Get file "pathname" and put it into edittext - kotlin

i'm trying to get the pathname of any file on the user device. When the user will press the specific button, he will choose the file he wants and then the pathname of this file have to be return into EditText... Exemple : /storage/emulated/0/Download/giphy.gif
The read_external_storage permission is enabled
I already have a message_key for the EditText(toString)
I have tried to look for something similar but it's more to load bitmap or stuff like this... Also everything i can find is on Java and i'm using Kotlin.
I'm a beginner so i hope you can help me :)))
Best regards,


Selenium 2.0 - File Upload not working

I am unable to upload a file using selenium. I employ the below code:
However, all that happens is that the file browse form comes up. The file does not get selected.
Does anyone know what I need to do to get this working, or a workaround? Many Thanks.
Refer to(
WebElement upload = driver.findElement("myfile"));
Also make sure you have given the path correctly. For example if the file is in d:\abc\pqr.txt, then path needs to be given as
Mark this as an answer if this answers your question.
If not, please post your query!

Is it possible to use LinqPad's Hyperlinq() method to create a link to a file path

I really like how Hyperlinq allows you to hyperlinq to a website, but what about to a file? I would like to do something like this:
new Hyperlinq(#"C:\temp\afile.txt");
This is a bug in LINQPad - I've fixed it for the next build.
I have tried
new Hyperlinq(new Uri(#"C:\temp\afile.txt").ToString());
With this you get a valid hyperlink but I failed to click on it to open the file.
If you paste the link into a browser it works. I don't know if its a limitation of LinqPad.

Capture and save a photo in XAML/C# for a Windows store application

I'm trying to take and save a photo using a windows surface device.
I'm using the code below to take a photo and this work but I'd like to automatically create a directory on the device's local drive and save this photo there without any dialog prompts.
So the code I use to capture to photo is as follows:
CameraCaptureUI camera = new CameraCaptureUI();
StorageFile file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo);
if (file!=null)
using (IRandomAccessStream ras=await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
BitmapImage source = new BitmapImage();
imageBuildingPhoto.Source = source; // this is just an image control.
So after this I'd like to automatically save the photo to a new directory. e.g.
My Pictures\NewDirectory\Photo1.jpg
Anybody got any idea how I can do this?
This is a windows store application written using C#4.5 and XAML.
Thanks in advance
Use the CopyAsync method on the StorageFile object you get back (file). You can specify a directory and file name. If you need to create your own directory structure, you will need to enable access to the appropriate library in the Package Manifest then create it in code. You will then use the StorageFolder class and its CreateFolderAsync method to create folders. has some great resources for learning about scenarios like this. Might be worth checking out.
Your code will need to look to see if that folder exists and create it if it does not. Your app will need to declare the capability to access the user's Photos library in the app manifest, too.
To take a picture, your code is correct. I have a walkthrough in case you want to verify it against some other code:
To interact with the file system, this can be tricky, but I have a longer write up on that if you want to reference it:
The answer to your question is, yes you can. I have done it in my own apps. Now, it's just a matter of you implementing it in yours. You will find it to be pretty easy.

Saving a user edited text field to a .js file in iOS

I'm creating an iOS5 app (programmed in Objective-C) which provides a couple of functions. One of them is to allow a user to fill out a text field with JavaScript. When the user presses a "Test" button, I want it to save to a specific JS file and move to a new view, displaying an HTML page that will display the results of that JavaScript on a canvas element.
Unfortunately for me, I have no idea how to save to a JS file for a text field. Nor do I know if this is actually the best way to achieve the results I'm after.
So can anyone tell me the code I'd need to place in the IBAction of my test button to save the file, or if there is a better way to get the user's script into the HTML file with the canvas element?
You have some options to do that.
Add a callback in WebView is possible only in desktop apps, but you can make a workaround.
1- Set a handler to click in javascript;
2- This handler parse the value via windows.location (trying to change the current url);
3- In UIWebviewDelegate set webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: to recognize this values parsed by javascript and returning NO (canceling the url change).
After you have the code typed by user, is easier pass to the new one UIWebView. You can save the file via NSData or other class and load in by the path, or you can parse directly the code to be showed via NSString.
I, still, belive what I said is what you want, but with a little more info. Yes, 3 NSString probably solve your problem. You even can call eval in javascript, via objective-c and parse user code too. Those logic ideas are a good approaching. You can choose the easier for you.
There are more info in this another Q&A
You can use html 5 local storage for that.

Relative path names VB2010

I'm trying to write a little Jukebox application in VB Forms, and I need the pathnames of the sound files (\bin\Tracks\"Insert Name Here") to be relative instead of absolute, so that it may work on a different computer to mine. At the moment, I am testing with the simple Soundplayer class, and the single line of code to play a song is this:
My.Computer.Audio.Play("\bin\Tracks\" & txtCurrentlyPlaying.Text)
It works when, instead of \bin\Tracks\, I put the full pathname (C:\Documents And Settings etc.), but not when I try a relative path such as this. Can anybody help?
Thank you for your time.
Try Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, txtCurrentlyPlaying.Text)