Can R access internet whilst running as an external script in SQL Server? - sql

I run the R portion of the code in Rstudio, and it works fine.
But when I call it inside SQL Server, it runs successfully, but cant return any results, only "I've got nothin'" which is the default error of the wikifacts package when it cant find a result to return.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
#language = N'R',
#script = N'
query <- "Microsoft"
answer <-, sentence = 1))
Im just wondering if its being blocked along the way, or not possible to call external data from SQL server? And what a possible workaround could be?

For anyone who wants to know, I had to disable outbound firewall rules for SQL server.


How do you see what SQL IronSpeed sends to the database?

I'm using IronSpeed Designer 12.2 and trying to write custom SQL in a WhereClause override. The custom SQL I wrote and submitted in the WhereClause is throwing an SQL exception, but I can't see the SQL IronSpeed is sending to the database. Without the SQL, I cannot troubleshoot.
I can't find where the SQL is submitted to the database, such as by an ExecuteReader method call.
I'm using a statement like this:
if (MiscUtils.IsValueSelected(this.MyFilter)) {
String sql = "(EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 CompanyId FROM Collateral as c WHERE CODE = '{0}' AND c.CompanyId = Company.CompanyId))";
wc.iAND(String.Format(sql, this.MyFilter.SelectedValue));
I know my WhereClause SQL is correct when used outside of IronSpeed because I copy-pasted it from a query working directly in MSSQL. However I can't see how IronSpeed combines it with its internally-generated SQL after it becomes a WhereClause.
I'm hoping someone has experience with this issue and can point me in the right direction. Thanks for the help!
If you look for answer long enough, you can find it yourself. Here's how I found you can examine the SQL sent to the database:
Go to C:\Program Files\Iron Speed\Designer v12.2.0.
Copy the BaseClasses folder to the root of my IronSpeed solution folder.
Add the existing BaseClasses project to the IronSpeed solution.
Delete the existing references to baseclasses.dll from the projects in the IronSpeed solution (I'm using a web app rather than web site project).
Add references to the BaseClasses project now included in the solution.
Open the file MicrosoftDynamicSQLAdapter.vb.
In method GetRecordValuesEx(...), go to line 1514 statement "reader = SqlTransaction.ExecuteReader(myCommand, cmdBehavior)" and set a breakpoint on this line.
Run the project. When the breakpoint is hit, examine the command of myCommand object.

Way to access a REST Service via a SQL Server stored procedure?

We are looking for a way to call a REST service from a SQL Server 2008 & newer stored procedure. We do not need to get any information from this service. We just need to force the call to run in the middle of a stored procedure.
I have found some 3rd party options or CLR; but I refuse to think there isn't an easier way since we just need to fire a call and don't need anything in return.
Hopefully someone can shed some light. Thanks!
You could make a SQL Agent job to run a PowerShell script, then run the job via msdb.dbo.sp_start_job. That way you wouldn't need any external scripts or utilites, nor any SQL-CLR.
Your job step would be something like:
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')
$result = $request.GetResponse()
I can think at least of 2 ways of doing that:
1) Probably prefered way:
Make a C# dll and call its function from the store procedure example:
How to call C# function in stored procedure
2) Call the rest service with the help of CURL utility.
DECLARE #PassedVariable VARCHAR(100)
SET #PassedVariable = ''
SET #CMDSQL = 'c:findword.bat' + #PassedVariable
EXEC master..xp_CMDShell #CMDSQL
have the call to the ws inside the bat file

Using Cacti for monitoring Microsoft SQL servers

Is anyone using Cacti to monitor SQL server counters (disk queue length, i/o requests etc).
If you are, how did you go about accomplishing this? Basically I gather a number of performance counters on my SQL Servers. I need a way to create graphs and slice and dice the data that I have gathered? If you know of any other graphing solutions let me know?
Yes, done this a few times:
It works really well. You need access to create a login. This is the script you run which is not invasive:
/* SQL 2005/2008 */
USE [master]
EXEC sys.sp_addsrvrolemember #loginame = N'cactistats', #rolename = N'processadmin'
CREATE USER [cactistats] FOR LOGIN [cactistats] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON [sys].[dm_os_performance_counters] TO [cactistats]
/* END */
Once it's run and you've added the scripts as per the installation documentation, you will be able to graph SQL metrics.
This answer is in addition to the correctly marked answer.
if you need to monitor a particular sql server instance, then you need to edit this script file
and change the line:
if (! $link = mssql_connect($host.':'.$port, $username, $password) )
$host = ($port == '1433' ? $host : $host.':'.$port);
if (! $link = mssql_connect($host, $username, $password) )
and when creating the graphs set the hostname and instance like such:

