Where are the pre-built windows binaries for xalan-c? - xalan

The link on this website, https://apache.github.io/xalan-c/install.html, for the Windows binaries is broken. I tried poking around on the base URL of the vcpkg github project to see if I could manually navigate to find more info but I could not find anything. I'd appreciate a link.


Which libraries does webkit utilize?

I'm looking for a list of libraries used by webkitgtk/safari.
I've googled, checked wikipedia and even the webkit.org site, to no avail.
Specifically, by libraries I mean libpng, etc.
I pulled the regular webkit repo via svn:
svn checkout https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk webkit
I'm building it for x64 and using ASAN (via the set-webkit-configuration script),
then followed these instructions:
.../Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --gtk
I found the list of dependencies:

Twitter-Bootstrap 3.3.7- Getting Started

I'm stumped. I cannot understand the getbootstrap.com Getting Started info. I'm running on Windows 7 Pro. I would like to use Pingendo - which I'm new to - to create my website.
I downloaded the distribution version bootstrap-3.3.7-dist.zip (pre-compiled) and unzipped it. Then I came to the MaxCDN code. Where do I put that code??
For the source code version, I see references to things I don't know about: Bower, npm, Composer, Grunt, Less, and SASS. All these appear to be Linux based tools - from the command lines shown. How does one accomplish the same thing under Windows without installing yet more tools? Do I even need to compile this code to use the greater features?
You can either add the downloaded bootstrap css and js files to your project and reference them or you can just use the cdn which is just the same files hosted on a server. You do now have to know about any of those to get started with Bootstrap. They are just additional ways to install it, and different preprocessors that you can leverage.

where can i find openerp_report_designer plugin?

I found a plugin folder inside base_report_designer but when I added that to apache open office it doesn't show any signs of working. Please can anyone guide me on this I also tried looking at resources or steps mentioned on over various websites but I failed to do so.
Just You can download the base_report_designer module from the this link
Click To Download
You should add that module in your OpenERP 7.0 addons directory and install in your system.this module is working fine from my side.
Reference link for installation Guideline :
YouTube :
Other Web References :
I hope my answer may helpful for you :)

FreeImage library not found

Installed FreeImage through MacPorts. Everything looked to be OK, but when I builded my app and tried to launch on other computer where is no MacPorts and no FreeImage installed it says
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libfreeimage.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/development/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/freeimage-dxsornyaxqlkyubqwsrlkgszvxhy/Build/Products/Debug/freeimage.app/Contents/MacOS/freeimage
Reason: image not found
Shouldn't it copy library files together with my project? I added them to my project's build phases "Copy files" list. They are being copied to my app's bundle. But when I try to link them, I get same error. I don't know why but app is still looking for library in /opt/local/lib. How can I fix it so that I could use FreeImage at my project and run it at any computer?
When you install through MacPorts the library is installed in /opt/local/lib, not in your project path. Even if you copy the whole project, the *dylib libraries won't be copied because they are usually in /opt/local/lib.
I believe you have two options here: install FreeImage in every computer that you want to run your application, or copy the libfreeimage.3.dylib to the same folder where your binnary is and, if both systems are similar, that should work. If the two computers are different in terms of operating system version, hardware architecture, etc... then probably the .dylib that you have won't be compatible for the other computer.
Another thing you might want to consider is to modify your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, which specifies the paths in which the OS will look for libraries when linking. See this answer for more information.

TagLib# Windows distribution? Or another good ID3 reader?

I wanted to write a quick program to get the file organization of my MP3 files back into sync with the info in my ID3 tags...
I had tried to get the Windows Media Format SDK, but when I go to install it says it can only run on WinXP. I found someone on here suggest TagLib#, which looked REALLY good, from the code examples. Problem is it seems the official site is gone, and the other links I've found to a hosting on Novell's servers is also down.
Anyone know where I can still get a distro of TagLib# for C#/VB.NET for Windows? Or another good ID3 tag reader?
I would recommend installing taglib-sharp with NuGet. NuGet is the best and easiest way to use opensource libraries in Visual Studio.
To install TagLib#, run the following command in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.
PM> Install-Package taglib
The NuGet distribution of taglib-sharp can be found at http://nuget.org/packages/taglib.
The official source code repository is at https://github.com/mono/taglib-sharp.
You can download the source and DLL here: http://download.banshee.fm/taglib-sharp/
You can check http://download.banshee.fm/taglib-sharp/ to see the latest version.
You can do an svn checkout of the code from http://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/taglib-sharp.