I have a problem where glassfish instance does not stop from GUI or Command line.When trying a message appears saying there is no server instance running but there is, i can login to localhost:4848. I have killed all the process on 8080 but the behavior is still same. Any help would be much appreciated.
I have some Rabbitmq server issues installed in Centos 7 when starting and stopping it. The server works well when connected to internet. It only takes 1 or 2 seconds to start it. But when disconnected to internet, it takes about 3~5 minutes to either start or stop it. There seems nothing wrong on the access log.
I also checked what to set up in the configuration file. But I couldn't find any settings about starting server. Can you guys give some help for me?
I am trying to start zookeeper on a remote virtual machine. I use this for my project regularly and I do not have any problems while starting the zookeeper. But lately when I am trying to start the server I am getting an error.
When I give ./zkServer.sh start it shows zookeeper server started.
When I check for status using ./zkServer.sh status it shows "Error contacting service. It is probably not running."
I am totally working with 5 Virtual Machines. All these machines were fine initially. I started getting problems with machine 1. But recently I have the same problem with all my virtual machines. Can someone tell me what the issue is and suggest me a way to clear this issue?
Most probably Zookeeper server exited.
If we are running it on a Linux box, use the linux commands. Some of them:
ps -ef | grep -i zookeeper
Also, try running it in foreground
zkServer.sh start-foreground
In My case the issue was $PATH issue...
You will get what was the issue by running zookeeper in foreground
zkServer.sh start-foreground
I encountered same problem,too. In my case problem is about zookeeper locations configuration is not same for each node so zookeeper can not provide Quorum and mentioned nodes can not be part of cluster.
Please be sure server definition for each node is same.
For example for all nodes, server definition must be same as below
In my case the issue was some how ClientPort attribute's value was missed in one of the box so in console it was showing as invalid config path.With the help of command 'zkServer.sh start-foreground' investigated and found root cause.
I was trying to start the mule mmc and mule-ee using the start launcher given in the mule mmc distribution package. When Ia m running the start.bat it was mentioning that the mule instance is already running.
When i checked the windows process I was not able to see any related java process running and in services I could see mul-ee in stopped state. When I am trying to start the mule-ee service it is mentioning that the file path cannot be identified.
I even tried to remove the service which also was not possible.
Could you please help in finding what might be issue ?.
I have resolved the issue temporarily by deleting the mule-ee service.
Below is the command used :
sc delete mule-ee
Same issue occur to me also, I find the port which running for mule instance, I have killed it and run start.bat file.. I am not sure about mule-ee is the problem.
I might guess that your are not stopped your mule and mmc instance while shoutdown the pc.
I have 2 servers A and B running a glassfish application server on them. Both use a JMS queue for communication, which works fine so far. If the network connection breaks for any reason, I can see in the logs of server B (the one configured to connect to the remote queue of A) that it tries to reconnect and is actually always successful in doing so as soon as A is up again.
But the problem is, that if I try to restart the glassfish instance on B while server A is unreachable, the startup process will fail after some retries and remains stuck in a kind of undefined/unusable state, i.e. the java process is started, some ports are open but the applications are not started - not even the administration console.
IMHO glassfish startup process should not wait for the queues to connect, this should be done in some kind of background process.
Has anyone of you experienced something similar? Is there anything I can configure/tune to fix this behaviour?
Never mind, it seems to have fixed itself :(
After restarting the computer,removing the deployed ear and deploying it again it just worked. I haven't experienced this behaviour since then.
We have a jboss 7 instance running and hosting a web application. JMX remote has been turned on with username/password authentication and we are able to connect to it fine. Kindly not we are using Jboss/bin/jconsole.bat to connect.
However at times we notice after the following 2 cases it stops allowing any more connections to jmx unless we restart the jboss server. the cases are
1) we attempt a heap dump of the JVM using jconsole
2) We invoke a softreset method on a c3p0 datasource object that has been exposed via spring JMX
Not necessarily after doing any of the 2 it will always stop working. At times it stops taking new connections after trying one heap dump or at times after 3-4 successful attempts.
Any clue on this random behaviour of jconsole?
I think you ware bit by connection leak bug that AS 7.1.x had and it is fixed with 7.2.x versions.
I would recommend you to take EAP 6.1.0.Alpha1 (same as 7.2.0.Final) and try again.
If I recall correctly this was the original issue https://issues.jboss.org/browse/REMJMX-45