Where is payment(py_) API doc in Stripe? - api

I found that there is a type of id start with py_,
It is unique id for payments,
but I have never seen it in Stripe API doc.

py_ objects have the same API shape as the Charge object. They are fundamentally the same thing, but in most cases represent a transaction/transfer between 2 Stripe accounts (i.e. with Connect).


Checking that nft is selling on opensea

I want to know some information using Opensea API that some NFT token is selling, but can't find info which api method can give so data. I tried to use events api method which displays all events info of token but can't find the difference between token which is selling and not. For example on the first picture token is selling, on the second one the token isn't
You can use opensea's api call retrieve assets. This will give you information about an asset and whether or not it is currently listed. As long as you have an api key, it will tell you if the asset is listed, and the details of that order. Hope it helps!

All the payment methods not returning in BigCommerce Get Accepted Payment method rest api

I am using BigCommerce Rest API in my React Native application to create an eCommerce app for a BigCommerce site. I am doing all the functionalities like getting products, creating a cart, creating checkout, etc, using BigCommerce rest API.
Now, there is an API to get all the accepted payment methods for checkout.
Api : https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/store-management/payment-processing/accepted-methods/paymentsmethodsget
So, when I am calling this API with all the required parameters and headers, I am getting only one payment method in the response. However, I have set up many other payment method options from the admin.
There is another API Get All Payment method, which returns all the payment methods that I have set up. But returned payment method data does not contain payment method id. I need a payment method id to pass it on next step.
Please anyone knows how to get all the accepted payment methods with it's id in BigCommerce rest API?
It's to my belief that this is working as expected. The v3/payments/methods returns only a list of providers that are supported by our public payments api. This list does not include COD, so that's why that one is missing. You likely don’t see Paypal because it is Paypal Commerce Platform, which is also not expected to be returned.
As a note, this endpoint is tied to an order so if certain providers have restrictions on order total or products or things like that, they might appear/or not appear depending on those values.

How to obtain an Edmunds API key?

This is my first attempt to use an API. I followed the instructions for registering for an Edmunds API (http://developer.edmunds.com/).
I registered for an account, got an email from them to confirm, clicked on that link, and got a request to register my application, which I filled out.
But when I log into my account and click on "keys", all I get is the message "You don't have any keys yet".
What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
Here is the email response I got from Edmunds:
Thank you for your interest in the Edmunds Open API Program.
Unfortunately, we are in the process of retiring our Open API Program. Therefore, we are unable to issue you an API key at this time.
The Edmunds API has been shutdown.
I would like to also recommend this website, it contains a list of the latest car information/database APIs.
I can't remember exactly how I created mine, I believe I created my dev account and then received an api key link via email. I clicked the link and it took me to a page where I could setup my app and receive an api key. You should have received said email by now.
If that doesn't work then try emailing: api#edmunds.com
An alternative to Edmunds API would be Marketcheck Cars API
The developer portal is given here with Comprehensive API documentation
The APIs supported are
Inventory Search API
VIN History API
Dealers API
VIN Decoder API
CRM Cleanse API
and lots more APIs coming up like - Market APIs with active and historical market averages, trends, dealer sales stats, dealer ranking, deal ranking, total cost to own, car market values (like Edmunds TMV) coming up

How do I get CID (Client ID) for the Expedia Affiliate Network?

I want to use Expedia's API on my website. I have registered on EAN (Expedia Affiliate Network), and now need an API key.
Now for the API key, I need CID(Client ID), which I don't have.
How do I get through?
Now you have to fill this form and have to wait until they decide whether to give you access to their API or not.
Note: Confirmation period may be long for days and weeks.
Fill the registration for for Expedia API at BECOME AN AFFILIATE - INQUIRY FORM
It seems impossible since a few months. And accounts created before that did not convert to production are blocked.
It looks like you have to submit a manual request now: http://www.ean.com/contact-us

Access Shopify Property via post request

I want to access the shopify api object to get (paymentMethod , paymentReference , refundedAmount and risklevel).
How can I?
Connect to the shop using the API, and ask for the order(s) of interest. All the payment information for order is available either with the order itself, or by asking for the transactions belonging to the order. All clearly documented in the API documentation.