When to close the result set (Basic ODBC question)

I am working on some small project for the local firm and the following code runs fine on my machine, but it produces errors on their server. Currently I don't have access to that server, and this is not a field that I know a lot about, so I have to ask you guys.
The page is written in the classic ASP (javascript for scripting).
The logic goes like this:
bigQuery = "...";
rs = conn.execute(bigQuery);
while (!rs.eof) {
smallQuery = "..."
rssmall = conn.execute(smallQuery);
As I said this runs fine on my machine, but it returns some error (the worst thing is that I don't even know what error) on company's server if bigQuery returns more than ~20 rows. Is there something wrong with my code (this really isn't my field, but I guess it is ok to gather data in the loop like this?), or is there something wrong with their IIS server.
More info:
It 's Access database. Everything is pretty standard:
Queries are bit long, so I wont post them. They are totally ordinary selects so they aren't the issue.
I had a legacy Classic ASP application which I inherited that was very similar (big queries with other queries running within the loop retrieving the first query's results) that ran fine until forty or more records were returned. The way I "solved" the problem was to instantiate another connection object to run the other query. So using your pseudo code, try --
bigQuery = "...";
rs = conn.execute(bigQuery);
while (!rs.eof) {
smallQuery = "..."
rssmall = conn2.execute(smallQuery);
What server are they actually running?
Most newer versions of Windows Server don't actually come with the Jet 4.0 driver for 64 bit at all so you can't use an access database with that driver if your app runs as a 64 bit app. You can try running as 32 bit which might solve the problem.
There is an alternative driver packaged as an office component which may be an option.
Try writing a simple test page that literally opens and closes the database connection like so:
Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Response.Write("Database Opened OK")
Run this on the production server and if you see Database Opened OK then you'll know it's definitely the query rather than the database causing the issue.
If you get an error trying to open the database then you need to changed to using the newer driver or try the app in 32 bit mode
In the case that it is the query causing the issue then it may be that you'll need to use the various additional arguments to the Open() method to try using a different cursor (forward only if you only need to iterate over the results once) which will change how ADODB retrieves the data and hopefully mediate any performance bottleneck related to the query.
If you want to try debugging the code a bit more add the following at the start of the file. This causes the ASP script processor to continue even if it hits an error
On Error Resume Next
Then at intervals throughout the file where you expect an error might have happened do
If Err <> 0 Then
Response.Write(Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description)
End If
See this article from ASP 101 for the basics of error handling in ASP and VBScript

Problem during SQL Bulk Load

we've got a real confusing problem. We're trying to test an SQL Bulk Load using a little app we've written that passes in the datafile XML, the schema, and the SQL database connection string.
It's a very straight-forward app, here's the main part of the code:
objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER\\SERVER; Database=Main;User Id=Username;Password=password;";
objBL.BulkLoad = true;
objBL.CheckConstraints = true;
objBL.ErrorLogFile = "error.xml";
objBL.KeepIdentity = false;
objBL.Execute("schema.xml", "data.xml");
As you can see, it's very simple but we're getting the following error from the library we're passing this stuff to: Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll.
The message reads:
Failure: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted
We have no idea what's causing it or what it even means.
Before this we first had an error because SQLXML4.0 wasn't installed, so that was easy to fix. Then there was an error because it couldn't connect to the database (wrong connection string) - fixed. Now there's this and we are just baffled.
Thanks for any help. We're really scratching our heads!
I am not familiar with this particular utility (Interop.SQLXMLBULKLOADLib.dll), but have you checked that your XML validates to its schema .xsd file? Perhaps the dll could have issues with loading the xml data file into memory structures if it is invalid?
I try to understand your problem ,but i have more doubt in that,
If u have time try access the below link ,i think it will definitely useful for you
link text
I know I did something that raised this error message once, but (as often happens) the problem ended up having nothing to do with the error message. Not much help, alas.
Some troubleshooting ideas: try to determine the actual SQL command being generated and submitted by the application to SQL Server (SQL Profiler should help here), and run it as "close" to the database as possible--from within SSMS, using SQLCMD, direct BCP call, whatever is appropriate. Detailing all tests you make and the results you get may help.