TeamCity Build Error "Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found" - msbuild

So I was updating ASP.Net codebase from the target framework of 4.5 to 4.8 because Visual Studios complains that 4.5 is no longer supported. It builds locally; however, this broke the TeamCity build. So I moved the VS build step to use VS 2015 in TeamCity and installed VS on my local machine. I then copied the MSBuild v14.0 files to the TeamCity server.
But I still get this message:
3): error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
But that file does exist and I can see it.
So why is the build saying in can't find the file that obviously exists?
I have read in some other stackoverflow post to update the <Import in the csproj but I think mine looks correct?
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
Any hints or direction would be appreciated.


The .csproj not able to copy .json files on Linux and macOS build servers after using Visual Studio 2019

I have ASP.NET Core 2.2 app and I've been developing with VS2017, when I started using VS2019 the first thing that happened was the sln stopped building with error pointing to my .csproj files, for example
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NETSDK1022 Duplicate 'Content' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'Content' items from your project directory by default. You can either remove these items from your project file, or set the 'EnableDefaultContentItems' property to 'false' if you want to explicitly include them in your project file. For more information, see The duplicate items were: 'plugin.json' ForkMeRibbon C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.0.100\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.targets 316
The cause is that in my csprojs I have certain .json files I need to be included at build time, so I have these lines in my .csproj file like below which worked fine with VS2017, but VS2019 complains. After I deleted these lines and everything worked in VS2019.
<Content Include="plugin.json" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />
Then however after I checked my code into github, the build servers of Azure Pipeline, AppVeyor and Travis CI are not happy, they complain that my "plugin.json" file is not found. After some struggling, I was able to fix the build for AppVeyor by changing image: Visual Studio 2017 to image: Visual Studio 2019 in the yml file.
It seems like the build servers are configured with VS2017-ish configurations, unless you tell it to use VS2019 compatible configurations it will not copy over my json file thus causing errors. So far all Windows builds are fine, but the Linux and macOS builds on Azure Pipeline and Travis CI are not, for example here is a failed build on Travis, and message error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.2/plugin.json" because it was not found.
Has anyone else run into this issue and how did you solve it?

MSBuild Error after upgrading TeamFoundation dlls to 2017

So, we were using 2013 TFS dlls in our projects (namely TeamFoundation.Client, TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client, and TeamFoundation.Common). I recently upgraded the project to use 2017 versions of the above mentioned dlls (We have VS2017). I am getting them from the below folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
After upgrading, when I build my solution, I get the following error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions.NETFramework.targets(56,5): warning : Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. The system cannot find the path specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070003)
I am not familiar with MSBuild so not sure how to proceed.
The error takes me to the following line in the MSBuild code:
GetDependsOnNETStandard Condition="'$(_RunGetDependsOnNETStandard)' == 'true'"
<Output TaskParameter="DependsOnNETStandard" PropertyName="DependsOnNETStandard" />
There is an outstanding issue with Visual Studio 2017 and DependsOnNETStandard that should hopefully be resolved in 15.8
I just encountered the same problem today when upgrading a project that was originally created VS 2015 and upgraded to VS 2017.
It looks like the upgrade of the projects misses a few elements in the XML that it needs.
If you edit the csproj files of the effected projects and add
to the top PropertyGroup like so:
It should resolve the issue. It did for me.
Details of the issue and discussion around it can be found at:
According to your error log info, seems you are trying to build locally through Visual Studio or MsBuild command not TFS build.
Suggest you to use the latest version of dlls, Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client and also upgrade your Visual Studio 2017 to latest version. For The system cannot find the path specified. issue try to
Clean All Projects.
Unload All Projects
Reload All Projects.
ReBuild Solution
Another way is :
Close the solution
Delete bin folder
Delete all obj folders
Open solution and build
If all of above still not work, suggest you add a more detail log and sample code for troubleshooting.

