How to centre elements in Jetpack Compose Desktop Column - kotlin

Working on desktop application with Jetpack Compose and unable to center elements in a Column as horizontalAlignment attribute is not working. I've also seen many other answers saying to use horizontalArrangment but that is also not working for desktop application.
Update: I've imported Alignment from androidx.compose.ui now and able to use CenterHorizontally and error is gone but it's still not getting in centre.

you need to add
modifier = Modifier
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CENTRE
because u need to state max width for the apps or you need to define the width/height of the column so that horizontal can be placed on the centre.


React Native Custom Button (include two background, two inner component)

How Do I create that Button in React Native?
As above, button component include two part , left is text part, right part include another background color and image.
But, whole button component includes same border radius and gradient.
Does somebody might know how to get to this?
You should wrap two sibling View components with TouchableOpacity component which will handle onPress for the whole button. Position them side by side using flex and set explicit sizes on each. Left element should get borderTopLeftRadius and borderBottomLeftRadius and right should get borderTopRightRadius and borderBottomRightRadius. Border radius is solved separately but it would seem like it's all in one, and for gradient do you mean this inner shadow or something else?
It's because inset shadow does not exist in RN, but it can be faked quite realistically. Read more here:
If you really wan't to use gradient, you must use and position it absolutely over everything and just set it in the background using zIndex property.

Codenameone Slider cannot set height

I am finding it difficult to set the right look and feel of a CN1 Slider control. Essentially i want it to look like the one in the CN1 Default Demo of the Theme window, and have it with the Thumb image to allow the user to set the scroll.
But when i code it up as per online examples, it comes out skinny on the simulator (as below)
...but doesn't display the line at all on the actual iphone device.
When i start messing with the methods, such as 'getSliderEmptyUnselectedStyle()' then this makes the background show and can see the progress but its tall and i cannot seem to shrink it.
Container container = new Container(new FlowLayout());
Slider slider = new Slider();
// slider.getAllStyles().setFgColor(0);
// slider.getAllStyles().setMarginLeft(0);
// slider.getSliderEmptyUnselectedStyle().setBgTransparency(255);
// slider.getSliderFullUnselectedStyle().setBgTransparency(255);
// slider.getSliderEmptySelectedStyle().setBgTransparency(255);
// slider.getSliderFullSelectedStyle().setBgTransparency(255);
// slider.getSliderEmptyUnselectedStyle().setBgColor(0xffffff);
// slider.getSliderFullUnselectedStyle().setBgColor(0x42B72A);
// slider.getSliderEmptySelectedStyle().setBgColor(0xffffff);
// slider.getSliderFullSelectedStyle().setBgColor(0x42B72A);
Style sliderStyle = UIManager.getInstance().getComponentStyle("Label");
FontImage.createMaterial(FontImage.MATERIAL_RADIO_BUTTON_CHECKED, sliderStyle, 4).toImage());
return container;
How can i get it pretty much to the CN1 example?
The slider in the example used a 9-piece border or a 3-piece border both of which have a fixed minimum height/width. This minimal height is applied to the way the slider is rendered.
Your code can be made thicker with padding but it will create a problem when you add a thumb. Once you add the thumb it will increase the overall size and make the entire height of the thumb have that background. So you need to style this via the designer and for this specific case you would want to use an image border that is carefully measured to align with the thumb image.
Also notice you used getAllStyles() which is wrong. Slider is a special case and uses the Slider and SliderFull UIID so effectively the component has two UIID's and two separate sets of Style objects.

Titanium: How to determine the screen width when using SplitView?

I'm used to using Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth all over my app to get the width of the window.
But with SplitView on the iPad Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth still returns the total screen size of the iPad (as it probably should).
How can I determine the actual available screen width for the app while using SplitView?
I don't mean SplitWindow BTW. This is in regards to SplitView where you can line up two different apps next to each other on the iPad
Thank you!
you can get the width your uiElement using postLayout event
var uiWidth;
myElement.addEventListener('postlayout', postlayout);
function postlayout(e){
uiWidth = e.source.rect.height;
myElement.removeEventListener('postlayout', postlayout);
An easy way to determine how wide a certain view is, is to use toImage() on the UI element, and then get the size.
So... when you do
You should get the width of the window. Which should be the width allocated to your app.

Setting ScrollView Height

I have a window. That window has a header (variable size) and should have a scrollable body that sits directly under the header. How can I set the height of the body so that it actually scrolls? If I set height: 'auto', the body extends beyond the bottom of the viewport to fit all of its content. If I set its top and bottom properties, nothing shows up at all.
I can't imagine that I'm the only one who's come across this, but I haven't found a single definitive answer for how to create properly sized, scrollable view within a window. Heights seem tricky since the value is so different in portrait and landscape modes on a single device, much less across devices.
Can someone provide tips on how to manage this scenario? I'm hoping I can extrapolate it to handle other view height scenarios.
It depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you're trying to create a ScrollView that just has the ability to scroll when empty, you should add a empty View into the ScrollView, which has the "top" property.
For example:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var scrollView = Ti.UI.createScrollView();
var emptyView = Ti.UI.createView({top: 460});
Note that the "top" property has 460 set, which is 40 bigger than the iPhone screen res of "420". This will case the scrollView to scroll. If you're looking for a specific size based on the window's navBar controlTitle, you will have to run an equation based on what you think the size will be, applying that size to the view's "top" property accordingly.

Show individual lines of text sequentially from the textView in android

i'm creating a transition for a text view in android. onswipe the current textView is moved and the next textview is shown,with a bounce animation.
i'm presently getting the entire textView at once, rather i require the text to appear line after line. Similar to how is happens in MS powerpoint, where very bullet points appear one after the other.
Can anyone pls tell how this can be done ?
Use a Vertical LinearLayout that contains a textview for each line of text
Use AnimationFactory which has a function inFromLeft that you can use before setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) of each textview to animate them.