Excluding locations from eBay Finding API - ebay-api

Using the finditemsadvanced service as part of eBays finding API, the documentation mentions filtering results to only include specific countries. However I'd like to exclude a small list of specific countries instead. Is there an option anywhere to exclude instead of include individual countries when querying for product listings?

only Exclude options are ExcludeSeller and ExcludeCategory
or you have to list all the Countries you want in ListedIn or LocatedIn
perhaps MaxDistance option can be suitable for your needs..


Is there an API call to list all available product id's (ID's alone) in Shopify?

I use POSTMAN GUI for retrieving a list of items from Shopify API.
I would like to know if there exists a way to get available product id's alone, preferably as a list of values over a single api GET call. The one I know of is
It returns a list of all product information, and looping over them/traversing the json is not very efficient. I hope there must be an easy way to fetch all ID's alone in one go. Should there be not?
You can add /admin/api/2022-04/products.json?fields=id to the end of your request to limit the output only for a single field or multiply.
Please note that if you have more than 250 products you will need to make more than one request, since the request is limited to 250 products.
You can make one call to the Admin API for all your product IDs using the Bulk Query. That will result in you receiving a URL where you download a file in JSONL format with every single product ID in your store, without the paging or limits of other approaches.

Retrieve ISBN from eBay listing via Shopping API

I'm trying to use the eBay shopping API to try and retrieve the ISBNs from listings for books. I already have the eBay IDs for the listings which I'm interested in. Likely that most will have the ISBNs included in the Item Specifics for the listing (some won't, these can be disregarded).
One would therefore assume that retrieving the Item Specifics from the API would give the ISBN as a value, but it appears that the output gives pretty much everything apart from the ISBN. For example, the following API request gives lots of interesting detail about the listing, apart from the ISBN itself:
I haven't had much joy searching the API docs for a solution to getting this particular element from the listing - does anybody have a solution for this? Or if it simply isn't possible to get the ISBN via the API cleanly, is there an alternative method? (This is for very small scale personal use.)
ISBN, UPC, EAN and suchlike come under the productID field.
This field is returned by using the Details value of IncludeSelector. So the url you would want is:
To get the ISBN form a catalogue product you need to use the productID value to make a request to the Product API.
You need to call getProductDetails with the input:
You can use ISBN10 or ISBN13 as the value of datasetPropertyName depending on which one you want.

Searching products using details.name and details.value using the Best Buy API

The Best Buy Search allows to search products specifying a criterion on details.name and details.value fields.
http://api.remix.bestbuy.com/v1/products(details.name="Processor Speed" & details.value="2.4Ghz")?apiKey=YOURKEY
However details is a collection. The query above actually returns all products has a detail entry named "processor" and a detail entry whose value is "2.4Ghz" but not necessarily in the same details entry. Is there a way to create a query that will return only products for which those value and name are for the same details entry ?
Unfortunately there is no way to do this unless the particular detail you are interested in has been exposed as a top level attribute (processor speed has not). To accomplish this you will need to run your query as you have described, and then comb through the results and remove the irrelevant products in your own code.

OpenERP customers separation

Please I would like to know ho to separate customers in category, since we have two type of customers, the first group should only appear in crm->customers only and vice versa to avoid having a huge list of customers when searching.
My first attempt is to add a tag to different customers to separate them, for example the crm customers have the tag name Mass mailing is it correct to achieve this with tags ?? and my second question how to set default search keyword for example if I click on sales -> customers how to set the default value of search box to for example crmOnly tag thanks.
you can use "domain" where ever you want to have a such a separation.

Google Places API: Using Multiple Name Parameters in the Places Search

I've been reading the documentation at: http://code.google.com/intl/nl/apis/maps/documentation/places/#PlaceSearches
But How do I modify the Place Search Request (shown below) so that I can limit the results to specific businesses only.
For example in the above code it hastypes=food&name=harbour as two of the parameters. How can I include just "bakery" and "cafe" (both are supported list types) as the types parameter and then include multiple name parameters as well.
In bigger cities it may come back with 20 or so results, but I want to limit it to a handful of businesses that I have agreements with and just show their names on the map. I don't want Starbucks to come back so I want to restrict it to just the 8-10 businesses that I have the agreements with. Their names will be stored in a database so I can easily retrieve them and pass them into the HTTP URL, but I don't know how to do multiple names and get them all to show up on the map at the same time.
Any links to tutorials that can help or your ideas and suggestions would greatly help!
You can include types "bakery" and "cafe" by modifying your request parameter types=food|bakery|cafe add more types separate by "|" operator
for supported type list refer Link