*.targets cannot be imported again. It was already imported

I have UWP app build in VS 2017 and many project in my solution have build warning like below. How to get rid of them?
Warning "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0.Net\CoreRuntime\Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportAfter\Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime.ImportAfter.targets (17,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored. [D:\Projects\HA4IoT\Controllers\HA4IoT.Controller\HA4IoT.Service.csproj] HA4IoT.Tests
Warning "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0.Net\CoreRuntime\Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime.Settings.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportBefore\Microsoft.Net.CoreRuntime.ImportBefore.targets (17,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored. [D:\Projects\HA4IoT\DNF\HA4IoT.Extensions.Tests\HA4IoT.Extensions.Tests.csproj] HA4IoT.Controller.Dnf
Warning "C:\Users\dnf.nuget\packages\\1.6.3\tools\Microsoft.NetNative.targets" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Microsoft.Common.targets\ImportAfter\Microsoft.NetNative.ImportAfter.targets (16,3)". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored. [D:\Projects\HA4IoT\Controllers\Examples\HA4IoT.Controller.Main\HA4IoT.Controller.Main.csproj] HA4IoT.Controller.Main
How to get rid of them?
I found the work-around of this question on MSDN:
Using condition to check the existence of a unique property defined in the considering project file.
<Import Project="Tasks.targets" Condition=" '$(TasksTargetsImported)' == '' "/>
Hope this can helps.
I removed all nuget target and prop files next to the .csproj files. This worked for me. All warnings are now gone.
Unload project or edit project solution file then check entire project file and make sure the same line is not repeated twice. In my case after I followed Web.config transformation instructions I added an extra line like the one below by mistake. You just want to make sure you have no dupes.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
I had the error "\PrefixFidelity\obj\PrefixFidelity.csproj.nuget.g.props(16,5): warning MSB4011: "..."This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored."
trace it to a second props file in the obj folder:
once that file was deleted the error was gone
I got this issue using the CLI tools after updating VS2017,
The fix was to simply delete the bin/obj folders, not modifying the targets file
I ran into this problem after importing an azure publish profile. My .csproj was updated from:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk;Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish">
Reverting that change removes the warning and the publish process still works ok.
I'm using visual studio 2019, this is an Azure Functions project, targeting .net core 3.1.

How do I embed StyleCop in the solution?

I try to integrate StyleCop in a Visual Studio solution. Installing StyleCop on each machine of each developer is something I would prefer to avoid. The suggestion I've seen several times (example) is to include the binaries of StyleCop within the project, storing them in version control.
I did that. It works on my machine, but fails on a different machine where StyleCop is not installed. After uninstalling StyleCop on my machine, it doesn't work there either.
The error message is the following:
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error The "StyleCopTask" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild..\StyleCop 4.7\StyleCop.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files (x86)\StyleCop 4.7\StyleCop.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. Demo
This is what I included in every .csproj file:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\externs\Microsoft.StyleCop\StyleCop.targets" />
The directory C:\demo\externs\Microsoft.StyleCop contains:
The copy of all the files from C:\Program Files (x86)\StyleCop 4.7,
The copy of C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\StyleCop\v4.7\StyleCop.Targets.
What's wrong?
It appears that StyleCop.Targets contains an absolute path:
AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\..\StyleCop 4.7\StyleCop.dll"
In order to be able to use StyleCop on machines where the application is not installed, change this path to something similar to:

Error doing an MSBuild on a CLR Storedprocedure project on Build Server

When building a CLR Storedprocedure Project using MSBuild on our build server (Team City) we're getting the following error:
error MSB4019: The imported project
was not found. Confirm that the path
in the declaration is
correct, and that the file exists on
I've checked to see if the file exists on disk and sure enough it doesn't. I've checked on my own machine and it does exist.
I don't really want to start copying over files manually to the build server.
Here's the line from the csproj file which is being imported to the proj file:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\SqlServer.targets" />
Here's the line from the proj file which is being run by our Team City Server:
<Import Project="..\$(ProjectName).csproj"/>
My question is really:
Where does this file comes from? Is it part of the Visual Studio install for example.. Or is there some re-distribution package somewhere to allow me to compile this project on our build server?
BTW.. if i just copy the file onto the Build server it does actually work.
Looks like it's part of the v2.0 framework install that gets moved into the v3.5 directory after that's added. You can either reinstall v2.0 of the framework or manually copy the file out of the v3.5 folder.
Up to Visual Studio 2012, the SqlServer.targets was deployed on the .NET Framework's msbuild.exe location, like
In modern versions, from Visual Studio 2013 on, the MSBuild tool is included with Visual Studio, and the MSBuild.exe and .targets files are deployed in their own folder. For example fo Visual Studio 2013:
c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\
(NOTE: 12.0 is the "internal" version number of VS2013)
IMPORTANT NOTE: SqlServer.targets only exists if you install SQL Server Data Tools in your Visual Studio Deployment.