy and paste) however it redirects to localhost and fails.
Not sure how to get by this step so I can use my API.