US Census Population API parameters - api

I need help understanding what to pass in the parameter of this api,POP_2021,NAME,STATE&for=region:*
I'm not from the US, but my client is. I'm not really sure what to put on the parameters name and region.


Does anyone know of a global tax rate API that includes all countries?

I was wondering if anyone can help me?
I have been searching for an API for merchant tax rates that includes all countries. I need to be able to state and apply any and all tax rates from one country to another but am having some difficulty finding one that fits the criteria.
The selling/dispatch destination needs to be able to be customisable/changeable and I need to be able to choose any country I want sell to.
The API needs to be compatible with PHP 7.
I have tried looking for an API that covers this but the only one I found and reached out to has not replied and it has been a while since the first request.

Vies database split address

I'm using vatlayer API for getting company information by put in the vat number.
Now I want split address info in the state, zipcode, addressline and address number.
I get the address info: BREDABAAN 13052900 SCHOTEN.
The address number and zipcode stands against each other without spacing. (1305number and 2900 zipcode).
Is there another API for working with the vies database where i can split these information? Or an work around for this bug?
VatLayer don't support the split atm.
I get the address information by:
Thanks in advance,
There's quite a lot of API's to handle VAT validation but the ones that provide information about the trader essentially all rely on the official API at . It connects directly to the VIES system. Perhaps the values returned there are a bit different: it's worth trying your validation that way as well.
Unfortunately, since VIES does not return structured addresses (except for approximate matches, but only Spain supports them at the moment) and does not specify a common format for the free text addresses, you're going to have to deal with whatever format the country has chosen to provide, which means manual parsing.
I reckon 3rd party wrapping API's could handle guessing the format and splitting the formats on their own but I am not aware of any that would do it.

REST-ful API URI Modeling approach

I have a functional API endpoint
at present with the [GET] call implemented. This endpoint is now in production.
Now, this is for the all the customers in the USA. The same database used by this endpoint also has the relevant details for other countries.
I have requirement to incorporate the same logic/call for UK customers.
Should I use:
1. ?
2. (still use) & then include a custom header to differentiate between USA and UK?
Is there a prescribed way to do this?
I'd propose you use the same URL with a query parameter (rather than a header) to specify the relevant country, defaulting to USA when not specified. This fits in with the RESTful style of the URI representing a resource that is being queried, and you're querying it slightly differently.

how to create a REST api for filtered data

I've been reading a lot and I understand that a REST API maps resources with HTTP verbs. That's very easy of understand when, for example, a tutorial show an example like Employee.
A PUT will be a new record (if it doesn't exist) or an update; a GET will extract a list with all employees, and a GET will extract the record for the Employee with ID = 12.
But, for example, how I could map a more useful queries like "get me all the employees with a salary under 50.000, with less that 2 years at the company and with the marital status as single"?
In other words, how I could parametrize the query? Is it correct to add parameters like<50000&years<2&marital-status=single" ?
The theory:
If you add parameters to your query, they are just part of the URL. The form of the URL does not tell you anything about whether your API is RESTful. Your API with query strings is restful if it obeys the constraints described here: and (optionally) follows the guiding principles
So as long as your query parameters don't do anything crazy like randomly change the state of some of the resources, then your API is still RESTful
The practice:
Any sensible REST API will need query parameters for the 'index' route. In practice, LinkedIn's REST API has query parameters that just select fields from someone's profile. In this case, the URLs looks completely different from yours, but still obey the principles of REST.
Your situation:
Your query strings can't contain inequalitites, only key+value pairs. You need to express it more like ?max-salary=50000&max-years=2&marital-status=single". You might also name your 'index' route differently: (plural)

OSM API how to get all suburbs by city?

Can someone tell me how to get a list of suburbs by city (name,id,whatever) in OpenStreetMap API? I can't find any detailed documentation and the API is pretty abstract.
I'm looking at extended API, Xapi. I found how I can get nods and filter only suburbs, but I don't know how to set the city value.[place=suburb]
Any other way or API is welcomed. Looked at geonames and google maps, but haven't found what I'm looking for. I need a list of all suburbs in Zagreb/Croatia and a way to check if a specific street is in that suburb. OSM has a pretty good and accurate data as I can see, but I'm having troubles with this API.
Have you tried setting the bounding box and then filtering the results to ensure that they are actually within Zagreb?
Here's a URL using a bounding box created on[place=suburb][bbox=15.807,45.761,16.18,45.875]
This gives you names, but since I'm still new to OSM, I'm not quite sure how you establish their admin level and whether they actually lie within Zagreb or just within that bounding box. There may be further requests that could establish this info.
For your purposes I would use OSM Server Side Script
here is the documentation